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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. I watched him quite a bit today. He still looks very slow. He is listed at 6'3" and 270. He looks closer to 290 and not very athletic. He is getting more playing time to the coaches must see something I am missing. I've said before but there is no way this guy can play a 3-4 OLB. Maybe a 4-3 DE which is what I saw him lining up at today most of the time. Curious for other opinions. I'm glad he is getting playing time but still very unimpressed for a first round pick.
  2. I am not sure he can be a studio guy with that nasty neck scar. I know that sounds stupid but it is still TV and looks matter. My guess is he ends up in college. I can't see him going back to being a DC. But as a HC of a bottom tier Power 5 team, I could see someone take a chance on him.
  3. I watched this game with no joy. Finally got a player to make a reasonaly spectacular catch only to see Sammy drop one. I am not unhappy with a win but just feel numb and a bit nauseated at the prospect of Rex running this defense next year.
  4. Denver has highest number of drafted players starting, yet they needed a FA QB to win the SuperBowl and let the one they drafted walk away New England and Green Bay had two of the four greatest QB's of the era fall to them. There probably is more luck than science to the draft. One thing that bugs the hell out of me with Whaley is giving up picks to move up in the draft. He should be told the only way to move in the draft is down.
  5. Andy Reid is a great regular season coach. Just like Dungy and Cowher. But they all suck in the playoffs. TO almost willed Reid and puking McNabb to a championship. The refs gave Cowher his only SuperBowl win. Reid blew a 28 point lead in the third quarter against the Colts. I would probably take any of the three over Rex right now and his tragically flawed defense.
  6. You guys live in a by gone era. The difference between LT and RT is meaningless in protection and how defenses attack. Defenses attack the weakest part of the line and move their pass rushers around. Mills is a capable run blocker but awful as a pass protector. CK has played well enough this year to consider the move permanent. Just put your best five on the field. So what if the RT is well paid. CK and Miller are on rookie deals and the rest of the line is under contract.
  7. CK is fine at LT. Maybe the knee injury and inability to play on the right side is real. Regardless he has played well enough for me to move Glenn to RT and leave CK at LT. Mills would be perfectly fine coming back as a swing tackle but he may want starting RT money. I find it unlikely but teams overpay all the time. Glenn is already paid so he should not care which position he is playing.
  8. Schefter seems more reliable than most but has any one paid attention to how accurate his reports are?
  9. Rex, Rex, Rex, and Rex He destroyed this defense. The offense puts up enough points to win with even the 10th ranked defense. Mario was right. Hughes is right. His defense is too complicated for the players to figure out and conversely isn't fooling anyone. Get rid of Rex, go back to the 4-3 one gap penetrating defense that puts pressure on the offensive line up the middle.
  10. Perhaps it is the difference between thinking with the head or the heart. Of course I want them to win as a fan, but a strategic loss this week almost assuredly rids them of Rex immediately.
  11. P. Brown may be cheap but he also is not any good. By poison pill I mean a deal like Clay's that is structured to make it hard to match. Gilmore is worth the money. You may be correct about Woods and a rookie might produce just as well. The key to the off-season will be drafting a starter at safety.
  12. Very good list. I would put Winfield over Clemens but their careers in Buffalo were fairly close. I would put Spikes over Fletcher. I would add Terrence McGee for returner.
  13. Good take. I couldn't wish for a loss to Miami ever and even more so this year. If Miami is still in playoff hunt the Bills will destroy them and take a few 15 yard penalties too. Would not be surprised to see an ejection. Just hope it isn't Richie because he deserves to go to ProBowl and an ejection might sway some voters. Possible but if they win out, it is very unlikely Pegs fires a 9-7 coach with three years of money to pay and an injury scourge as an excuse . Aint happening. Lose at home to the Browns and A. Lynn is giving the PC on Monday.
  14. Enough threads about how bad the Bills suck and Rex getting fired. Sherman is right. Thursday night football in mid-December is a horrible idea. How many nights do we need NFL football. The college games are over. Just play four games on Saturday, one Monday night, and the rest on Sunday. That is enough. I don't know if the quality of play is worse or the injury risk is higher, but regardless of those facts it just isn't needed. Add the fact people have a lot off other stuff to do during the holidays it is a pointless and potentially dangerous game.
  15. 1. Extend Woods now 2. Extend Gilmore or tell him he is getting the tag. 3. Renegotiate with TT. He has no leverage. 4. Take a shot at signing Z. Brown now. He is a versatile LB and can play in the 4-3 with the new HC. 5. Cut P. Brown. 6. Don't overspend on Lorax. He was a good story for 6 games but he has regressed back top his natural state. The cosmos always seeks balance. He is a quality player but I don't think he has a spot in a 4-3 defense other than as a back-up pass rushing DE. Now his value as a special teasm guy is worth spending money on, but not that much. 7. If they have the room, make a poisoned pill contract offer to a restricted free agent RT. 8. Hope that Ragland can be at least a two down middle LB. If he is good enough to stay on the field with Z.Brown in the nickel they will be set at LB.
  16. There is no upside to winning this game besides parking and concessions money for the following week. I would rather lose, fire Rex, and start over. A loss to the Browns with Sammy getting two TDs and the defense giving up another 28 would be the perfect scenario for Whaley. I can't say I wont be happy with a Bills win but an emberrassing loss at home to the Browns will force a regime change. Maybe even Brandon would get fired or reassigned.
  17. Sure you can if it was Pegula that made the hire. If it wasn't Whaley's choice why should he go? Whaley has added talent. Not perfect but not terrible. He should get the chance to pick a HC.
  18. None. I get four hours of my life back on Sunday and will play in my workshop. Maybe even exercise! The NFL game is mostly terrible to watch. Maybe 1/3 of the teams are worth watching. Could you imagine a non-Bills fan wanting to watch a Bills game? Will wait for the big Bowl games and a few of the NFL playoff games.
  19. Easy answer. The only person that should be involved is the GM. Pegula should have nothing to do with it unless the HC is also the GM.
  20. Well said. Whaley has had some misses but he got the players Rex wanted and it has hit the fan. Let Doug pick his coach and the players. Give him two more years.
  21. Get rid of Rex. Those top four players are all great players along with Watkins. They have a solid core of very good players. Franchise Gilmore. Draft a safety. Renegotiate TT's deal. Draft QB. Sign a veteran WR.
  22. Explain the first drive of the Raiders game. It was perfect passing. And then it all went to hell. How does that happen???
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