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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. He’s not my idol. I love laughing my ass off at people like you who are outraged because Jim Acosta told them to be. How boring is the follower life ?
  2. Arent you 60 ? I just want you to use your brain. We have enough CNN parrots. Tone down the histrionics kitty hat. Sounds like your blood sugar is rising
  3. Just to clarify Not a fan > smacking women > kicking animals ? Got it ??
  4. So @ShadyBillsFan and @ExiledInIllinois support this woman beater ? Yikes Thats gonna get you kicked out of the lefty club
  5. Kitty hat TDS’er posts TDS thread ??? You can visit the shoutbox to hear him link CNN’s talking points daily.
  6. We got it. California is wearing off on you. Lot of messages to dodge
  7. Agree. I don’t see toad the wet sprocket either. Seems like a show for hipsters.
  8. Im gonna take a nap. Is your boss gonna let you have 30 mins for lunch today ?
  9. Isn’t that Kevin’s dad from the wonder years ?
  10. Cool story. How much is that second mortgage running you ? You should move somewhere that doesn’t cost as much to live in. I hope the lady is bringing in some bacon so you can upgrade the Kia’s Enjoy those two weeks off cubicle boy ?? I don’t smoke dope grandpa. I don’t think anyone’s smoking dope anymore ??. Not my fault your a burnout who tried to steal 26corners threads but lack the ability to put two coherent sentences together. Just pipe down and tell us the president is fat 6,000 more times. What about the guns bro ?
  11. Yes I do. Yes I make double your salary. Yes i have 4 months off a year. Yes this is why Trump won because of people like you who assume they know more than others and look down on them. Enjoy being the kitty hat wearing stoner just trying to fit in the TDS agenda. You nailed that Russia thing ???? Back to the topic. You are ready to take all the guns away because of this right ? Speak louder dummy
  12. Go back to school. Make something of yourself. Every post of yours with 4th grade level jokes is more embarrassing than the prior. Don’t respond. You’ve been added to the blocked list.
  13. Im not 1000% sure but I heard whispers that he wished Kaepernick would get hit by a car or something along those lines. Wrong. You’re just another douche doing what CNN tells them to do. No one likes you for these simple reasons. Calling the president fat 2,000 times just isn’t funny. Pass that advice along to @ShadyBillsFan as well
  14. Eff him. Hes a repetitive ###### who doesn’t apologize for his lies
  15. Because you look like Brad Pitt for sure ??‍♂️???
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