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Everything posted by QCity

  1. OK that sounds great but who the heck in Joe Chenelly? I mean, he seems like a nice guy and all but I don't see any connection to any organization or press.
  2. Warning: language is NSFW Dennis Thurman, NY Jets DB Coach, Hard Knocks 2010
  3. Berchtold and Overdorf... these two should not be a part of this franchise going forward.
  4. Step off the ledge and come back inside. We have the best defensive coach in the league signed for 5 years.
  5. Schwartz was gone the minute Ryan signed the contract. There's no way the 2 can co-exist. We'll be just fine.
  6. I don't see any way the 2 can co-exist. They have schematic and philosophical differences.
  7. When are they going to announce the firing of Hackett? I don't want to miss that.
  8. Rex Ryan to Buffalo Bills: Collection of best Twitter reaction to former Jets coach staying in AFC East
  9. There's like a dozen people on TSW that can't even spell his name right hehe
  10. I'm a bit stunned, I thought for sure we would have to settle for Reich.
  11. The best football weekend of the year is about to begin! Stoked!
  12. I didn't watch last night's game but did Tampa really have 27 shots in one period?? Wowwww
  13. Buffalo Bills Jim Schwartz +110 Frank Reich +110
  14. I think after 15 years most fans understand that we aren't going anywhere without a QB. You'd have to go back to the Jauron years to find a worse QB situation than we're in right now, and based on the dumpster fire of a FA QB crop out there, it probably isn't going to get much better anytime soon.
  15. Good game. My guesses: Jets - Dan Quinn Bears - Doug Marrone 49ers - Mike Shanahan Falcons - Rex Ryan Raiders - Tony Sparano Bills - Frank Reich
  16. I don't know what I'm watching here, I think it closely resembles hockey? I don't fear Carolina anymore, this is a two-horse race between us and Edmonton.
  17. Big game against Carolina tonight
  18. Agreed. I've already made 4 posts too many in this thread.
  19. Correct. Browns interviewed Doug on Thurs, we interviewed him on Fri. Saturday was when the smoke got blown i.e. 2nd BS "interview", it spreads on Twitter, and Russ caves and gives him the opt-out with no offsets. If you're looking for an agent, I would go with Sexton.
  20. Yeah, exactly. That's how blowing smoke works. There's no source to that, just a rumor that got planted then passed around and echoed throughout the Twittersphere. Schefter's agent is also Jimmy Sexton, same as Marrone. How odd. Don't make me stick up for TG, I feel dirty.
  21. He didn't interview with the Browns twice, that's Sexton blowing smoke.
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