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Everything posted by KellyToTasker

  1. Didn't they make a push in the 90's for MLB? Triple A standards, the Bison's park is nice! Even better in comparison 20 plus years ago. I'd be an instant fan if the Bisons became an MLB club.....I just don't think it'll ever happen.
  2. I recently moved to the New Orleans area. By not having the experience of a true and seasoned citizen of New Orleans, I opted to commute a long distance. Between the crime rates and school systems (you need to get into a charter school or pay for private to receive an adequate education), living outside of the city made sense for my family. I have friends that love living in the city and wouldn't have it any other way (with or without kids). It just depends on what's right for you. The city offers much (food, culture, etc.). People are proud of where they're from. You just need to know where to go and stay on the beaten path.
  3. Thanks eball, yes exactly. This time every year I start to get excited about the upcoming season. The hard part of the offseason is over.....It's all down hill from here. The schedule is out, we have our new draft picks, and I'm planning the annual trip to Buffalo to watch a game at the Ralph. What comes with all of that is the annual phone call to Directv. No matter how the phone call goes, I'll get the ticket. I can't miss a game. Every year, posters here provide their tactics and the deals they have received. Because of the AT&T merger with Directv, I thought it was prudent to bring the topic up (approaches may need to change this year - Directv may or may not be more apt to negotiate a deal). It was also to point out, although slightly, that prices have increased. This tends to happen yearly, until the bubble bursts. Meaning, they essentially hit a reset button and reduce the overall pricing to attract a wider customer base. I think, over time, the ticket will continue to evolve (other platforms, packages, etc.). We are where are, and I'm looking forward to hearing the deals many will receive.
  4. Tyrod Taylor is a true professional that has placed his trust in the organization and the process. I really hope he can stay healthy to allow his play determine his overall financial success. He's a guy that deserves to be taken care of (great teammate, student of the game, etc.). To me, he's turning into the Fred Jackson of this team, a quite leader that is very easy to like and pull for, he is not a me first guy. Lock him up as early as possible.
  5. For being in what some called a bleak and dire salary cap situation because of last year's activity, our front office is operating VERY well. We're retaining our core players with forward thinking and planning. I'm no longer shocked to see a good player retained. Nor will I be surprised when later free agents sign in Buffalo. Between Pegula's financial wealth, mindset of turning everything first rate (facility upgrades, approach to coaching/specialist hires, etc.)....Buffalo is becoming a sought destination around the league. Perform well and you'll get paid. Good things are coming my friends! I'm drinking the koolaid and it tastes oh so good!
  6. That's my plan. My sons are much, much younger (all under the age of 9). We just got a Sammy poster to put up in a bedroom. They know that nobody can be the Patriots when playing Madden and to this point, when I ask who our favorite football team is....They say, the Bills. Taking them to a Bills game at Ralph Wilson Stadium is very much on the bucket list. We're a 20 hour drive from a home game.
  7. Mario never came off as a Miami guy. He's from North Carolina (eastern), did not seem to seek the red carpet of the NFL, and certainly enjoys the outdoors. Florida will be what it is for most....Retirement. He will do as little as possible (probably play hard for 2 games a year - against Buffalo).
  8. And they all have a lights out hit/story that resulted in the complete leveling of an opposed player.....They're all thumpers that love to hit, hard.
  9. Lightning in a bottle is going to have to strike on the offensive side of the ball. I'm reluctant to believe that our defense, vitally depending on immediate relief from rookie play, will drastically improve. The team is historically snake bitten with injuries. That said, I'll be ecstatic with Tyrod playing at a "we're going to pay you" level, the defense regains the Rex Ryan swagger, and our rushing game is a dynamic run by committee approach (I get the "But we're paying Shady so much" comments). Long term, buying into the big picture....We need a stable of contributing backs. Shady will play his roll, especially with getting older. Thus, better than 8 wins....With reservation. I'm hoping for the best! Ha ha, awesome....Agreed!
  10. If it wasn't for the Ticket, I wouldn't even have cable anymore. However, it's the only option for me to watch the Bills on a weekly basis, live.
