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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. MMQB has no credibility. Peter King is Belichick's official ball handler.
  2. Agreed but you don't have to play your best players. No reason McCoy, Watkins, KW, Glenn, Richie, or Hughes should see the field. Everyone else can play and lose by 20.
  3. Restructure, restructure, restructure. Dareus, Glenn, KW, and possibly TT (if that is possible after picking-up the option). Who could be a cap savings cut? Carpenter for sure. Graham will be gone but I don't know his status. Would anyone cut Wood and keep Groy if the money savings was significant? I think Groy played himself into a nice mid-range contract. Is Mario still on the books for next year? Agreed. Cardale will look so bad Whaley might get fired and the controversy to add another QB in the draft will be settled. That is too simplistic. You don't know where the play is designed to go and open is relative to where the play initially dictates TT is supposed to look. That said, I agree with you and MAJ, TT needs to pull the trigger sooner. Perfect example was a throw to Clay that came late and ended up in a PI against the defense(Oakland game?). That throw was a full second and a half late. The ball should have been delivered on time giving Clay a chance to turn up-field. Even worse TT was looking right at him.
  4. I agree they should target another QB in rounds 2-4 unless Jones has shown more in practice than anyone knows. They should take the best safety on the board in round one hopefully after a trade down. Once A. Williams retires, EJ is off the books, P. Brown is released, and they let Gilmore walk they should have some money left over for a #2 WR, a safety, and hopefully keep Z. Brown. Should be a fun off-season
  5. For all of us, this is yet another frustrating and unanswerable question. MAJ will say no and it is hard to argue against him. I would say he did not regress and he is still TBD. I don't know how to evaluate this season with the points produced and the injuries at WR. As much as MAJ will scream TT is not a good QB, he doesn't know either. TT won very few if any games this year. But did he really lose any this year? I will give you Baltimore and Oakland as games he crapped the bed the most. He got a big assist from the defense in losing the Oakland game but even one scoring drive it he second half and the Bills probably win that game. If TT is not the QB next year, you can guarantee his replacement will cough the ball up much more even if he plays to the league average. MAJ please be advised you will be reminded of this mercilessly next year by this entire board. Will the increased turnovers be overshadowed by more yards and more scores? Perhaps but the offense will be hard pressed to score more points regardless of how they do it. But again the Bills and we the fans go into another off season just not knowing. Is TT the guy or not? Will he get better? What is a better option? For all the people that don't buy into TT, I have not seen a single viable option to upgrade the QB position. Romo? Why would Dallas trade him? He is the perfect insurance policy for Dak's inevitable fall from grace. Eli? Come on. EJ? F no. A rookie? Which one? Trade a first rounder to the Patriots for Janeane Garofalo? Sure why not. I lost my way and faith for a time with TT. But that was anger and rage with a blow the whole thing up mind-set. I could still be persuaded the best answer is to get rid of everyone; Russ, Whaley, TT, Rex, Lynn, the medical staff, St. John Fisher. The whole thing. But in the end I will go on record, he neither progressed or regressed and say the best option to win next year is TT and a 4-3 defense.
  6. Coughlin is not the answer. And if you want to trade for a QB, get Philip Rivers
  7. No I want a straight up 4-3 guy. Dareus and KW are better DT's and there are only two or three true NT's in the league that can play the position effectively. Lawson is a 4-3 DE. Washington is a 4-3 DE. Hughes can play OLB or DE. Zach and Ragland finish out the starting front 7. Get rid of Preston Brown and Spikes Sign another player that can play some middle and some SAM as a swing back-up.
  8. Mills is so bad that the coaches must know Kujo can't play RT. Move Glenn to RT. For those that appropriately ask can Glenn play RT, I counter, he can't possibly be worse than Mills. They should try and sign Groy quick. He is playing at a very high level and I think they might get priced out. FA and the draft is needed to rebuild almost the entire secondary in addition to #2 WR and a QB. RT/LT is solved. Move on to the next 5 problems
  9. Didn't their top defensive pick tear his ACL on the first day of mini-camps? Bortles sucks. Their offense is so bad it makes evaluating thier defense difficult. Just beause Seattle's defense statistically got better after he left does not mean Bradley was holding them back. Lynch and the running game were keeping the defense off the field. Wilson was getting better. Bradley is in part responsible for the big improvement.
