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  1. currently live in tn and attended the game after a year in the middle east. had a portable tv with me so when ever I sat down I had a lot of new friends to help crowd in and keep us warm. I ad been colder at the rockpile but it had been awhile since I had been to a home game.
  2. bills -chiefs afc championship 30-13. have some great photos of Montana getting sacked. froze but it was well worth it.
  3. Jackson TN. originaly from Rochester
  4. have been a billeiver for 40years, can't stop now. tough no-nonsense smash them in the mouth football with a touch of razzele thrown in and we will be playing in the post season. (i know , stating the obvious)
  5. got to go with the jets bus crashing and burning, No really just a resounding "jets lose"! i feel better about beating the pats again and think that the jets are just that much more of a threat.
  6. this crew has not been kind to us over the years, i seem to remember a number of really bad calls over the years. anyone remember the worst call this team was part of?
  7. So if Peyton is done does that mean that this year is voided on his mega contract. Something about a pre-existing condition...
  8. is there a sign up sheet for the Michael Jasper Fan club
  9. didn't rexy just cut another first round bust? guess he was un-coachable. good luck with maybin, he coulda bin a contender now he's just a jets pretender. Go Bills!!! oops forgot .... J-E-T-S , jets suck
  10. Micheal Jasper runner up behind Dareus for rookie of the year! How is that for positive?
  11. I am not a fan of either side...but i must say that this last minute posturing by the players is unnessary and a bit insulting. what have the "nflpa" and the owners been talking about for the past several weeks? This final act of we will show you who is in charge is both pointless and makes me care even less about the plight of the poor player. At this point i go back to my original statement "cut them all and rehire" we might not see our favorite names for a season but we will have new ones. (immpossiable statement but wouldn't it be fun to watch the player sputter over it). We will have football but i am tired of listening to the players union cry the blue.
  12. M. Jasper trains down the street from me with Artis Hicks (related). I have spoken to a number of folks at Bethel College and all have talked about him being huge on character as well as size. We need to develop him or someone else will make him a star in the NFL.
  13. i have seen his video and spoken to coachs at Bethel. cannot question his passion and desire. we all root for the underdog and hope that he makes the team. future is pretty bright. Go Bills!
  14. of course they did, it is business. they signed a bad deal and had the option to get out of it. the players exercised their right to litigate. the result if the players win an anti trust lawduit is the breakup of the NFL and the introduction of the wild west. i don't think anyone wants that. the only people scheduled to win are the lawyers.
  15. Brady and Manning are both vetern players that while i do not agree with them have earned the right to do as they please. Von Miller has called into question the very process that may earn him millions. why take a chanec on a player with potenial but no proof as to whether he will pan out and he is already a malcontent. and in answer to your question i would take brady over manning every day of the week and three times on sunday.
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