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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. 33 pages for a rumor. Very impressive boys and girls. I can not believe they would have made this decision already. It has nothing to do with the Jets game. First they don't have to make a decision right now. Second they don't have a HC to get their input. This is 100% speculation.
  2. Agree on trading down. The entire secondary needs to be rebuilt along with WR#2. My plan moves Glenn to RT and starts CK at LT. In FA make a huge play for Berry. If that fails, then go bargain hunting for a swing tackle, Z. Brown, and a few other defenders.
  3. Played less? He was the only player in the secondary that was any good. Darby was terrible all year. The safeties were just about league worst. Gilmore is great and he should be tagged and kept for another year.
  4. Haven't watched a pregame or post-game show in years. ESPN is unwatchable with nothing but people screaming at each other to get some camera time.
  5. Substitute Shanahan or Patricia for McDaniels and I would be all in with your list Funny I see it the opposite. I see it as Pegula growing as an owner and realizing he should listen to the football guy not the marketing guy for HC advice. The end result will be the same as Whaley must produce a playoff team next year or he is gone.
  6. Best Case: Kyle Shanahan, Switch to a 4-3, Philip Rivers demands a trade and Bills get him for a fourth round pick Worst Case: They don't pick up TT and they go into next season with Jones, a terrible veteran, and a rookie, Frank Reich as HC/OC, Pettine as DC
  7. I think another issue is the Buffalo News has more columnists than reporters. They write more opinion pieces than they do actual reporting. As others have pointed out the national guys sometimes have more info than the local guys.
  8. Lynn has no leverage to turn down a HC interview let alone a job offer. Good luck sir. You seem to be reasonably skilled but there are 25 other guys that can walk in and be HC.
  9. Rex reported directly to the owner. Whaley was not in full command of the organization. Is this really any different than in many places in some for or another? Do people really think the GM just sits back and signs and drafts whatever players he feels like without the input of the HC? How many owners just sit back and let the GM pick the HC without final say? Organizations almost never have a purely vertical structure any more. They are blends of horizontal and vertical reporting often with dyads forming a team for decision making. There are few if any decisions that can and should be made by one person. The Bills are far from dysfunctional when in comes to organizational structure. The media is just using an antiquated lens to look at the organization. You can argue/debate that the people in the organization may not be qualified to make these decisions but there is nothing wrong with have a GM/HC dyad structure of management. There really are very few decisions from player personnel, the draft, free agency, or final roster make-up that can't be made by consensus. All this media huff will blow over. This is more about them living in the past than it is about the Bills. Take Polian for instance. He had all the power in Indianapolis and year after year he let the talent get worse propped up only by Peyton Manning. He should be the last guy telling people how to run a modern organization.
  10. His agent threatened to not sign with the team that drafted him and sit out year and renenter the draft. Once he was picked in the 7th round he would be locked into 7th round money and nothing the agent could do to get more money. The threat worked and he became a highly sought after Undrafted FA. Rex didnt even know Lorax was still in the league
  11. Anybody watch Packers o-line. Best OT is Bulaga playing RT with a young fourth rounder just signed to an extension playing very well at LT. My point, move Glenn to RT and play Kujo at LT. One less problem to deal with this off-season.
  12. Excellent post. Would be happy with any of your top 3. There is usually a run on a position early in the first round. Hopefully teams draft QB's too high which will push the real talent down. FA will determine needs of course, but assuming they pick up TT's option they will have more holes to fill than draft picks thanks to Whaley moving up time after time. If there is no run on safeties, Whaley should drop down 6 or 7 spots and pick up another second round pick.
  13. Shanahan or Patricia as HC Wade has a top 5 defense - why would he leave? Just say no to Lynn and start fresh
  14. When did he keep Karlos? And FJ was done the year before. He had a great run but he did nothing for Seattle after he left. Dareus is a star player and worth the contract. Harvin was a stop gap that already knew most of the plays. Watkins is a superstar when healthy though I agree it was dumb to move up and get him. Convenient to forget he got Hunter, Hughes, Loraz, Groy, and Z. Brown Fair criticism would be constantly trading up in the draft and taking Cardale Jones three rounds before he should have.
  15. I don't live in Buffalo and I don't follow the Sabres as closely as the Bills. i don't understand where the Pegual hate is coming from? Is there more to the story than just the current state of each team? The Sabres successfully complteted the tank and look on the rise - thwarted by injuries to their three best players. Pegs missed on Rex but that probably has more ot do with having too much faith in Brandon the Circus Clown. Looks like he has moved correctly moved the GM into the top power position. You can argue he should dump Whaley too, but the best coordinators are available to interview this week. It is unlikely he could have signed a top GM so quickly. Again is there more to the hate?
  16. Only one long trip out west assuming San Diego is in California still. Saints without Payton will be terrible. At Carolina will be tough. Away travel games are ok - Chargers and Chiefs. No good destination spots to travel to.
  17. No Patricia? No Shanahan? Are these names only mentioned because their teams are out of the playoffs? I think Whaley has more than these guys on his list.
  18. Why the !@#$ was McCoy even playing? Stupid decision.
  19. Can't believe you guys are watching this. I just woke up.
  20. Only legit if he is the guy that wanted Osweiler.
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