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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. What he said!!! If he wins a SuperBowl no one will care about the stats. Steve Young statistically was a better regular season QB than Montana but it meant nothing until he won the SuperBowl. Aikman was never the dynamic player Staubach was but he won SuperBowls. Yes it will be hard. Buffalo, Miami, and Denver have all failed to find the heir apparent to great QB's. But in the end it may be less about Luck and more about luck. They need to get lucky with two or three solid drafts in a row (which is very hard to do) to replace an aging roster with question marks just about everywhere.
  2. All non-sense. Great players make a scheme look good. We don't have great players and we have few decent players. The defense sucks because they have drafted poorly for a decade and any good players left via FA. The Bills FO has been historically bad talent evaluators. And this group may be no better - remember Gailey started Edwards and Spiller/Lynch over Fitz and Jackson, almost benched Levitre, and played Kelsay at OLB. That being said if Troup's back gets better he can help form a solid four man rotation at DT with Williams, Dareus, and Heard. He looked decent in pre-season last year. And I think Carrington has a shot at RDE. Kelsay(gulp) is servicable at LDE.
  3. Great move for Kelsay and Carrington. Troup probably still gets a chance to compete for a DT spot especially if Kyle Williams health is not known. I just can't see Shepard being a MLB in the 4-3. He isn't big enough. He and Ray Lewis are listed basically the same size 6'1-2" and 250. Lewis looks at least 20 if not 25 lbs bigger. Moats/Batten are as good as gone. Huge holes at OLB, back up MLB, and back up DE's. They will need to draft/add in FA no less than four front seven players.
  4. Dareus and Williams were perfectly fine choices in the first two rounds. No doubt AJ Green would look good in a Bills uniform.
  5. After Blackmon there appears to be a drop off. Floyd may be the next best but he is a low first roundr and might slip to the second round if their is the usual first round reach or two and a run on some other postion. Remember it was only a few years ago no WR went in the first round.
  6. Marvin Lewis, Rex Ryan, Mike Nolan, Chuck Pagano... Ed Reed, Terrell Suggs, Ray Lewis, Haloti Ngata, and others... Which group do you think deserves the credit for the Ravens defensive dominance for the last decade or more?
  7. Surprise cut - Moorman Kelsay returns - he is a decent 4-3 DE and he is RW's favorite color Merriman returns for camp - if he can play he makes the team - it won't be a money issue I think they will get a deal done with Stevie Johnson. He passes the eyeball test and I think he can continue to be a weapon for this offense. I don't think they are bringing Bell back. With the way Nix talked about adding a tackle in the draft it seems Bell will be gone. Pears is a RT and Hairston can start at LT. Levitre can back up LT and Hairston can back up RT if needed. They will draft a day three LT project. I believe WR is harder to draft than DE/OLB. I think whatever FA money is spent will be on resigning Stevie and adding an experienced wideout that is a 1a or solid 2.
  8. Who cares waht Evans was getting paid... The team has not been close to the cap in a decade or more. This year the trade hurt more than it helped becuase they were playing three PS players at WR in the end. A fourth round pick can turn into a solid contributior to an NFL team. Just about any offensive lineman or CB would have been more help this year but let's face it player for player trades almost never happen in the NFL.
  9. Cruz reminds me a lot of Stevie. Seems to have the same body control/motion. Moves his shoulders well, gets out of breaks well, changes speed and direction well with and without the ball. I see Stevie and Fitz working well together for several years if they can get him resigned and come up with a decent #2. Welcome your thoughts on Cruz...
  10. I live in Portland. Kelly is as arrogant an !@#$ as Rex Ryan. His offense will never translate to the NFL. His clock management is awful and probably cost the team a shot at playing in the BCS Championship game. He gambles way too much on 4th down. He can do that against Washington St. but that won't fly in the NFL. And lastly where there is smoke there is usually fire. Derron Thomas, the QB, who has virtually no chance to play QB in the NFL is forgoing his senior season for the draft. Phil Knight spends a ton of money on this program. There is no way it is clean. The Lache Seastrunk/Willie Lyles stuff is probably just the tip of the iceberg.
  11. Yes except there is no WR currenlty signed for next year that can even get open in the endzone to make a catch...so I wouldn't give Nix too many props just yet
  12. Trade downs are possible if a guy falls that someone wants. There is always someone who is picked in the top 10 that wasn't projected that high meaning there will be someone at the #10 spot that may grade out as the 5th or 6th best pick. If that guy is a value pick and also fills a need for the Bills take him. If not listen to offers.
  13. I bet several teams call that unspent money profit and put in their personal bank account....
  14. As stated many many times before. There is no deal in place to do anything at the time of RW's death. It is all about estate taxes. His family is not rich enough to pay for the tax at the time of his death so it must be sold. He can not control who the team is sold to. He can not at the time of his death put any stipulations on the sale. Keep dreaming...
  15. Cowher only if Manning stays. If Manning stays they are screwed for cap space on a team with a horrible offensive line, an aging defensive line, and a terrible secondary. If Colts want to survive as a franchise they need to trade Manning or trade Luck for a kings ransom. What if Peyton can play another 4 years and they got two number ones and two number twp's plus a player or two for luck? If Manning is healthy, I would consider trading the number 1 to Cleveland for Joe Thomas and a few other picks.
  16. Based on what? He's white and Christian? He was never on the field. James Lofton sounds much more articulate than Reich ever did, and he has played the position at a HOF level.
  17. Rosenhaus probably does play a factor. In theory he should have made a decision to leave before talking to an agent but i'm sure that is not how it actually happens. Regardless if he flames out after a year or two that money won't last. Long term he would be better off with a degree(not that he can't finish the degree later) and being an icon from a small college town.
  18. I live in Portland. He is a horrible NFL QB prospect. His mechanics are awful. Dennis Dixon was a much better passer than Thomas. Everyone in Oregon is shocked he is leaving for the NFL. He played very well in the Rose Bowl and if he led the Ducks to another Rose Bowl win or another BCS championship game he could live off endorsement money in Oregon for the rest of his life. Now he will be lucky to be drafted. I would love to know who is advising him to leave for the NFL.
  19. Ranking defenses by yards is also useless. How many times were the Patriots in the lead in the fourth quarter and didn't care about giving up yards? There should be a composite ranking that highlights turnovers, red zone defense, 3rd down stops, and finally yards. If they can do it for a QB ranking they can do it for defenses as well.
  20. Lee Evans has a better chance of seeing the playoffs next year than whomever that 4th rounder ends up being... He isn't saying that Evans is the reason they are in the playoffs. What he is saying is this perrenial loser of a franchise we all worship can do nothing right. Evans must be ecstatic that he has moved on from here, just like all the other Bills players and coaches in the playoffs. The last time we traded a decent player to the Ravens, Marv Levy wasted the extra pick to move up in the draft and take Poz. This franchise has little hope of being in the playoffs next year even though there are numerous last to first place examples in the recent NFL history.
  21. Rush the passer that is the modern NFL defense. Stop the run while rushing the passer. We need at least two pass rushers in FA or from the draft to add to the front seven...
  22. We have never had a great one. There have been a few very good ones. But one thing is certain. For 60 years we have never been able to cover any of the good ones. This year was no different.
  23. Edwards and Carrington are 4-3 DE's not DT's.
  24. Plenty of great TE's left in the playoffs though....When will we finally address this huge hole in our offense.
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