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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Dallas should have called time out after Rodgers got that first down
  2. Pressure up the middle. It's not that hard. Free up KW and MD to create havoc. MD will be a DPY candidate next year.
  3. There are not enough QBs for 32 teams. But the union would not tolerate the loss of 90-106 jobs even if mitigated by roster expansion on the remaining 30 teams.
  4. I like it. Do away with division winners with 7-9 or 8-8 records getting home playoff games against WC teams at 10-6. Also gets the teams to visit other cities more often. NFL fans especially from the North East have migrated South and West for decades. Huge fan bases for these teams out west especially. I would tweak the proposal and go 10 AFC and 6 NFC games a year.
  5. Ragland was going to be a bust in any system. Too slow even for Rex. Hopefully Whaley has learned there is only one direction to trade on draft day.
  6. Broncos don't have to let him go. It is a lateral move. If they do, does Elway's FO officially become dysfunctional and worse than ours?
  7. Maj, we mostly agree again. I could see Lorax as nickel pass rusher/DE. I don't see a team giving him big money though at his age. But if he stays his biggest impact probably will be at ST's. He will look for one more payday would be my guess. Hopefully the market is cold. Dareus will be a beast next year.
  8. Kelso said McDermott's defense requires DB's that offer run support. Is Gilmore worth keeping knowing this? I agree with Maj, Gilmore looks like a top 15 DB most of the time. But we have all seen him shy away from contact more so this year than in the past. Contract year or true liability?
  9. I say it is Z. Brown. He is the only guy I believe that can play the middle LB spot in McDermott's defense. Ragland looked slow even for Rex's antiquated defense. I like Lorax as nickel pass rusher opposite Hughes. According to Kelso, this defense puts a premium on CB that can tackle. That might be the final nail in the Gilmore decision to let him walk. Might be easier to find middle of the road DB that can play zone and tackle.
  10. Which FO doesn't know how to file paperwork on time? Which FO had a worse QB situation? Which FO let a SuperBowl caliber defense down by not addressing the QB position?
  11. ​The man doth protest too much, methinks An NFL organization is not a military unit and many many organizations have dotted line reporting structures where multiple people and offices report to multiple different people. That is the way modern organizations are run. Only the most high level of decisions would need to go vertically to the top. Such as who is going to be the HC. Do you think they are going to give a first time HC the power to trade a first round draft pick for Tony Romo? No. Do you think Whaley cares who is the third TE or back-up interior lineman. No. Do you think they need to compromise and work with each other when making 53 man roster decisions in terms of the draft, the salary cap, and the make-up of the team. Yes. This is not so difficult. The media is making it sound dysfunctional because they have an agenda against Whaley and Pegula. So if Whaley is gone if they do poorly next year why would he get rid of TT with no other option? It makes no sense. Whaley said they were close. He said Rex's defense wasn't good enough. He just hired the guy to fix the defense. Pegs knew Whaley wasn't fully on board with Rex and Pegs knows he messed up with that hire. This time he gave Whaley full control. You are correct that he is on thin ice. If the new HC doesn't fix the defense or if whatever they do at QB/OC is worse than this year then Whaley is probably gone too. But then you end up in the 49ers situation with a new GM with a HC from an old GM. My hunch is Whaley is safe if McDermott looks like a capable guy.
  12. ST coaches are just about useless. I'm convinced they cause more harm than good. Let Doug have him. Anybody could do the job. My hunch is Carp bounces back. Doubt there is a FA kicker that would be a better option and they don't have enough draft picks to spend on a kicker.
  13. 1. We are keeping Gilmore 2. Dareus and KW will create havoc up the middle 3. Lynn and TT will continue to grow and improve together. 4. I will not destroy a top 12 offense but I will fix the **** that Rex left behind on defense.
  14. Sullivan is from a different era. Do you think they will let him run the draft by himself? No. Do you think Whaley would draft a player without discussing it with his coaching staff? Teams simply do not operate in the manner in which Sullivan thinks they do. He doesn't even understand basic organizational theory. Whaley was correct in saying he will work in whatever structure fits best with the owner and HC.
  15. Good call out. He has done well at both Penn St. and Houston. Exception that proves the rule?
  16. McDaniels had his chance. Patricia looks like he will miss out on a job. The past failures of ex-BB disciples is casting a wide shadow on Patricia and McDaniels
  17. Like the move. I'm not sold on McCoy. I'm perfectly happy with Lynn and a full off-season to develop and institute his own offense.
  18. No. The answer is trade down and rebuild the defense.
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