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Everything posted by QCity

  1. Here's actual gameplay from a new release on the PS4 called "The Division" This looks insane... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFHwI-DvYrM&hd=1
  2. I don't think it's fine, it's definitely not helping. If they don't get a deal done by July 15th and he skips training camp, then I think you will see public sentiment turn against him. K-9 you owe me a video of Byrd getting smoked....
  3. Byrd wasn't even on the field for the Cleveland TD, it was Wilson, Rogers and Gilmore on that side. So.....yeah, your memory needs some refreshing. He has no man assignment in a zone cover-1, so you can't lay the blame squarely on him. He was the best coverage free safety in the league last year. Maybe you've been confusing him with Justin Rogers all these years?
  4. I've had an XBox 360 for over 5 years and I love the thing, but after this last week and watching E3, there's no way on earth I will be supporting this piece of crap. What the heck is Microsoft smoking? DRM, daily connectivity check, no used game market, no indie dev support, a Kinect that monitors you, and it costs $100 more than the PS4? They should call it the Xbox Titanic lol
  5. Fell flat the next? He had his best year last year. He didn't allow a single TD in coverage, and as QB's shied away from him (only 21 targets), he still managed to pick off 5 balls and change the outcome of at least 1 game (maybe 2). He's the best coverage free safety in the league, and aside from an aging Ed Reed the best free safety in the league period. If you indeed watched his play last year and considered it average, you either a) don't know the difference between a strong safety and a free safety, or b) need to cut back on your liquor intake during these games. There wasn't a better free safety on the field last year, and I'm not just saying that as some blindly-devoted Bills' homer. If you want to make the argument that a safety isn't worth $8M+, okay, that discussion has legs. But to say he's average and can be upgraded is laughable.
  6. The NFL is a little different than the military. Just a little.
  7. And just what BS is that? The noise from a handful of people on this forum who don't understand how the franchise tag works? *yawn*
  8. It's very sad. Frustrating that inferior sites (i.e. Walter Football, Bleacher Report) can turn a profit with their sub-par analysis but a quality publication couldn't.
  9. Wait until Kiko finds Khippewa, then we might see krazy.
  10. I thought this thread was going to be about Lee Evans
  11. It's much better for ratings to become a bottom-of-the-barrel contrarion (i.e. Skip Bayless) than it is to provide an accurate analysis. It's unfortunate, but we reward the "look at me" media by not looking away.
  12. If by average you mean arguably the top FS in the league and the best FS we have had in the history of our franchise, then yeah, average.
  13. Cut this scrub already.
  14. Yeah but which one gets named Superbowl MVP? This truly is the best time of the year for Bills fans
  15. I remember them getting revenge and beating us in the playoffs 20-14. Fergy played on a busted ankle, and Fouts beat us late in the game with a bomb. I seem to remember Muncie fumbling at some point.
  16. This signing has Whaley written all over it.
  17. Wow I think that thing looks laughably hideous!! It looks like a combination of an air-craft hangar and a church! That has to be just a concept, right?
  18. Who's nuts, the woman who takes advantage of advancing medical technology, or the millions of people who go to psychics to get told what they want to hear? Yeah... listening to doctors is crazy!
  19. Duly noted. We can revisit this in a few weeks, as Byrd probably won't be showing up for OTAs (rightfully so) and eventually the News will run a column pointing this fact out, which should send a large portion of the fanbase into meltdown mode.
  20. I guess it depends how intriguing. James Hardy level? Ultimately you have to trust the coach and his coordinators, it's hard for fans to gauge rookies in their 1st camp. But if Smith beats out that rookie in camp and earns a spot over him, so be it.
  21. Well, if you're trying to say his production over the last 3 years isn't worth what we're paying him, you'll get no argument out of me. The question is, was it his fault or was he used incorrectly? I think it's a combination of both, and I think a new offensive-minded coach like Marrone who wants to feature an up-tempo west coast offense has to be intrigued. Like others in the thread have said, we aren't desperate to create cap space this year.
  22. ...and we hit both with the franchise tag! Right?
  23. That WGR figure of $3.75M is correct, but it includes bonuses already paid. If we cut him today, we only save $2.75M this year. Here's a few sources more authoritative than our local reporters. Link1 Link 2
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