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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. It isn't fun to grow up is it? How long did you cry when you found out Santa Claus wasn't real???
  2. Turn over the #1 spot to a guy who has had 7-8 good games and one huge game losing drop. Yeah that sounds smart. What difference does Evan's cap number make? The Bills have not been close to the cap in a decade. And then you can trade a 7th and that magical second round pick for Tom Brady. Grow up.
  3. This is not as big a deal as people think. 401K plans are based on the calendar year. You can fund to the max amount allowed by the IRS right up until Dec. 31st. You don't have to fund on any particular schedule based on an employee's paycheck or pay-period. I run a 50 employee business and we do this every year.
  4. You can visit a good psychiatrist. Because if you think the fans mean anything to the players and owners you are delusional.
  5. Except for the wide open fly pattern he ran against the Chiefs in OT that would have won the game if Fitzy didn't overthrow him by 5 yards. But then again he doesn't have any skills...
  6. Easy Cam Newton. He will be as big a bust as Russell was and he will ruin the Panthers for the next three years.
  7. I'm not one to defend DJ and his horrible offensive coordinator choices, BUT don't you think the simplicity of the offense had something to do with Losman. I mean just listen to the guy. He must have rode the short bus to school. Not bright is being too kind. He was just plain dumb. There is no way he was going to figure out a complex offense. The sad thing is that an experienced personnel guy couldn't figure out a QB from Tulane with only a cannon for an arm was just not smart enough to play QB in the NFL.
  8. Who should the Bills sign? I would like to see Marc Bulger but I'm not sure he would sign to be a back-up. He has been rumored to go to the Cardinals but if they trade for Kolb that won't happen. I say no to Vince Young. I think this board likes Tyler Thigpen as an option. Grossman? Troy Smith?
  9. Fair enough. You got me. My recollection was he was a big disappointment his first several years and then played well last year. I got suckered by the Penn State connection.
  10. Did you seriously just write that??? I think Andre Reed, James Lofton, Pete Metzellars, Don Beebe, and Steve Taker may disagree with you. Just saying one HOF WR and one soon to be HOF WR are a lot better than this group.
  11. Listen to his interview. The guy sounds bright as hell. I think this kid could be a steal.
  12. Way too soon to give up on him. For one unless he is due some ridiculous roster bonus that we are not aware of the bulk of the rookie deal money has already been paid to him. He is a cheap roster spot now. As pointed out a beefier front 7, perhaps learning from a true pass rusher like Merriman, and just experience will help. He still looks like a huge bust but Tamba Hali looked like a bust for KC and he has very good last year. If he, Moats, and Merriman can give the Bills a decent pass rush it would be huge for the 2012 draft.
  13. And don't forget Stupar wiped out Lee Evans ankle!
  14. "I compare his value to that of Josh Reed" Exactly - they both suck.
  15. Google Doubleback Wine. Drew's winery got top 100 on wine spectator this year. I've met him several times as he was living in Portland OR during his Bills' and Cowboys' years. He is quite a bright guy and good businessman. His STAT's are worthy of HOF consideration. He threw for almost 10,000 more yards than Kelly and 14 more TD's.
  16. Yes came in cold when Ms. Buchenden twisted his ankle and threw one beautiful touch TD pass.
  17. Try going out on a date with a girl!
  18. It is awesome. Games start at 10 and over by 1. Have the entire rest of the day to do more stuff or watch more football. I have Direct TV Sunday Tix but even if I didn't they show the Bills from time to time when playing AFC and NFC West opponents.
  19. Agree. I like his show quite a bit. He is much more intellectual and he makes no bones about it. He wants a higher degree of listener. Knuckle dragging meatballs need not listen.
  20. There is no plan. People need to stop thinking there is a pln for Kelly to buy the team. RW can not upon his death direct the sale of the team to anyone or any group nor can he put any restrictions on the sale. It is simple estate planning law. He can if he chooses let the family incur the tax burden which is unlikely. So please stop the specualtion of a transition plan. If RW doesn't sell the team before he dies the team will go up for auction just like a piece of furniture.
  21. I defy you to find one play on You tube or anywhere where he broke a tackle. Just because he used to be a runing back meant nothing in the NFL. He was horrible.
  22. If the best they can do is Hansen, then they should just skip a year. I was there! Elway called time-out when they lined Biscuit up on the same side as Bruce! It was the loudest ovation for a time-out in the history of the NFL!!! Good times...
  23. RW is a freaking genius. He proved NFL football wouldn't work in Toronto by putting this craptastic collection of bad players together and playing some of the worst football of the last 30 years in those Toronto games. The games were so bad they couldn't sell out and the fans just said no thank you. Now the NFL won't put a team up there so RW keeps all the Ontario money flowing to him. Damm he's good!
  24. Who is the best coach in the NFL? What does his team do every year? How many high round picks did they have last year, this year, and next? Case closed. Trading down is almost always the best option. The exception this year was Dareus at 3. Too much talent at too much of a need position to trade down even if they got more than what Cleveland got from Atlanta.
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