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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Ok Maj, TT could have thrown that a step earlier. He has to see that throw and make it a moment earlier. Still a good play though
  2. I'm listening on radio in Portland. Are you guys watching a different game than I am listening to?
  3. The fans call themselves "12's" Seattle radio guys say there are lota,of Bills fans there so maybe,not as loud as usual
  4. Dude if you don't even understand the rules, you should not post. Perhaps TBD should create a basic football knowledge quiz that one must pass before being allowed to post.
  5. 185 passing. 75 rushing. 1 TD pass 1,TD run, 1 Int maybe even 2. The anti TT crowd will discuss the INT's and yards. The pro TT crowd will point out the Bills won by 4.
  6. I'm not ready to give up on TT. Most of the NFL was ready to run McKenzie out of Oakland. We could do a lot worse than Whaley. Just wish Watkins was healthy to see the offense as it was meant to be on the field.
  7. Bills would have still had to move up to get Mack. How much would you have paid even knowing how good Mack is now? Two first rounders for an OLB? They could have stayed where they were got a WR or Antony Barr. Never trade up. Never trade up.
  8. NYJ Wilkerson benched and playing poorly after getting big contract. Dareus has missed most of the season. Kaepernick has bottomed out. Clay has not lived up to his contract in any meaningful way. Glenn, Wood, Incognito, A. Williams, and McCoy are all earning their pay raises. I wonder how GM's try to figure out which guy is still going to compete at the highest level after getting that second big contract. New England and Baltimore come to mind as teams that let players walk and reload. Having Brady helps but Belichick has rebuilt his defense several times throughout his time. I don't have a clue what motivates guys and somehow I doubt Whaley or most GMs do either. Interested in your thoughts.
  9. How about Jim Caldwell? I never thought much of him as a coach, but did well as OC for the Ravens but up and down so far as Lions HC. He now has Stafford and the Lions playing well. What say the board?
  10. Judging from OTA's and training camp about half way through the play book
  11. This shouldn't make me cry laughing but it does. Well done!
  12. Congrats. Kyle Williams and Cordy Glenn are playing crazy good too.
  13. LOL - Jerry wanted to draft Manziel. His son talked him out of it. Jerry is a GM.
  14. He's rich and he's black. What did you expect from a fan base that loves Frank Reich and Brian Moorman? He smokes pot. So what. Half the people on this board are ****-faced two hours before kickoff. Sammy gets the same treatment. They are two of the top 5 guys on the team. Much of it is just misguided frustration and jealousy. Yes Marcell has smoked away hundreds of thousands of dollars. But in relative terms, most on here have pissed away just as much at the Niagara Falls casino or on crap beer. We are all jealous not to have been born with their talent. And to see them seemingly waste it is very frustrating. But again how many of us wasted opportunities in our twenties??? Our advantage is for most of us, our prime earning years are after the age of 35 hopefully when the mistakes are less common.
  15. Does anyone on this board leave Buffalo? Every team in every sport has hometown announcers. Warren Moon is analyst for the Seahawks and he is as much a Homer as the NBA guys here in Portland. They aren't supposed to be objective. It's not their job. They are part of the marketing.
  16. Joey Bosa looks much better and faster than I thought he would be.
  17. Lockett has been and is injured. My point is Gilmore was beat due to a communication issue. Take away that part and just man up. Baldwin is a very good WR but not exceptional. Green and Brown are two of the top 5 WR but they don't have much to compliment them in the passing game. Eifert has been hurt but is getting healthy. Green and Brown need to be doubled every play even during the run downs.
  18. No more thinking for these two. Just let them play man to man and forget about the safeties helping. The safeties suck. Seattle doesn't have the WR to beat Gilmore and Darby on a consistent basis. Play these guys in man and the LB's in zone to keep their eyes on Wilson.
  19. I could not make out what the reporters last question was that Rex responded "I'm not saying anything." I thought I heard the word God by the reporter but I couldn't tell. Anyone know? And, were they asking him about Listenbee just prior to the last question?
  20. Ok Maj I will gladly accept your stats if you will accept mine TT has 2 INT. Tied with Sam Bradford, Dak Prescott, and Russell Wilson for league low by QB's who have played the majority of their teams games. Most have 4 and as many as 11 INT's. If you will, that means that anywhere from 2-9 of these other QB's "Bad Throws" end in interceptions not just incompletions. If I agree three and out's are bad would you agree turnovers are worse aside from the mythical 50 yard INT on third and twenty? And how about QBR? TT is 8th in QBR. Ahead of Rivers, Luck, Dalton, Carr, and a host of other players. Yes he is a long way away from Brady's league leading QBR but so is everyone else. Add his running ability which is elite and usually ends up in one great play a game - TD run last week , third and forever against the Cardinals - and it makes up for a missed throw or two a game. I will concede his deep throws this year have been dreadful - missed wide-open Woods for an easy score against Rams is the worst example. He doesn't step up in the pocket as much as I like. Wilson and Brees do and they are the same height. He can do better. But he extends plays as well as any QB in the league. I would argue as other have that he needs to just run when he does that. Example last week he flipped the ball to Gillislee on third down and he was stopped a yard short of first down marker. He should have ran that and turned Gillislee into a blocker. He would have gotten the first down. Add a healthy Watkins and this season is significantly different. Excuse - yes. Fact - yes.
  21. Careful Diehard, those reasonable thoughts are not welcome on this board. You are much better off recommending the Bills start a rookie QB who couldn't win the starting job in college.
  22. Gronk is a mimatch either way but running a seam route against a DB minimizes the mismatch. Gronk really isn't using his size advantage unlike the speed advantage he used to beat Spikes on the TE wheel route. Robey-Coleman just blew the coverage. He let Gronk run right past him. It is just poor coverage whether it was against Gronk or a WR.
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