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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Offensive line and LB's. They might need to draft OT in first round two years in a row. The key is to get Incognito signed before the season is over. Then the can franchise Glenn and make him work for one year w/o a long term commitment. Draft an OT that will be the eventual LT and play him at RT in 2016. Then draft a 3-4 DE, and two LB's. Restructure Mario. Cut Carpenter, Gay, Felton, all the TE's besides Clay, Goodwin, Kujo, and Harvin. Draft the best kicker in round 4. Sign a #2 WR and #2 TE in FA.
  2. 1. Prednisone is not an anabolic steroid. Has nothing to do with PED's. 2. Crohn's is managable. Wonder if they knew at the time of the draft or if this is a new diagnosis. Either way as others have said he can play if they get it under control. 3. Diet has almost no affect. Gluten affects celiac sprue not Crohn's. Though they can become vitamin b12 deficient and develop anemia - especially if they need surgery. The part of small intestine removed is critically important for b12 absorption. 4. Lastly... it is time for Kujo to play. Let him start final three games.
  3. Any chance it is the players? A. Williams has missed virtually the entire year along with K. Williams. Mario has missed games and is playing hurt. Is it Rex's fault for the personal foul penalties? How is that related to the scheme? Maybe Brown has regresses. Bradham and Lawson were never more than average. I may have underestimated Searcy's value. Never thought much of him as a player and wanted Graham at safety. Really like Rambo but the rest of the safeties will be gone. And what about Dareus? Is he playing soft with all that money in the bank? Why is it genius for Dick LeBeau to call a zone blitz but it is stupid when Rex does? Maybe just maybe the players have regressed terribly, at least the ones that weren't injured
  4. Awful away schedule to travel. I live in Portland so will go to Seahawks. Even if I lived on the East Coast only Baltimore would be worth travelling to see.
  5. Unless they are in the top 5 it just doesn't matter that much. Depending on how FA goes, they will have 2-3 O-lineman, 1-3 D-lineman, 2 LB's, a WR, a QB, a kicker, and a Safety to replace/add to the team. As in almost every case they should trade down a few spots and get a few extra picks.
  6. Pettine's defense was historically bad against the run. He is not the answer. I don't care if people think I'm crazy but I would not let McKelvin go. Kyle, Bradham, Glenn, Felton, Harvin, Goodwin, Duke, Robey, Lawson, Thigpen, Carpenter, Gay, Koujo, and O'Leary should all be sent packing Target an OT and WR in FA. The draft OT in first round. Then add a LB, G/C, DE, NT, and another LB via draft or FA.
  7. Anybody watch this show? I almost feel a little sad for Mortensen. He seems slow and one step behind. But every time I watch Schefter, I feel like I need to take a shower or make sure I didn't just buy undercarriage protection.
  8. Depends on the package. He could have played OLB or DE. He would have been more stout against the run at DE than Hughes. They could have both played at the same time. Imagine rushing Dareus up the middle and Mario, Mack, and Hughes from wherever. Total chaos. Watkins can still be a top 5 WR maybe even top 3. Just amazes me the time and effort put into college recruiting and the NFL draft, and yet no one really knows how these guys will develop.
  9. I didn't trust his resume with the talent he played against. So hard to tell with these guys. Look at Fisher the year before. Looks like a bust from a small school. And OLB was just as big a need as WR. I still think Sammy can be a superstar but but...
  10. Yes the rule changed years ago. Before if a defender jumped into the neutral zone but did not make contact and the O-lineman moved it was a false start penalty. The intent was not to punish a LT who can't hear the snap count on the road and is tricked by the movement of the DE. Now it is being abused by the O-lineman. And for the 5th grade do-over comment, there are off setting penalties all the time in the NFL that are do-overs. This would be the same thing. The defender jumped into the neutral zone and the o-lineman moved before the snap not giving the defender a chance to get back. Essentially it is a penalty on both. What would you rather see a defender get back and a normal football play or more flags and more referee huddles???
  11. Why does everyone hate on McElvin? CB'S get beat. Get over it. It happens. Who else would you want out there? He is adequate and not very expensive. Three coaching staffs feel the same way. They know better than us. Why does everyone hate on McElvin? CB'S get beat. Get over it. It happens. Who else would you want out there? He is adequate and not very expensive. Three coaching staffs feel the same way. They know better than us.
  12. O-lineman are now coached to jump the moment the defender does. This does not allow the defender to get back. Also often it is not the lineman directly opposite the defender that reacts. This should not be a penalty any longer. It should just be a play stoppage and do-over. Yes the defender is in the wrong but by not allowing them to get back it is unfair. Should be no harm no foul. This would also take away any judgement by the referees. Interested in others thoughts.
  13. Picked the wrong week to talk about TT not throwing over the middle.
  14. Which of course is entirely untrue. He was leading the league in sacks playing OLB in his first year in the scheme and then got hurt.
  15. TT is fine. Watkins, Clay, Dareus, a healthy KW and AW are all solid. Priority is to bring back Incognito and decide what to do with Glenn. I would let Glenn test FA and see if you can get him to come back on a reasonable contract. He is nothing special. I would go so far as to franchise Richie to get one more good year out of him. Just draft OT, LB, OLB, and DE. And get a new kicker that can kick FG's and kick off. Wood has had a nice bounce back year and is fine at C.
  16. Pretty sure if the defender goes to the ground on purpose the play is dead. Just like taking a knee or the QB sliding.
  17. How do you figure Chip outcoached the Bills? By drawing up a clearly illegal pick play? By having TT overthrow a wide open Watkins by 10 yards? By having Roman call fly patterns on 3rd and 4? That said, if anything Roman was the best coach on the field. There were some nicely designed runs and formations.
  18. Let the kid develop. He is the best we have had in a long time. He is throwing better over the middle. Seems to be reading coverage ok. Just needs a little more seasoning. Next year this offense is going to be great.
  19. They have bigger issues than Mario. The QB salary is still cheap and they only need to sign Glenn/Incognito. Restructure Mario and upgrade the LB's.
  20. Miller was below average all day. Still makes no sense to play him.
  21. When it is an illegal pick Wtf do u want the defense to do
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