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Frostbelt City

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Everything posted by Frostbelt City

  1. 1. Terrible quality. 2. The Sabres are in fact... Blue and Gold. Here is a better song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eat3UtZTzJM
  2. I picked up Cruz in Fantasy... just in case...
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/11/report-jimmy-kennedy-suspended-by-nfl/
  4. The superbowl will be played inside of MGM...
  5. only $5 The ticket guy thought I was nuts... maybe I am... Then he told me theres a better chance with Detroit... perhaps.
  6. I can't see the Bills losing after coming back 21 pts against the Patriots... Although I do believe the Bengals could win... I will say they slow our offense down a bit nonetheless. 24-14 BILLS
  7. Pick up Nate Washington. Start sproles over henderson IMO. Chandler over Fred Davis (I have both of them too!)
  8. Just found out I'm going to Cinci today for the Bills game (I am going without tickets) I'm sure I'll find tickets when I get there so I'm not too worried Anyone else going? I hope Bills fans are loud and take over their stadium!
  9. I still watch this game and can't believe how loud and crazy we were. Has to be the loudest game I've ever heard in person and on T.V. although the Seattle opener a few years back was very, very close.
  10. that our stadium can be louder this Sunday than the Dallas MNF game?
  11. My grandfather passed last night due to heart failure... a huge Bills/Sabres fan. A Bills win would definitely up my spirits.
  12. Which god are you referring to? American god? Muslim god? Buddha?
  13. Getting old... we're getting younger. I'm fine with this move.
  14. I was going to go... but was so beat. Stayed home and watched Due Date instead!
  15. will it be on at some sports bars?
  16. Why do people make threads list this? This thread starter belongs on the real Bills message board where all the idiots are
  17. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/2011/08/stanley-or-vince.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+typepad/buffalonews/billboard+(BillBoard NFL all the way!
  18. Section 143 tickets... row 4. $13
  19. Blacked out kids day? Even the kids know whats up...
  20. What number was the kicker who lost the superbowl against the other new york team?
  21. Tatupu is a nice, household name..BUT... I don't think he would make much of an impact
  22. I really hope they show us a good game next week in Buffalo
  23. Was this worthy of a topic? This is why I left the official Bills Board.
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