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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. I’ve had 3 spicy chicken sandwiches this month ???
  2. All those trips to Popeyes are winning the war.
  3. No ones gonna forget about Rudy. Dying in stranger things was memorable but we will always remember that sack
  4. 2x yep, both times at the hand of a confused woman. HFC Bank worked 8-5 mon/tues/thurs/fri and. 12-9 on weds. Manager was off on maternity leave my first few months there. She returns and fires me for showing up at 12 on a weds as she was “looking for me” since 8 am. That was fun explaining to HR. She was too mad to let it go even though she was wrong. Geico — fired for asking a guy for his social security number (which is a mandatory question) for underwriting purposes and he got all pissy. Eventually faced off with managers manager who confused the unemployment judge as to why I was fired for asking a company mandated question
  5. I didn’t watch the game. I was at the beach but still have hot takes because i love hating Allen ?????? Mahomes only scored 13 What a loooooser
  6. He is the only one allowed to make threads, shut everyone else’s down ????
  7. One score vs the pats. Brown and Beasley to show up in RZ.
  8. Your posts on Tyrod were infinitely worse than anyone you’re calling out. Come on man.
  9. Wapo extorting Canada ? Pulls right up for me No payment requirements
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/10/07/groom-caught-sexually-assaulting-bridesmaid-gets-married-anyway/%3foutputType=amp
  11. You've missed the last 4 chiefs games huh ? Sammy is way way better than Zay but has been quiet since that week 1 mega game
  12. I don’t see a bag of chips in the trade. Just a 5th rounder
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