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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. I lost all a lot of respect for Goddell when he destroyed the Patriots video tape evidence. Yes he hit them fairly hard but he protected his buddy Roger Kraft and the Patriots from looking even worse. I suspect there was a lot more to that story and it probably included some evidence that the cheating worked. Just think they played 3 teams twice a year and for many years they played the same team in consecutive years. My bet is they were successfully stealing signals and they had proof it affected outcomes of games. And if you want to be really cynical and sinister maybe he did it because affecting the outcomes of games doesn't go over too well with guys in bad Italian suits from Vegas... Just sayin...
  2. Thanx for the post..Still would be surprised he starts game 1 but maybe the stars are finally aligned this season!
  3. Lost in all this deserved off-season optimism is the concern at the center position. What are people's thoughts on the current group that will hold the spot until Wood is healthy? I have to believe Wood goes on the PUP list to start the season. I'd be shocked if he was ready to go by the time the season starts. I hope they hold him back and let him get a decent amount of practice time before they let him play. Who starts against the Jets? Urbik? Brown? If Urbik starts at C who plays RG? Why do I always have to worry about something???
  4. Last year no one got hurt in the pre-season except Troupe. Many idiots on this board were so happy that Chan sprinkled in a few two a day practices during camp to toughen up the team. Well look what happened. The o-line was still dessimated with injuries, we lost a potential MVP candidate to a broken leg, our QB got his ribs broken, and three guys off the street finished the year as starting WR's. If only they would practice full hitting without pads maybe that would toughen them up enough to make it through the season...
  5. To defend the Eli listers, I don't think anyone would have called him a great QB before he won his first SuperBowl. IN fact he was very average until he went on the incredible playoff run of three road victories. So yes Eli would have been thought of as average prior to and maybe even after winning his first SB. Now he is in the elite category.
  6. Name great QB's that never won the SuperBowl. It's a team sport. Brady may be the greatest QB of all time and he has lost his last two SB's. Kelly, Marino, Elway(without TD), Fouts, Tarkenton, and many other greats have never won the SB. QB's are important but so are LB's that can tackle OJ Anderson....
  7. Point well taken. I am not worried about the South as much as I am the West. Jax, Indy and probably Tenn just aren't going to be any good. However KC and Denver might be very good and San Diego will contend as well. If they beat each other up then yes the second place team may be only 8-8 or 9-7. If two of those teams do very well against their NFC opponents they could get to ten wins. I guess I shouldn't count the Raiders out as well. All these teasm could beat each other and the division winner may only be 10-6 or 9-7 but still be a good team.
  8. 10-6 may not be good enough to make the playoffs...If NE wins the division tie breakers will decide everything else. Denver, San Diego, Houston, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Kansas City, Tennesse, Cincinnatti, and the Jets all have legit shots at a wild card. The amount of wins will be important but who they are against will be critical as well. They may need to go 5-1 in divisional games with a sweep of the Jets along with wins over two of the following three (Houston, KC and Tenn) to make the playoffs.
  9. That is about right. He was top 10 pre-injury and just about the worst QB post injury. First 8 games of 2012 will determine his fate.
  10. Even Maybin would do well opposite Dareus and Williams... Carrington may be the fourth DE along with Dareus, Williams, Anderson, with Merriman at OLB...that is nasty
  11. Been saying this for a long time. Merriman's best role will be as an OLB rushing next to Williams or Anderson. Leave Barnett or Sheppard at the MLB and drop 5 DB's. If they go 6 DB's then you will see a front 4 of Merriman or Anderson, Carrington at DT, Dareus, and M. Williams with a MLB. They can even get crazy with some 3-4 stuff with Mario as an OLB and Dareus/Carringotn at DE with K William or Troup at the NT to switch things up. If everyone stays healthy they can show so many different looks. I'm not sure that is Wanny's style but we will see soon... I wouldn't even play Merriman in the pre-season. Why show your hand to the Jets. Let them guess where he is going to line up and don't take the chance of him getting banged up.
  12. Why does is it suck for Ballard? By the Patriots claiming him off waivers he keeps his salary and current contract. The only reason the Giants waived him was to get him at a lower salary.
  13. I chose Cleveland because I think Cinci will take a step back and Cleveland is so bad it won't tkae much for them to look improved. If they win 6 games it is a huge turn around. If Buffalo doesn't make the playoffs regardless of win-loss record (we could win 10 games and still not be a WildCard team) it will be another disappointing season.
  14. No thanks...he couldn't cover slow TE's...imagine what Gronkowski would do to him twice a year
  15. If they can only sign one I would take Levitre over Byrd. Hopefully they find a way to get them both signed. Not waiting until FA might let them get a litlt ebit of a discount and maybe use this year's cap to spread the money over a longer time. Granted it takes two sides to get a deal done...
  16. Why does everyone think Jim Kelly is going to save the day? How many businesses of his failed? Maybe he is still around the team because he needs the money. Do we even know if he still has the money to be a minority owner? And if he is a minority owner how much actual say would he have in the team moving? None
  17. Agree on the special teams comment. Whether you call Merriman a DE or an OLB he still will not play special teams.
  18. Edwards is a 3-4 DE with limited pass rush ability. Spencer Johnson is a good swing DT/DE. My hunch is they go with youth and keep Troup/Carrington instead of Johnson. Do I think either are really any better than Johnson? No not really but theyare younger and will be hungry for their next contract. Would I put money on it? No because Troup has back issues and if they insist on playing Carrington at DT he will fail. He was a very good pass rushing DE (in a small college conference) and that is where he should be - not in the trenches.
  19. Sure you can for a year and Merriman is still relatively young. Fair arguement but there are still lots of situations where run stuffers are needed. Goal line and short yardage packages may have Dareus at DE and Williams and Troup at DT. Run oriented offensive opponents will require more heft up front and more rotations of the DT's.
  20. Johnson and Edwards will be cut. Carrington will be a swing DT/DE. Kelsay is a serviceable 4-3 DE. I am hopeful Troup is the surpise performer at camp and solidifies the three man DT rotation.
  21. Reminds me of taking a walk after landing in Seattle. That is all well and good until you can't beat Pittsburgh's backups for a playoff spot!!! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d82980719/article/mike-mularkey-cancels-last-jaguars-ota-?module=HP11_content_stream
  22. Totally agree... Intersting choices. At first glance you would think Freddie but with CJ on the roster his recovery is not as crucial as Wood and Williams. The other way of looking at it is Freddie and Stevie are alomst 100% sure to be healthy and ready to go. Merriman looks good. Williams and Wood are big question marks if they will be ready by season opener. And lastly Easley is just a mystery.
  23. Kelly runs the spread read option offense. That will not work in the NFL. He has yet to have a QB make it through a single season healthy and that is against Pac-12 defenses. Regardless he will not leave Oregon willingly for an OC position.
  24. Chip should have taken the Tampa Bay job when he had the chance. Oregon is going to be on probation soon and a program like that might take two decades to come back if ever. Washington has not recovered and they have a much greater history. Ohio State, USC, Alabama, and the big boys can bounce back. Oregon - no way...
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