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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. 5 men in the backfield was on Clay after he motioned over. He should have been called for illegal motion as he was moving toward the line at the,snap. I suppose it could have been TT fault too if he called for snap before letting Clay get set.
  2. If that is on Meeks then get him off the field. These safeties all suck.
  3. Late hit bull **** on Pats not called. Blitz Brady God dam it
  4. Chancellor and Bennett likely will not play. Wilson is not 100% and their O-line is still horrible.
  5. You can agree or disagree on Rex's coaching ability but to be fair to the guy it is really hard to win with injuries/suspensions to 6 of your top players - Watkins, Shady, Dareus, Glenn, Lawson and now A. Williams. Four of those guys had legit chances at the ProBowl. To be above 0.500 at this point is amazing even if the schedule has been light and there are some very bad losses. The defense is better. The pass rush is better. Barring an epic collapse or Pegula firing Whaley and the new GM wanting his/her new coach, Rex will be back.
  6. I read it differently. Of course any neck injury is ominous. But the fact he wasn't really hurt, didn't have a concussion, and is back at the team facility suggests the surgery did what it was supposed to do. I bet he plays again later this year but not this week.
  7. Seattle just cut CJ. Kick the tires and get rid of Bush? I say no but just thought I would put it out there.
  8. This is an easy win with Shady, Sammy, and Dareus. The Bills roster especially the lines is better than the Patriots. Brady and Gronk of course are superstars. But Brady can't pass on his back. They will pressure mercilessly this game. They will not drop in coverage and let Brady pick us apart. The only way to beat Brady is pressure. Bills 27-17
  9. First, turnovers don't just happen. Fumbles for the most part are random. Interceptions are usually a result of an error, either mental or physical, and when they happen in abundance are usally attributed to the QB. Second, Stafford is playing better now than he did when he had Megatron. Shocking a QB plays better with more game experience. Has TT made a huge leap this year to being a better QB? No, I don't think so but maybe he has made a little skip forward. I certainly don't think he has regressed. Wilson got better with experience. Fitz, Kaepernick, RGIII all got worse the more they played and defenses adjusted to their games. I suspect the same is going on for the Bills and TT. I have no idea if he will get better, stay the same, or regress. I don't think accuracy improves for any QB. EJ's hasn't. Wilson's is very good. TT misses too many easy throws. But decision making can improve. TT already protects the ball. He makes plays. His legs will make up for at least one or two bad throws a game. He just needs to cut his mistakes in half and make three or four more good throws per game. Those added completions will keep drives alive, win the field position battle, and generate 3-10 more points per game.
  10. What the hell. Why is it people think just because they are not a top 5 talent at their position that they are not great players? Gilmore and Darby are solid NFL starters. Gilmore will get paid more than heis worth just like Levitre, Byrd, and Spiller were. It is just a fact that he is very very good and better than most of the other 63 starting CBs in this league. And in this league even the very best CBs get beat. Stevie Johnson beat Revis. Marshall beat Sherman. It happens every week. And when you can rush for over 200 yards it makes it that much easier to pass.
  11. You are correct. My point is that if they really want to stop this stuff ejection and suspension is the only way. Unless you take away playing time and game checks fines don't matter to these guys.
  12. Ok arm chair GMS. What should Whaley do? Go all in like Minnesota did with Bradford? Or just let the season play out and blame another year with no playoffs on bad luck injuries??? How about bringing Harvin back? He knows the offense.
  13. I predicted 5-2 after the Cardinals game. I'm terribly upset with this loss. But I think they have a shot against the Pat's. Could Brady light us up for 450 or 550 yards? Yes he could. But the defense will be better at home. Could it be another blowout like the Patriots MNF game years ago where they scored on their first 5 or 6 drives. Yes I could see Brady and Belichick going all out to embarrass Rex. But in the end I think the defense plays a hell of a game anday pounds Brady into the ground. Bills 27 Pats 17
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