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Everything posted by QCity

  1. If those numbers are correct, and we got Freddy for the next 3 years at ~$11M, then that's an absolute steal for us. Wow.
  2. The offseason was too good this year. Changing the picture might jinx us.
  3. Well, he might have been nominated to be a professional scout - and in my eyes that's the same thing. The spreadsheet I'm using to track this stuff simply doesn't have the room. I hope this doesn't cause problems for all the former 1st rounders.
  4. Sweet. I was a NFL GM for most of my professional life. I think that brings this board's count up to 18 GMs, 47 head coaches, 198 scouts and 312 team office personnel. Feel the knowledge!
  5. He sure was nominated! He came in 4th in voting for AFC quarterbacks. Congrats on your new Pro Bowl status Fitzy!
  6. Wait a minute, does this mean we can start calling Fitz a Pro Bowl QB?
  7. Fans always marginalize good play and exaggerate deficiencies whenever a player is shown the door. I have to admit I'm a bit surprised - I thought Flo would have made a great nickel corner. McGee is the better player, but his injury history made me think he was the one on the chopping block.
  8. At this point I have to think you are either from Texas, or have just been trolling us all along. The man cannot throw a football at the NFL level (he can run like blazes though, I will give him that). Anyway, now that he's gone, I guess I should have had more faith in the front office.
  9. Well, as you said, there isn't much evidence to support him as a backup. But what's important, is that there also isn't any evidence to suggest that he can't be a backup. We already have evidence that VY can't backup - look at last year. And that was in an offense catered to a mobile QB. He was flat-out unprepared to play last year. You really don't want to start using passing stats to make an argument for VY.
  10. OK, I completely take back what I said. This morning, that guy made his own thread about that, and it was over the top and ridiculous. It appears they merged his thread into this one, and if you did read his rant in this thread I can now see why you made your post.
  11. Dennis Dixon, Billy Volek, hell even 41-yr old Mark Brunell. As shocking as it sounds, Tyler Thigpen. You know as bad as Thigpen played last year, at least I can go back and point out one good season he had throwing the football. Call me a traditionalist, but I like QBs who are able to throw. Vince Young cannot throw a football. He's never thrown for more than 12 TDs in a season. He failed miserably as a backup in Philadelphia last year, and that's the player you're getting. Please don't bring up his record with TEN, as someone else just pointed out, the resurrected corpse of Kerry Collins led them to a 13-3 record when he got hurt.
  12. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=available+free+agent+qbs+may+2012
  13. Why do people think there are only 2 options here? This isn't a case of Thigpen or Young, take it or leave it. There's plenty of people here that don't like either option, and there are other QBs out there. What I find tiresome is the hyperbole. I don't see any pristine "moralists" here or people claiming that there are "lofty moral standards" to play for the Bills. What thread are you reading? I see a lot of people that don't want a mentally unstable QB to come in and screw up what looks to be a promising season. I doubt there's a single person in the Eagles organization that thinks VY helped their team last year. That's the reality of the situation. And even if there were a "lofty western NY moral code," the fact that you brought up OJ, a man who was charged 15 years after he left the organization, really puts the stamp on how idiotic your post was.
  14. I'm thinking he would be great for the economy in Fort Erie. Low risk lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW7WyrsXKpQ
  15. reed83 4th Rounder, great post. But the problem with it is that it is far too logical and based in reality, and you used statistics to back your claims. For those reasons alone it will fall on deaf ears, because reality is just no fun.
  16. Speaking of insane asylums, the fact that we have BryLin here definitely improves his fit within the area. I wonder if his agent will bring it up during negotiations?
  17. Let's bring back Terrell Owens and really make this fun! Come on guys, he went to 6 pro bowls!!!!
  18. Yeah, I think signing him would be a mistake, but this is a little over the top...
  19. This isn't putting a bee in your bonnet - that would imply we are bringing in someone to fire up the troops. This man is just flat out lazy. His own Tennessee teammates described his lack of work ethic as "legendary." That type of player is a cancer. Saying there is no downside is like saying there is no downside to owning a pet rattlesnake. I am always amazed at the selective memory of some fans to completely block out the negatives, and only focus on the positives. 31-9 as a starter? The man lost his job to Trent Edwards last year lol. Nobody remembers him freaking out and throwing his equipment into the stands? Or him disappearing for weeks? Or the coach-killer label he rightfully earned? I hope you are right about the due diligence part!
  20. If you completely ignore locker room chemistry, then sure. The guy is a headcase and a petulant whiner.
  21. And RGIII is not an established QB. You want to devote 100% of your resources to developing your prize pick. Typically a veteran backup has been the way to go. Good luck Shanny, don't let your ego hit you in the ass.
  22. All it takes is one hit. The mood in Bills Country is high right now and everyone has dreams of the playoffs. But let's say the worst-case scenario occurs, and Fitz goes down in Week 1 with a knee injury and is done for the year. With our current QB depth, what's our record at the end of the year? 4-12? 5-11 maybe?
  23. TJ Graham 5'11", 188 lbs Last college year: 46 rec, 757 yds 40 time: 4.41 Vertical: 33 David Clowney 5'11", 188 lbs Last college year: 34 rec, 424 yds 40 time: 4.37 Vertical: 32 They were also both track stars in college. Clowney may even be more of a burner - he once ran a 4.29 in the 40.
  24. I must be confusing it with another interview then. Smokescreen from Buddy? I am surprised!
  25. If you continually false start, your punishment is that you have to freeze in your stance until someone makes contact with you. It's used more often in practice, and gives defenders a free shot at you. Nobody touched him on that play, so he had to sit there and wait for contact.
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