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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Thanks! Pretty much sums up what most people think. Get Gilmore signed and make TT earn a new deal. Draft DE, WR, C and OLB next year
  2. Bledsoe and just about every TE the Bills haplessly tried to defend over the past 25 years Pittsburgh Steelers backups
  3. Signing Gilmore is the key to everything. Just pay him what he wants. Then you tag TT and all the rest of those players are gone including Woods and Kyle. They already drafted KW's replacement. They can find another WR to play second fiddle to Sammy. I doubt Kyle would take a big paycut to stay with the team, but that is the only way he is here in 2017. Hell another injury plagued 2016 and he will be cut for talent not just money.
  4. The modern prevent defense does not let people just march down the field. Of course score and field position dictate everything. But in general the defense picks its spot to unleash pressure on the QB. The defense knows the offense is throwing and not keeping people in to protect the QB. The best play is let them catch a short pass over the middle, make tackle, keep clock running, force the offense to snap quickly and then blitz. This catches the O-line off guard, possibly winded, and may not give the WR's a chance to adjust their routes for the blitz. Virtually no one plays an old-school prevent anymore. Defensive coordinators mix in different coverages, blitzes, and still rotate pass rushers.
  5. I don't think he will suck either. I thought he got better as the year went on. I saw a guy trying to make plays downfield instead of running for yards or checking down. He was the anti-Edwards. This year I want to see him use the TE's better and get the ball to the RB's in the flats more. Thanks for contract info on Rex. 5 year deal? Wow. That seems excessive for a guy that was run out of New York. I am super worried about the Lawson injury/surgery. Shoulders are much more tricky than knees. The rotator cuff is a complex set of muscles and tendons. They will be super cautious and I think chance of season ending IR in November is 70/30. If he injures the repair the long term consequences could be career threatening. Whaley and the medical staff really botched this one. Agree with your assessment in this case. I was responding to all the other posts saying Clayton didn't have a clue. He is still connected. Unlike Mortenson who probably was never as dialed in as ESPN led us to believe.
  6. I don't agree with Clayton on this prediction, but he has more inside information than any of us do. If the Bills play poorly, well most likely that will be because one of three things happens. TT gets hurt, TT sucks, or the defense is even worse. If those things happen either TT is gone, Rex is gone, or both. My prediction, Gilmore signs the week before camp ends, Lawson goes to IR, 9-7, and no playoffs. TT plays well enough to get the tag. Rex gets a one year extension. Brady retires. 2017 Bills make the AFC Championship.
  7. Since none of the players named will be available I will go a different direction. How about Peyton Manning for one year? With the Bills rushing attack, one great WR, and one solid TE, I think Peyton would be enough to get this team to the playoffs. I've never been a big Peyton Manning fan even less of a Dungy fan. Thought both chocked in the playoffs. However as a regular season QB, Peyton and this group of skill players wins 11 games.
  8. Agree on full turd I don't think Cam had much better WR's than Luck. Carolina's defense was better. But Cam lost his best WR in training camp. Olsen is great. But the offense is as entirely dependent on Cam as it is for Luck. Wilson did more as a QB last year than previously as injuries took their toll on the Seahawks running game.
  9. Sign Gilmore. Tag TT. That is the play. Even if you have to overpay a bit to get the Gilmore deal done.
  10. If Cam Newton was white this thread would have been titled what QB besides Newton. If Luck was black he would be getting criticized for his high turnover rate and poor playoff performances. He has 20 more INT's than Russell Wilson. Oh and which one of these QB's have lost time to injury? The two guys that run a lot and we worry would get hurt over time or the prototypical QB? Newton is already on par with Brady and Rodgers. Wilson and Brees a notch below. Luck still has more to prove. Ps. Roethlisberger is a piece of turd as a person and I would not want him on my team, but as a QB talent he is also right behind my top 3
  11. It is entertainment paid for by advertising dollars. If the companies thought they could make a few more bucks by selling dog rape stations and how to guides to beat a breathalizer, they would give these guys awards not suspensions. They don't care one bit about the players, their families, or who they hurt. It is all about advertising revenue.
