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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Agree! And rush up the middle seems to be what QB's least like. A healthy KW will make Dareus an all-pro this year.
  2. Yes it would be expensive but it would give the team another year to determine if he can stay healthy or not? Everyone wants the elusive incentive laden contract, but some team is likely to pay him big dollars and he won't sign a deal with the Bills based on incentives(not that that wouldn't be fair to both sides - but who says capitalism is fair). Levi Brown being on the market may be the only thing that keeps Bell from being the most sought after lineman. Even though I posted the question, I wouldn't do it. I would take DeCastro and play Levitre or Hairston at LT. In a dream Martin is there and some team wants him badly enough so we can drop 3-5 spots and still get Decastro. Wouldn't be upset with Martin at #10 either.
  3. They hopefully just invested millions in Stevie, Fitz, Spiller, and soon Jackson. If they don't resign Bell, no way they don't draft an offensive lineman. Too much money invested to leave LT to Hairston. DeCastro may be too good of a talent to pass-up at #10, but I believe it will be Martin.
  4. All but assured it is Martin, Reiff, or DeCastro at #10 now...
  5. Agree for the most part but NFL defenses are more complicated than you are making them out to be. Rarely if ever is the entire secondary in zone or man to man. Having a true # 1 CB allows you to mix zone and man coverage in the same play and it may not be just that #1 CB that plays man to man. NFL defense as you correctly stated is about getting pressure on the QB. But you still need to stop the run from time to time and even more important you need to confuse the QB/WR's. At least enough to slow them down. There are so many adjustments made before the snap and during the play, even a moments hesitation can cause a pass break up or a turnover. Having a true #1 CB allows you to disguise your defense even more than if you have 5 equally competent corners(of which no one does).
  6. Wow has the bar been set so low in Buffalo that Chandler would be described as dynamic???
  7. Wood will almost assuredly be on PUP list at start of the season. Bell is gone unless he initiaties something with the Bills. He will test the market and if the rest of the league sees him as injury prone and he does not get the money he is looking for, he and his agent may come back to the Bills looking for a contract. If Bell is not signed the #10 pick has to be a LT. FYI...Fitz broke ribs on a blitz up the middle not around LT
  8. Steelers expected to make a first round tender offer as he is a restricted FA. How many would give up the number ten pick for him? He would certainly have a greater impact than a rookie WR. Probably would cost more to sign than the number 10 pick, especially up front as the deal would need to be structured in a way that the Steelers couldn't match. The Steelers have significant cap issues. Maybe the Bills can pull a Will Wolford scenario on the Steelers. People seem to be leaning more towards LT on the board lately and I would not be upset with that. However a WR corps of Wallace, Johnson, and Easley/Nelson/Jones at WR with Hairston at LT would be fine with me.
  9. Agree. If they can get Bell to agree to a reasonable deal, the combination of him and Hairston should be fine for LT. Decastro then becomes an all-world RG. Wood is placed on PUP list and comes back about week 7. Now the line is young, has depth, and can be very solid with competition at every spot except LG.
  10. Trade down... never up... stay thirsty With the best front 4 in the NFL and a DE that they would not part with as part of the trade...
  11. If they play more zone, does that help McKelvin? He struggles to locate the ball and play the ball after very good if not perfect coverage. Maybe with his hips open to the QB and looking back into the pocket he can judge the ball better. He turns well and breaks on the ball very well. I hope they can get some rush out of Carrington and Merriman. Just wishful thinking a rookie playing next to a second year player in Dareus is going to be able to create havoc like the experienced line of the Giants.
  12. The more I think about him at 10 the more I like it. If they resign Bell then they have three tackles, Decastro and Levitre at Guard, and Wood, Rhinehart and Urbik to play center and provide depth. No need to rush Wood back - PUP list will give his knee more time to heal. This could be a very good line for a long time. Then draft defense the rest of the way(assuming they resign or tag Stevie).
  13. If Levitre could play LT full time, De Castro would be a great pick. He is going to be all world. But I just don't think Levitre at LT is what the FO wants.
  14. In terms of his position and how they compare to others, only Luck, RG3, and Blackmon may be more talented. This guy looks like Steve Hutchison. He will make some team in the late teens extremely happy to get him and anchor their line for a decade. Nobody will trade up for a guard but when all is said and done a decade from now he may be the steal of the draft if he falls into the late twenties.
