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Everything posted by QCity

  1. Just ok? I am thrilled with what happened yesterday. The FO admitted the whole FItz thing was a mistake, and moved on. That alone feels like a 500 pound gorilla off our back. Also we didn't get suckered into paying the 10th-15th best guard in the league $40M.
  2. You did a great job assessing and predicting the outcome of the Fitz scenario this offseason. I don't think any of your football predictions are based in reality. For example: losing a guard and a backup QB does not indicate a team is in "full rebuild mode." Furthermore, I'm starting to question if you are an accredited doctor.
  3. Whoa, whoa, whoa take your rational and logical posting and beat it. We need players NOW or ELSE....
  4. It got glossed over in all the excitement I think.
  5. It sure does, and it would explain Clayton's numbers. LaCanfora has us spending only $136.5, which would put us only $2M over the adjusted cap. Only reasoning I can think of is they broke their own accounting rules to land Mario. It doesn't necessarily indicate a change from our current system. As a matter of fact, LaCanfora lists us spending $136M in cash with almost $10M available in cap room, which pretty much confirms we are still using cash to cap methodology.
  6. It's just the Fitz Fan Club venting off some steam. For some reason a lot of posters thought we were going to pay him $10M this year. I myself have been smiling since 4PM, and I'm about to crack open a beer
  7. Well now you've got me confused what we are arguing. I know last year our cap number was $141M, and we spent $139M so it doesn't lead me to believe we have changed our accounting system. This year our ceiling is $130M, and I bet we settle in around $125M-$127M. Here's an older thread where I tried to break down this years numbers under cash to cap accounting.
  8. Nah it gets added to the cap, read that second article you posted - (numbers are for the upcoming 2013 season) The cap last year was $120M + $21M rollover for a total of $141M. We spent $139M out of $141M. (I have no idea why John Clayton said we were $5M over) Shhhhhhh. We just lost our top 2 whipping boys, Kelsey and Fitz - you can't take away Ralph.
  9. Nah Kelly you are just forgetting about the rollover. Last year before the Mario signing they rolled over a whopping $21M. This year they rolled over something like $9M.
  10. Whaaa? They've used cash-to-cap the last 4+ years. This signing is an excellent illustration of the two different accounting methods. With amortization the cap hit would be $3M, however under our cash to cap accounting, it's going to sting us for $6M this year. Still, an excellent signing.
  11. no, in cash to cap it all counts this year. That is a very reasonable contract.
  12. See, we might have a better LB core than the Super Bowl champs right now!!! Ok, no we don't. I agree with you about Newsome's skill as a GM, but I think he just got the rug pulled from underneath him on this one. The Ravens made a statement last week that signing Ellerbe was their #1 priority, and after the Boldin trade to free up space, it looked like that was a lock to happen.
  13. I didn't say your post did not make sense, I said it was nonsense. This line in particular - "There is simply no way to reconcile our way out of this loss." Really?
  14. OK this one stings. I would have been alright with the Ravens re-signing him, but going to the Fins WTF.....
  15. You know, I always thought Ruben Brown was overrated (I used to roll my eyes at some of his latter Pro-bowl selections), but I still thought he was a top 5 guard. Having said that, Levitre was not in his class. I can name 6-7 better guards than Andy right now off the top of my head, and if I used Google, probably 3-4 more. I'll even go a step further - let's say Levite made the Pro-bowl the last 2 seasons. I still wouldn't give him $8M.
  16. lol are you related to Levitre? Sorry but that post is nonsense.
  17. Heh, I said this in another post - if you put Levitre's jersey on Reinhart 95% of the people on this board would not notice the difference.
  18. That's hysterical. If you think this phone call had anything to do with Fitz's release you probably also beleive the moon landing was faked and the pyramids were built by aliens. Do you sleep with all that tinfoil on your head? A number of us had laid out months ago (in great detail) exactly what was going to happen with Fitz, not by guesswork, but with logic and deductive reasoning. And you know what? It happened exactly as we said it would. The only question left after the Nix story was how soon would the kooks show up to blame his release on a leaked phone call. That question just got answered too.
  19. Has nothing to do with afford. Has everything to do with value.
  20. Don't like to lose him but I applaud the FO for letting him walk at that price.
  21. And yet 4 posts ago you were whining that Buddy Nix told somebody this big secret. Which is it?
  22. I see black smoke rising from the chimney at One Bills Drive.
  23. I can't believe so many posters thought we were going to pay Fitz $10M dollars. Use logic people.
  24. It's fine that you think that, but don't make up whatever quotes you like and try to pass them off as legitimate.
  25. 1 day 2 hours left...the suspense is unbearable...
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