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Everything posted by KellyToTasker

  1. And we we’ve been SOL for the past month plus for (insert worry flavor of the week). Against Pittsburgh we were doomed because of weather/physical toughness and run game of the Steelers. This week, it’s the refs. Same as before, people need to CALM down.
  2. Perhaps he will go the other way as to not “look” a certain way. Pound the Chiefs, doesn’t matter. Keep in mind, the Chiefs are the team that called the reffing community out for all to see.
  3. The Bills had 10 calls against little to none against the Eagles in the first half. The second half, I don’t remember much of if anything called at all. The NFL addressed that crap at halftime, note, we were winning at halftime even with the penalties. It’ll be OKAY.
  4. Large part of two games.
  5. The same team that lost against the Raiders on Christmas Day, against a QB that didn’t complete a pass for the last three quarters?
  6. We just played Harris and Warren, two larger thumpers, for a good portion of the game with guys not expecting to play. We’ll be fine, they’ll get all the reps. On the front and back ends of the defense we’ll be healthier this week than yesterday.
  7. Nobody was at the game. Covid year.
  8. I felt there wasn’t enough there to overturn the call, had it been called a recovery, that would’ve stayed also. That said, it was a good challenge. Just put the Bills in a bad spot with no further challenges. Refs were even in my opinion. Steelers got away with their own share of calls. Better team won.
  9. Is that true? He just played two days ago? High School from memory.
  10. I 110% agree, it was crazy how much of a cushion they had at times. I hope Davis doesn’t play as much. Let the other guys play, it’s working.
  11. He pretty much only drops the poorly thrown passes. Knox drops many of the well thrown passes. They’re not the same.
  12. Allen did NOT fake slide. Remove the goggles.
  13. Offside! Oh wait, wrong complaint. Let me check the whiner file. Oh, there it is! Fake slide…Ah yes, another doozy by the entitled Chief fan base. He was bracing for impact, not faking a slide. Go listen to your Swifty music, you’ll feel better. Or maybe ask Taylor to write a song about a guy and his misleading ways.
  14. Josh really went off in those empty stadiums. Crowd still got loud in the Covid attendance.
  15. 😂 I attacked you? Just a simple exercise asking for evidence, much like you tend to ask from others.
  16. Yup, let’s do. Please tally all of your posts….No need to over think, just group them by positive or negative. Judging by this thread alone, you strongly lean negative. So, as insightful you think that you are, it’s mostly whoa is the Bills and anyone with a point to the contrary is misled with optimism.
  17. It’s a normal NFL week. Needle won’t move much if not at all.
  18. Please stop. Let’s not invent things to worry about. There’s a LONG line of that weak mentality thinking over the past MONTH. Bills are not the Browns, they are not the Cowboys, they know exactly what it takes to win.
  19. Bills are due for a whomping on a team.
  20. I saw a KC offense that struggled to score TDs against a depleted Dolphins defense that had no LBs. Take Rice away, Kelce isn’t the same.
  21. I would’ve gone for sure, close enough. But if the Bills wanted to stay in Buffalo, then I want them to play in Buffalo. Disrupts the Steelers more than anyone else. Our guys only have to worry about doing a virtual walkthrough today. Steelers travel plans are delayed, made much more arduous, etc.
  22. And that’s what she said…..I’ll see myself out.
  23. And lost to the Raiders on Christmas Day, while beating a Dolphins team that is 1-5 against teams with a winning record.
  24. That’s just asking too much
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