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  1. The receiver slot looks like it may be a good place to make a deal. It just wouldn't be for another QB. There are other positions on the team that I would look to fill. If the Bills could grab a defensive player who is proven then it should be entertained.
  2. It's funny that u think I actually care about this enough to whine or cry. I could care less! I was just makeing the point that it seemed like everyone was ready for this somehow. It's actually funny that the Bills have managed to make themselves a laughing stock of an organization. Also, being a die hard Red Sox fan...there is hope with new owners. So, untill then............and when???????????
  3. It sounds as if a lot of people are laughing at the Bills. ESPN went out of their way to rip the Bills on the Lynch play. They said something to the point of the former Bills RB Marshawn Lynch scores a game winning TD for the Seahawks as the Bills watch from home etc. etc....It's like a welcoming party for everyone who wants to rip the Bills organization and put them in their place...?
  4. Wow. The statistics do not lie. That's an extreme improvement in one year. I'm sure G. Williams coached many of the same players that Edwards had and was able to improve drastically in just one year. Thanks for the info and make a spot on the bandwagon.
  5. I don't understand why Bills fan would want to bash what could be a glimmer of hope or a positive thing for the team. Fitz (QB) is one position on the team that actually could be solved already. Just don't understand why a Bills fan would want that to be untrue. Fitz actualy gave the team a chance in most games he played than not.
  6. I'm on point with you. I lmao when I saw that....................
  7. True story. This is a very funny thred. Oh, now we want to talk about we wanted him B.S. lmao Very funny. News made on the field folks.
  8. I couldn't have typed a better response to this thred if I tried. Why DO people slam a rookie? Or a first year starting QB on a new team/new offense? Championships teams are not built overnight. Nor in less than a decade if you are a Bills fan.
  9. Wow. The funny thing is I knew what you were thinking when I read the thread. I have thought about the possibility. But like was said, there could naturally be a team who is worse. I guess we could go on and on with this one......
  10. He acts,talks,has the look of an above average QB. I believe if he gets a productive TE, the receivers stay healthy, he can be very productive at his position. He definately was on a team this year where I believe Fitz felt like he had to "make something happen". So, with that said, Fitz was forced into some bad throws. I will admit there were plenty that made me scratch my head. I am going to wait 'till after the 2011 season on my oppinion on weather Fitz could be a franchise QB. I just have never had this much of a "gut fealing" that the guy could be special some day. JMHO
  11. If you had just put up "The spitter" instead of Cowher....How many people would have guessed?? Didn't the Bills already do the Stealer thing a few years back with no success...!?
  12. That would average a first down in 3 downs every time. Just a thought. Ok. First....throw away the computer as I did for a year.lol.. That will help tremendously!! But....Just got one for Christmass. So, I guess I can blame the person who gave it to me for being back. Damn.
  13. Irregardless of the fact that Marshawn had some off-field issues, or that I was 100% against trading him, of that there is no such word as ' irregardless ' - Lynch is one helluva punishing back. Everyone is focusing on yesterday's 67-yd TD run - which was freakin' amazing - but I think this one more accurately typifies ' BEASTMODE ' ... Look at the score too. Down by 21 points. Damn. I always liked ML build. He is like a battering ram.
  14. I may agree with this one. I had to take a break from football and The Bills for a while. I couldn't beleive they traded this guy. I saw him last nite early in the game and said "Lynch"?? I thought he was a Bill??? Lmao. I just thought he was hurt and Freddie was filling in. I guess I can take a break again. Nothing changes in Buffalo!....???
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