  10. The leak of Rex getting fired weeks ago is just the final example of a long history of leaks from the Bills FO. My take is Brandon is the source. First, the leaks have been going on longer than any current Bills staffer. The leaks are of a very high nature. Not locker room talk or about spats between players where a source could be an equipment guy or some low level assistant. The leaks also never put Brandon in a bad light. They always seem to pit one GM vs another FO guy or a coach. All the while Brandon goes unscathed year after year. The leaks come straight from the top. The only other suspect could be Overdorf, but I question if even he has access to all high level decision.
  11. The defense is too complicated. By design it is supposed to confuse the QB's. Has any opposing QB looked confused or said after a loss that the Bills defense was difficult to play against? In fact the defense does the opposite, it causes mental breakdowns that lead to big plays for the opposing teams. I will also point out the Bills under Rex where terrible getting the play called in the first place. Then they are supposed to make all these pre-snap reads to adjust the defense. They didn't have the time to do it. And lastly, when teams go no huddle, there is no time for the defense to make adjustments pre-snap. I'm glad he is gone. You can't fool most good QB's. The Giants didn't fool Brady to beat him twice. Even Wade and his 3-4 defense is not based on confusion. Please just give me a 4-3 DC and let KW and Dareus destroy the interior of the offense
  12. 5 year projects don't get drafted in the first round. If the Bills FO really felt he needed years to develop then he shoudl have been a fifth round pick. We have seen enough of EJ. Great kid. So is TT. I would be happy to bring EJ back as a back-up because I doubt Jones will ever develop.
  13. Kyle Shanahan Matt Patricia James Franklin I don't want Coughlin. I don't want McDonalds. And I am ambivalent about Schwartz. He had one great year here but even his defenses in Detroit were not that great.
  14. So basically they agree with most of us that like TT. He is a servicable QB that doesn't have a great deal of leverage. I would completely agree with trying to get him to renegotiate. But the Bills are up against the wall too, as no one including yourself has come up with an alternative QB.
  15. Rex firing is because his defense sucks TT will be the starter next year. It makes total sense to not risk injury. Shady will sit and so will Watkins
  16. Maj, this has nothing to do with TT. There is no point to play any starter against the Jets. I think the next coach will have more to say who starts than the extension does.
  17. Marv was right about one thing. FA hurts your team more than it helps. Gilmore will walk and get paid top 10 money by someone. Gilmore then has a much better chance of being Byrd or Nate Clements than he does of being Winfield. The Bills will replace him with an overpaid player of lesser ability. And the cycle will continue. It is a no win situation.
  18. You sure it wasn't the crappy kick-off, the porous defense, or a great kick? Agree he should have just fallen down and taken the 1 yard loss when the play was blown up
  19. Did no media member think to ask Rex why he is trying to win the game? It is a legitimate question. It can be framed in many ways from injury, to draft position, and also seeing other guys play.
  20. On the ten men on the field, he said it was the most ridiculous thing he has seen. What was it? Was Gilmore cleared to return and refused? Was Gilmore cleared but then someone changed their mind? Did Reed, Rob, or Dennis Thurman screw it up? There is way more to this story. Give some credit to the media as they tried to get it out of him. And give Rex a little credit for not letting it out.
  21. I agree with MAJ on this one. I would off Scwartz first. He probably says no out of pride. Then in order of preference 1. Kyle Shanahan 2. James Franklin 3. Brian Schotenheimer
  22. MAJ - how many guys are you going to draft and sign in FA? I count RT, QB, CB, #2 WR, and two safeties if I have followed your posts correctly. That is five starters and a rookie QB. Are you advocating using the tag on Gilmore? I am. My plan keeps Gilmore for another year, puts the best five OL on the field and leaves the draft and FA to rebuild the safety positions, draft another QB to develop, and find a #2 WR. Did you see a drop off in play between Glenn and CK? I did not. If CK really can't play the RT moving Glenn to RT seems the best move. That is a very fair point. If Glenn struggles at RT then CK remains the swing, Henderson is on suspension, and they draft a RT in the first three rounds.
  23. The Bush play is such an odd call at that time. Five rushes by McCoy/Gillislee and they are in the end-zone. The dolphins were playing the edge ok. They were kiling them between the guard-tackle ot tackle -TE gaps. Too cute. They could have run the same stop route to Watkins again for 15 yards. And if they ran the fake option with Watkins running underneath, either Woods or Goodwin would have been wide open over the top. One fake hitch to Watkins and the safeties would have bitten with Goodwin streaking by them.
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