  11. 2016 NFL SUNDAY TICKET OFFER: 2016 NFL SUNDAY TICKET regular full-season retail price is $257.94. 2016 NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX regular full-season retail price is $359.94. 2015 Pricing was $251.94 and $353.94, respectively. Pricing above is at the one lump sum payment option. 6 month installments for the base package are $44.99 (2016) and $41.99 (2015) - monthly. Thus, pricing has increased. Now that AT&T and Directv have merged (a full year later), I wonder what the impact will be on this year's "negotiations" for a better price.
  12. Some guys are able to do so much (big contracts) off of so little. Bradford is the result of circumstance and he was able to receive very large pay days because of his varying situations (when drafted, etc.). The overall QB play in the NFL sucks and he may look like a complete arse, but what does he care? He already made plenty of money. If it hurts him, so be it. But, I bet he gets another shot somewhere.
  13. I think they got an exceptional football player that didn't test positive at the combine and claims to have not tested positive during his collegiate administered tests. His video resulted in the speculative loss of millions of dollars. The risk is worth his perceived talent at the spot in which the Dolphins drafted him.
  14. I was fortunate enough to visit the SJF training camp last year (the first time for me since the Fredonia days as a kid). It was a great set up. I do think it was very much more "commercialized" than it was 20 years ago. I don't think this was a result of SJF, but more by way of what the NFL has become. I have fond memories of waiting for hours (patiently) on the Bills 90's players to depart the Fredonia facilities and acquire a coveted autograph.....And there were some good ones (Kelly, Reed, Levy, Bruce, etc.). This past year was my son's first trip to training camp. There was not as much access to the players, we weren't allowed to stick around, and it felt like a very controlled environment. I get it, it's how things are now. That said, my sons were smiling and had a GREAT time. They were able to meet our Wide Receivers (including Sammy) and forged a lifelong memory. Hopefully, they are now Bills fans for life! I couldn't ask for anything more! That's all I wanted from that day (seeing that we traveled from multiple states away).
  15. Cameras add 10, 50 pounds? It's the depth of the players in relation to the photographer? Or, he's just a very, very, large QB.
  16. We've been in negotiations for over a decade on this topic. And we'll continue to discuss for years to come. She countered, once, with the idea of me living in Buffalo for one year (without her - she doesn't like cold weather) to get it out of my system. I stood firm and shot that notion down....Nothing like a little piece of football heaven (walk up property to Ralph Wilson Stadium).
  17. We were all frustrated, I was irate with his decision making. His loss due to injury very much hurt the Bills last season (not the loss of his bone headed penalties - but I do agree, at times his play and mental lapses in judgment offset each other). A healthy Aaron Williams and he being a a good leader will help the Bills defense this year. I guess I'm envisioning a player that really had time for quality soul searching.....He'll appreciate the game and his role more. Not only will Ed Reed help, I'm sure Fred Jackson had A. Williams over to the house a plenty this off season. He can finally fill Fred Jackon's role.
  18. The posters here.....You guys are fortunate to be complaining about traffic. If I'm lucky, I make it to one game a year. That one game, is ALWAYS a great time, I enjoy the entire day. Tailgating starts at 8 in the morning and doesn't stop until well after the game. I'm for an OP stadium. I love the throwback feel. It's one of the last remaining "Non-Sellouts" to the corporate everything NFL. Traveling from the New Orleans area doesn't allow for season tickets! But my retirement plan will hopefully include a second residence....I'll be the exact opposite of the standard "snow bird", I'll travel north for football season!
  19. Yes! Bills making the playoffs would help greatly....Because Sammy as a kid, playing with the Bills on Madden is only going to keep him in Buffalo for so long. We all know Mr. Pegula will open an oil field for Sammy.
  20. Sammy is destined for "great" things. I really hope, at the end of his career, he's known as a Buffalo Bill. That said, he doesn't get the respect, nor the recognition he would receive from a large market (or a team with a proven QB). We all hope, Tyrod will be his Jim Kelly....If not, Sammy will move on to a bigger stage.
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