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Teddy KGB

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  1. pitcher of beer and chicken fingers ain’t so bad 🤣
  2. This is the norm in most of the movie theaters in my part of VA. There’s a few throwback classy theatres that do this but make you order 30 mins before movie starts so there aren’t interruptions
  3. I think the only movie I’ve liked in the last decade is the Guardians of the Galaxy. Can’t recall any other movies I’ve cared about
  4. We aren’t all a bag of bones, I’m bigger than dude it makes zero sense to think he wouldn’t sweat carry on
  5. Hes gonna break a sweat w me sir. Simma down 🤣
  6. What’s his height and weight ? I don’t think so as the man played safety in college so he’s probably a bad ass
  7. baseball stars is elite. Taka on the lovely ladies bench was a monster 1. Super Tecmo Bowl 2. Bases Loaded 2 3. Ring King 4. in the zone (nba) 5. early EA NHL games
  8. You thought Tyrod was good Can’t trust any cheerleader takes
  9. Because Mcclappy is a choke artist
  10. 16 min mark 👏🏼👏🏼 https://youtu.be/IK712iBqHxI?si=uhb7UD_FYgfLCOO-
  11. Today I learned you guys follow the thigh doctor
  12. He was amazing at UNC
  13. All is well for now lmao.
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