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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. The guy spent years telling us Tyrod didn’t suck He doesn’t care if he’s right or wrong.
  2. Which one of his points would you like to refute ? Whose the least embarrassing top Dem to you ? Willie Brown taught her diction.
  3. Didnt he go out a date ? Sounds like someone is whipped !
  4. Your opinion is the only one that matters in the world. You are a better and more enlightened man than most. Eff those low information voters.
  5. Whose the biggest douche in the NBA ? 1. LeBum 2. Kyrie Solid meltdowns from both this week.
  6. Lady to the left is good for 2 bottles of Pinot Grigio and a pack of Marlboro Lights a night
  7. Reeeeeeeee tard The B stands for Billions tidepods.
  8. CNN is presently behind the lines with a rare look inside the Taliban Theres also a Michael Cohen countdown timer covering a quarter of the screen ??
  9. Don’t forget this is also an option Lmao @ dumbass in Philly for obsessing over anti wall rants all day everyday. Try a dating site or something ?
  10. I’m being attacked for being white on twitter because I enjoyed the green book ?. Lot of people are angry at Green Book > Black Panther for some reason.
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