  15. There is always a surprise pick in the top ten. Maybe there is a crazy run on LT's. Some player will fall a little. No maybe that is becuase the media thinbkis he should go higher than the scouts do. But maybe there is that player that falls. I'm hoping there is someone that would be willing to trade up even a few spots. I would take an extra second next year or a third and a fourth this year to maove and willing move back 5-10 spots. Then I would take BPA be it DE, OLB, WR, or LT.
  16. While your comments on the other available FA WR's are spot on, you have lost all perspective when it comes to Johnson. Let's look at the money aspect first. This is his best chance and maybe his last to get the huge contract. The only reason to sign with Buffalo before he hits the open market is that then he won't be competing against those other WR's you mentioned for big FA dollars, to take away uncertainty and the risk that other teams may find his dropped winning TD passes and dumb ass penalties not worth top dollar, and to avoid the franchise tag. If the Bills are dumb enough not to use the tag then it is their own fault if he leaves. Now to your ridiculous home town discount arguement. First of all this rarely if ever happens. It mainly is not in terms of total dollars more in the way the contract is structuredd to help out the team - ie take more in bonus money so it can be spread out over the length of the contract to save cap space. Any player that does take less for the home town discount or a FA that takes less, does so to play for a winning franchise, another superstar player, or the chance to win immediately. None of those apply to Buffalo.
  17. If Finley is worth $7.5 mil per then Stevie has to be worth 8-10 for this team. I'm not saying some other team will pay Stevie 8-10 but he is the true and only #1 on this team. The only guy I would pay more for is Vincent Jackson. Bowe, Garcon, the two in New Orleans are in the same conversation as Stevie and we might as well stick with what we know. BTW Nix deserves some props for the McGee restructure
  18. Sad...If the product on the field was worth watching they could increase the prices by 50% and still sell out...
  19. Stadiums and Pro Teams of any sport are never a postivie for the local economy and usually drain resources better uesed elsewhere. This hs been shown multiple times. I wrote a paper on this while I was in Cleveland and they were passing the sin tax to pay for Jacobs Field. Don't get me wrong I think having a pro sports team is a reasonable use of public dollars but you have to realize they bring no economic benefit. Why is it college teams can get massive stadiums built and huge upgrades even at state institutions with no public money other than that which is donated, and NFL stadiums are basically financed on the backs of people who can't afford the tickets????
  20. I would worry about Martin and the level of competition he has faced. The Pac 12 measures success on defense on how long it takes the other team to score not if they actually stop someone. Reiff may be there(Kalil will be gone in the top 5) but I don't think Adams or Martin are that far behind him in talent. Again this draft screams trade down and take BPA - WR(Floyd), DE(Mercilus), or OT.
  21. How is SJ getting max dollars for his best shot at setting him up for life greed? Would you turn down extra money to play for this losing franchise? Players take less to win or play with other superstars. We have no superstars. If SJ walks it is on Nix for not getting a contract done in training camp last year.
  22. NIce move by his agent to make a counter offer. Usually teams offers are just rejected and the player goes into FA saying the team never made a serious offer. Now Stevie and his agent can blame Nix if a deal doesn't get done and can go into FA. If I were Stevie I would be worried he will be competing with other WR's that are better or at worst as good as he is...Jackson, Bowe, Garcon, Colston, Meachem... Hopefully they made the Bills an offer making him the 10-15th highest paid WR and Nix pinches his nose and signs the dam thing...
  23. Only if Wood plays 16 games at the ProBowl level he played last year
  24. Edwards is gone if Troupe's back is ok. Edwards can play a 4-3 DT in pass rush situations. That is what he did in Baltimore. But if Troupe is OK I don't see us keeping Edwards at that price to be the 4th or 5th DT. No way he plays DE. I think Carrington has a great shot at starting at DE. He may be able to beat out Kelsay and if they draft LT, OLB, or WR in the first round instead of a DE he almost assuredly is the starting DE. I think the only way Carrington isn't on the team is if they sign Mario Williams or Robert Mathis and still take a DE in the first round. No way. McKelvin is cheap at this point in his contract, played great special teams, didn't pout when demoted making it likely he is a decent teammate and he has skills. If they sign Routt, Florence is the one that is gone - maybe even if they don't sign Routt.
  25. You missed the point entirely. You need to trade down. The draft is a crap shoot and if you have three more picks the odds of finding talent increase.
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