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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. That is laughable. I live in Portland. He is as bad a pro-prospect as RGIII. He is not as big as Newton or Luck. He rarely throws the ball downfield. He will be one of the weakest Heisman winners in years though not all his fault as Gurley got hurt. The kid from Ohio State did more with less and against better defenses. I think Oregon beats FSU because FSU is just not very good but Oregon will be lucky to put up 14 points on Alabama. Three years into his pro-career they will both be first round busts.
  2. Did he have surgery to fix his back issue? Is he practicing with the team?
  3. Franchise Hughes. Hand Spiller a bus ticket out of town. Extend Dareus and Glenn before FA starts.
  4. You could get Cutler with a 6th round pick but then you take on the contract too. He is a cancer but he is way better than anything we have here. He and this defense make the playoffs no doubt.
  5. The fourth and six play was a total Orton screw up. He had Woods breaking open against a LB on a shallow cross. Easy throw, catch, and run for a first down. The throw to Chandler wasn't bad but he was well defended (could say face guarded/PI but the Denver defender did get his hand/arm on the ball).
  6. Mostly can't stand Sullivan but he was right this time. Losers complain about the officials. Winners win. And it is kind of funny because the calls against the Bills were correct this game. KW held. Graham was guilty of unnecesary roughness and Hughes went nuts. The officials didn't fumble out of the endzone against the Chiefs nor throw an INT at the goal line against Denver.
  7. I know it sounds crazy but that was the call in the SuperBowl against Hasselbeck when he tried to tackle the Pittsburgh player that had the ball. Insane. But the guard went low at Graham who was the blocker, essentially to take out the blocker and let someone else make the tackle. It is a penalty. It was a hold.
  8. Without a team in Buffalo, I would not watch the NFL. I would pay attention to the Seahawks as they are my son's favorite team and go a a few of their games each year. Otherwise I would spend my Sundays in my woodshop.
  9. Orton is hopeless in any situation. As much as he sucks though it is not all his fault. That they have not tried to run some hurry-up with a veteran QB and good WR's is another indictment of Marrone. The whole offense is ass backwards. They just let go of Mike Williams and Lee Smith plays 20 snaps a game. Spiller was almost never split out wide. They had Goodwin man to man with a single high safety shaded to Watkins three times in the first half and not once did they throw his way. Rodgers is running the same plays Bill Walsh designed in 1979. Bruce Arians is winning games with a PS RB and a QB even worse than ours. It doesn't have to be this hard to move the ball in today's NFL.
  10. What proof is their Orton gives them a chance to win? He has been awful. He has shown he is a kitty. He is nearly as inaccurate as EJ was. EJ gives them a better chance to win Sunday and he needs the playing time. The only reason Whaley won't demand it, is after he fires Marrone no new HC would want to work for a GM who dictated who plays.
  11. I didn't say he shouldn't play. And I should clarify that he should play in almost any shot gun formation regardless of the down. I would rather see Brown or Dixon carrying more. If they are on the field then they should go out for a pass and leave Lee Smith to block.
  12. It's not about the defense. Put it this way. What is easier to convert a 4th and 2 or recover an onside kick? I will take my chances with the 4th and 2 - even with this offense. Who says they need to go onside if they score a TD. In fact most teams kick deep. If it is through the nedzone no time is run off the clock. Then play defense and force Denver to kick from deep. Despite the CAPITAL letters you are wrong.
  13. He has not been running well most of the year. Still seems to block well and catch well. I would rather see Brown and Dixon carry the ball.
  14. Have you people watched Orton play? He has sucked every game except against the Jets. Let EJ play. Orton is just so limited. He is not that much more accurate than EJ. The season is over. It was over when they lost to KC. Let EJ play.
  15. Watkins is great. No player except a QB is worth more than one pick. It was a bad trade for a good player. Kiko is our first round pick next year. And Hughes is a star out of nowhere. They will draft TE, guard, RB, guard, center, safety.
  16. The guard went low to take on Graham not try to tackle Gilmore. That should have been a penalty for a block below the knee on the guard but it was not called. Remember the penalty against Hasselbeck in the Superbowl. Graham shoved the guard afterwards.
  17. Baltimore up by 1 still. Cinci still up. Indy making a comeback. Bills need to shock the world today. Dam Arthur Moats just recovered another Dalton mistake. Baltimore moving nicely after Miami FG TD Baltimore!
  18. Another stadium way better than the Ralph. Bills fans that don't travel have no idea what they are missing. Can't wait for a downtown modern stadium.
  19. Stadium is half empty for a team that likely makes the playoffs. Baseball and basketball attendance is poor too. Sad for all these loyal cities that are at risk for losing teams to cities that don't support the local team. I know it mostly about corporate boxes but Roger can't like seeing a big game with huge playoff implications and a half empty stadium.
  20. Bills fans traveled well again! Lots of Bills jerseys. Denver fans have been great so far. Flew from Portland Oregon.
  21. I used my class action gift card to buy mine. Ugly sweater day at work is 12/17. Can't wait!
  22. Sorry but does anyone trust Marrone to make the best personnel decsions? It took 10 weeks to fix the LG position with a guy that played decenlty last year. Lee Smith is on the roster. M. Williams can't even get a few red zone chances for the worst red zone offense in the league.
  23. Fly in Saturday and out Sunday night. Club level seats with my two boys.
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