  12. Yes but the also honored a rapist as a sports icon.
  13. By all accounts Mario was awful last year. So anyone taking his spot is an upgrade if they at least givce some effort. When Lawson comes back for a playoff pushm it will be a bonus. If they are 2-8 when he is due to come back then put him on IR for next year. This draft class is now all about Ragland. I was criticial of his selection worried that he can not be a 3 down player. Tie that with how bad Brown was last year, and Ragland becomes the key. If Ragland is solid and Brown bounces back the defense wil be much better, especially with a healthy A and K Williams.
  14. Two There is maybe one or two players the team doesn't know what to do with going into the last game. It is meaningless. The starters don't need the reps. Game 1 of the season looks like all the other games. Two games will help determine a few starting spots up for grabs and will give enough information to fill out the depth chart.
  15. Agree about Lott but the league has already tried to address that with defenseless WR rules and blows to the head. Those rules did not exist for Lott. I think you are wrong about the speed of the DL and the impact weight has. Even if you are correct a weight limit would not diminish the game
  16. P=MV and Conservation of momentum These are the keys to improving player safety. The speed of the game has increased and there is no means to regulate that beyond the current rules - no movement toward the LOS at the snap of the ball. However the NFL could look at the mass of the players. Players have gotten larger over time. You can argue why - earlier training, better training, or PED's. It doesn't matter how. They are just bigger. While I think it would be very difficult to regulate most players size, the OL and DL seem like possible targets. Limiting the OL and DL players to a weight of 280LBS would reduce momentum by 7% or more. Another solution would be to regulate by BMI thus taking into account the height of a player. If both the OL and DL have the same weight restrictions then it is fair and balanced. 280 lbs would still be 3 lbs more than what Fred Smerlas weighed playing NT and 15 lbs more than Bruce Smith's listed playing weight. Was the game safer when guys were smaller? I am not sure. Concussions were part of the game then too. But it might be an idea to investigate. Your thoughts....
  17. I did not see the tuck it and run as much as you seem to have. I saw a QB move in the pocket and keep looking downfield for throws. I thought he could have run more than he did. He forced some throws while on the move. I don't want him to get hurt but I will take eight yards and a slide instead of him trying to throw on the run
  18. Defensive PI 15 yards max. Call offensive PI more often. The defenders get pushed and picked all the time and it is not fair. I like the no contact rule after 5 yards but it needs to be called both ways.
  19. Fun. The corners backep up and opened their hips to the QB suggesting zone all the way. Tyrod made the correct read. Though I don't think a deep ball to the slot WR (Woods I think) would have been a bad option as well. The deep safety could not get there and a ball thrown closer to the hash than the sideline would have given the WR inside position on the deep 1/3 CB. Easy 9 yards versus 25-30 yards. If that slot WR was taller he would have an even greater advantage on the deep 1/3 CB. What is worse than a 9 yard gain is that Hogan chose to run out of bounds when the clock would have stopped anyways with the two minute warning. He had momentum to get a few more yards. It may not sound like much but 1st and 10 after the two minute warning versus 2nd and 1 is a big difference. It is an extra down to waste if they need to spike the ball or take a deep shot to the end-zone. Dumb play by Hogan. Little things add up. That is on the player. Every person on this board and watching on TV knows he doesn't need to go out of bounds.
  20. As these big WR's slow down with age, I often wonder why they don't move to a split out TE position. Andre Johnson is two inches taller and only ten pounds lighter than Aaron Hernandez was when he played TE/WR. Johnson is not as tall as some of the elite TE's but he has the right size/speed combo to create some matchup issues. Good take on the Boldin comparison but Johnson was much faster than Boldin ever was. Like you said can Johnson learn to do more than run fly and post patterns. He has the size to go over the middle and block down-field. Is he willing to do that for a paycheck and a borderline playoff team?
  21. To be fair to the people of Toronto, the Bills teams that played in those games sucked. If the Bills were better the crowds may have been better and may have been more like a home crowd.
  22. The easy answer was Miami. But when Thurman Thomas, my favorite player of all time and a career Dolphin killer, signs with them for his final year in the league - you know there are no rivalries left in the NFL
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