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Everything posted by QCity

  1. Gailey's offense doesn't rely heavily on the TE. The whole Miller thing was pretty much concocted on the 2 local message boards and never really had any legs. FA isn't over with yet. If the Bills grab Clabo and a ILB like Burnett, would that satisfy you?
  2. Do you actually watch Football Games? Just saying...If you don't know what Brad Smith brings to the table then you're just not paying attention... I too would have to question if a lot of people here watch football games if they don't know who Brad Smith is...
  3. Don't know who he even is, but he must still be living in the 80s if he thinks $15M is overpaying. Wow. I was expecting a 5yr deal in the $26-$28M range tbh.
  4. Wow I thought for sure he would demand a 5 year deal. 3 years - $15M is very reasonable.
  5. Correct, he's better because he's younger, faster, a better tackler, and isn't injury prone. Also he's a much more physical player.
  6. The only FA ILB out there that's better is Tulloch, and good luck with that since the Titans are planning on signing him to a long term deal. Poz was a bit overrated, but he was the best ILB we had, and the 2nd best in FA this year. The defense took a step back today no mater how you rationalize it.
  7. The wall used to be red, then they changed it to navy blue to match their change in uniforms (which obviously, they no longer use). And yeah it looks terrible with the new royal blue lol, I'm sure they will get around to changing it. It's kinda like buying a new tailored suit and mismatching it with a 20 year old tie from your closet. Even a small change like the wall really makes the field pop. Field looks fantastic though!
  8. You can use use all the hyperbole and strawman arguments you like, it won't make your point valid. The argument was that teams with higher revenues can more easily fix their mistakes. Rather than argue the point, or just admit you are wrong, you try to derail it. I gave you two quick examples (out of hundreds) off the top of my head of where a high revenue team was able to overcome their mistakes with money. Before I typed this reply, I just noticed you have 5,000+ posts in 2 years. Now it makes sense, you're the Google-educated forum warrior that argues just for the sake of arguing. I know the earth is flat and I'll toe the line regardless! Anyways I'm not going to continue this back-and-forth. Maybe you learned something today, even if you won't admit it. Here's one for the your reading comprehension file: The article you are quoting uses figures from the 2009 season and the Giant's old stadium, yet still reflects the debt of the new stadium built in Apr 2010. So even your derails and grasps at straws are factually incorrect. Good work.
  9. You seem to have a problem with comprehending what we are arguing about. Let's try again First of all, I never implied that the signing of one free agent all of a sudden made their defenses great. If you fail to recognize this, then you lack the basic reading comprehension skills necessary to continue this conversation. What these teams did is patch up holes (from their mistakes) by signing veteran players (using their revenue). Teams with higher revenue can correct their mistakes easier. I've underlined it for emphasis. There are hundreds of examples of this. Exactly. They chose not to. Now why did they choose not to? Were they snowed in? Was Ralph in a bad mood that month? Some world crisis distracting them? No. The Bills are a low revenue team that doesn't have the revenue to easily fix their mistakes. I don't even know what to say to this. Are you somehow implying that the new stadium is a financial burden to these teams? Use all the fuzzy logic/math you want, the Bills are no where near the revenue the Giant/Jets take in. Exactly. I never said money got the Bills into their problems, ten years of mismanagement did.
  10. You can seriously be arguing that more revenue doesn't help your team recover. Jets draft Ghoulston. He's a bust. Jets are able to sign Trevor Pryce away from Ravens and the D plays great. Bills draft Maybin. He's a bust. Bills sit on their hands have to wait for the next draft. Giants draft K. Phillips. He's sidelined with tons of injuries. No problem Giants sign A. Rolle and the team competes for a playoff spot. Bills draft [insert anyone here]. He's a bust. Bills have to make due with what they can. The Cowboys make a ton of terrible decisions over a decade yet still compete for playoff spots (4 in last decade) The Bills make a ton of terrible decisions over a decade and can't crack .500 See, you are inferring that "recovery" means a Super Bowl appearance. No, the difference is slighter, like a team that can still play over .500 vs. a team perpetually mired near the bottom of the division.
  11. Sigh. Corporations buy the luxury boxes, and the luxury boxes are exempt from revenue sharing. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Do you want me to explain it? RW never said lack of money was the reason for the dreadful last decade, I think most of us know it was 10 years of terrible drafting. Do you need money to win? No of course not. But it does help and offers a huge advantage to those that have it - you can't retain your best players or make big splashes in FA without it.
  12. Believe me, the last thing you want is for the organization to be run like "most other businesses." For as much as Ralph gets kicked around, the man is an astute businessman. Everyone knows that moving this team to a new location like LA with a brand new stadium would rain cash from the sky. When Ralph goes and new ownership takes over, they just may want to run it like "most other businesses." Say bye to the Bills if that happens.
  13. Nah the estate tax is back for 2011 and future years at 55%. So when Ralph passes, the team gets sold.
  14. Steinbrenner died while the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy were still in effect. He paid zero in taxes and his family saved close to $500 mil.
  15. Just to clarify something for you, we aren't saving cash by passing on a QB in the 3rd spot. Regardless of what CBA/rookie wage scale they implement, the number 3 pick will get paid less than #2, and more than #4. If we drafted a kicker in that spot it wouldn't change the amount we have to pay him. Agents for first round picks argue position drafted, not athletic performance.
  16. I think the fact that you are rating a CB based on tackles and PD is your first problem. Nnamdi Asomugha probably won't even find a team next year with his horrible stats
  17. Seriously. I know it's common for fans to bad mouth a player when it appears they could be out the door, but Flo was easily the best DB on this team last year. If Williams struggles (which is very possible) and we let Flo get away, all of a sudden our 2 corners are the oft-injured McGee and Leodis (who is very shaky).
  18. We should, the biggest factor in compensatory picks is salary (there are other factors like playing time and postseason success). Kampman and Vanden Bosch both signed deals worth about 6.5M a year, and their respective teams got a 4th round pick. Most likely he'll sign for around 5-6M a year, which should be enough to get us a 5th round pick.
  19. Well, I'd like to point out there were only 11 safeties listed, so they rank him last. If more were added he could drop lower. Here's the link
  20. Your continuous rants that every single one of the Bills picks this year will wind up on the practice squad and that the Bills will be 0-16 for the next 3 years with Fitz degrading into Jamarcus Russell is comical, and your refusal to see the fact that the Bills are improving completely discredits any of your posts. Go ahead and sell your season tickets, and then look up the meaning of hyperbole.
  21. Please don't drive traffic to this guy's site, he intentionally gives harsh reviews for this sole purpose. He has no more football knowledge than any of the other 100,000 bloggers out there.
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