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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. So which Patriot cheap shots Julio Jones in the SuperBowl
  2. Just curious, where would you have put Kelly, Fouts, Marino ? How do you come to the conclusion Dak can win a SuperBowl after one year? And that Dalton can and TT can't? Dalton has had a top 10 defense and a great healthy WR. Give TT the same and the Bills are playing today.
  3. I prefer to lead by 20 going into the fourth quarter and have a defense that doesn't give up 28 straight points. I want a team with a much better passing attack. Whether that is TT, a new OC, and a healthy set or WR, or Jay Culter I don't really care. This team would have been playing in the divisional round of the playoffs last week coming off a playoff win if the defense was just average. They replaced a defensive minded HC with another defensive minded HC. How often does that happen? The only truth that Whaley spoke at his PC was Rex's defense wasn't good enough. Whaley screwed up with EJ but he was right about Rex. Let's hope he he is right about this QB decision. I think Whaley likes TT just a smidge more than Maj does and that means it is more than likely there is another QB under center next year.
  4. The new staff seems remarkably capable. They are not retreads like Jauron and Rex. The incoming staff has actually done well in the past unlike Marrone who wasn't the OC in NO. A. Williams might be able to play next year. Brady is a year older and Gronk ended up on IR again. The Bills did not move to LA. Russ had been marginalized. The Buffalo media looks like a bunch of small time idiots with no access. They have a #10 pick with three safeties and two corners that could get pushed down by two QBs that are not worthy of top 10. At least three teams may want a QB in the top 9. Oh if only Mike Williams slid to 10....
  5. Richie pulled a ton last year. Miller seems athletic enough. Groy or Wood is fine at center. I still say move Glenn to RT and leave Kujo at LT. The line will be great.
  6. Perhaps we should just wait and see what happens before declaring Sammy out for next year.
  7. Russ is the only plausible source of the leaks. He is now out of the decision making process.
  8. Why is it so hard for Seahawks to just say Sherman, knee, probable, full participant? Simple rule. Follow it or get punsihed.
  9. I'm not buying it. Whaley needs to win now. He has been part of the process for too long to be allowed to go 2-14 and survive. In addition there is no benefit to full rebuild in the NFL. There are rules on how much money must be spent as a percent of the cap. Moving up 10 spots in the draft is not like getting a top 3 lottery pick in the NBA/NHL. The Bills are not retiring a HOF roster that just finished their playoff window like the Colts with Manning. Full rebuild is not happening without a rookie version of Andrew Luck or Cameron Newton in the draft next year. The Bills will compete to win.
  10. I hope at some point when someone mentions 17 years, he just says I am not going to address that ever as it had nothing to do with me or this current team.
  11. In the past, the best predictor of a non-playoff team making the playoffs the following year was the number of single digit losses. Not sure if that still holds true. I would say after the QB situation, it is injuries, luck, and schedule.
  12. They should also be available at 10 in round 2. Neither is worth a first round pick. But they won't. Some team will reach for them in the first pushing the true talent down the draft order. No reason to reach on a QB. Sit tight and let a top level safety or CB fall to them at 10. Or depending on what they do in FA take the second best WR as Williams probably is a top 3 pick.
  13. There are too many awful QB's to list that have won or played in the SuperBowl. Yes I agree these four are amazing and three make the HOF. No different than when Elway, Montana, Kelly, Young, and Marino where playing. Except three of those guys couldn't win the game when they were the focal point of their offense. In fact you can make a nice parallel to today. Elway is Roethisberger now reliant on a running game. Rodgers and Brady are Young and Montana. Ryan is Marino with a ton of yards and zero to show for it. There are lots of ways to win in this league. Sign me up for a superstar QB just for the pure joy of watching them play for the Bills week after week. Until they draft that guy, all I care is winning and competing in the playoffs. Even an average defense gets the Bills to the divisional round of the playoffs this past year.
  14. Agree. And no mention of it during his season long farewell tour.
  15. I agree but thought I would put it out there. There are three safeties and a couple DB worth a top 10 pick. Ideally there is a run on QBs early and the Bills can drop down 5 or 7 spots
  16. It was the time and pace of the final drive. Too slow. Left no time for another drive if they didn't score or get the two point conversion. Chiefs were huddling and snapping ball with little time on play clock. Of course had to go for two after the score.
  17. The two point conversion. He managed the clock terribly. Wasted a ton of time and a time out on that final drive. Left no time if something went wrong.
  18. How can Collinsworth spew out this garbage about Harrison spending so much to take care of himself. They should make Harrison pea in a cup every five hours this week. Brady vs Harrison in the HGH Bowl next week.
  19. Should the Bills make him a crazy offer in FA? Would anyone give up a number one?
  20. Reid put the entire season on one play. Just awful. Doesn't learn from his mistakes. Great regular season coach but just can't see the big picture at times.
  21. No matter the outcome, Reid is an awful game manager. Down 8 and snapping the ball with 1 second on the clock. Always has sucked at clock management.
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