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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Couple years. I have 5 accounts for some reason with 3 diff debt collectors for one truck They won’t consolidate them into one and assess fees on that or let me pay through them Thought I owed them 100 w late fees assessed but now I’m on the hook for 700
  2. I wish that was an option as I would be out 50.00 not 700.00 Not with this bridge. They will not assist at all and have me by the balls through DMV restraints.
  3. Local bridge here is taking me to the woodshed for 700.00 over a handful of trips across the bridge with some ungodly late fees. Paying 106.00 for one trip across in 2016. Anyone else ever get fleeced with insane charges due to late toll payments ?
  4. You’ve laid it out 67 times already. Give it a rest.
  5. Same, it would take Rosen and two firsts to swap them now. He kinda sucks
  6. All my gay friends are in love with everything Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, etc etc etc What is the mass appeal to the LGBQTRSTUVWXYZ ? Someone explain it to me ?
  7. The Nazi’s around here make a mean chicken cordon bleu.
  8. You’re not Daniel Jeremiah, I don’t need a bibliography of your bad takes ?. Sorry for asking. Rosen and Taylor are clearly better QBs that wobbly balls Allen
  9. What kind of stiff hurdles linebackers and runs for 99/100/136 yards as a QB ?
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