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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. How am I a bad fan? I live in the Pacific NW for ten years and have purchased Sunday Ticket just so I can follow my home team. How many positive memories do you have over the last decade? My top ten list are all legit questin marks. That being said I think this is the year. My other post gives my reasons why. If the Bills can find answers to some of these questions marks, then the schedule, other teams quesions marks, our depth. and the pass rush should end the playoff drought. BTW its ok to criticize your team unless not making the playoffs for a decade is acceptable...
  2. Titans look bad at QB and St. Louis is one Sam Bradford injury away from 2-14.
  3. 1. The schedule 2. Rushing the passer is more important than stopping the run. 3. The schedule. 4. Covering WR's and getting takeaways from the DB's is more important than LB's making plays at the line of scrimmage. 5. The schedule 6. Glenn and Hairston are probably both better than Bell was at LT. 7. The schedule 8. While lacking superstars this team on paper seems to have depth up and down the enitre roster making it easier to overcome the inevitable injuries. 9. The schedule 10. Rex Ryan, Tim Tebow, Marvin Lewis, Andy Dalton's sophmore slump, Manning's neck, Suggs injury along with Ray Lewis and Ed Reed's age, Matt Schaub's foot, Steeler's O-line, Joe Flacco, Patriot's pass rush, Matt Cassell, and Norv Turner are all as big of a question mark for their respective teams as any question mark the Bills have.
  4. 1. It's hard to win in the NFL - well it is true. The Jets, Pats, Bills, Steelers, Bengals, Ravens, Texans, Broncos, Chargers, and Chiefs all have legit shots at the 6 playoff spots and the Titans and Raiders could surprise people. 2. The LB corp is just not good. 3. Wannstedt has washed out of the last three coaching jobs he has had and was at least partly responsible for the mess last year. 4. The DL may still not be able to stop the run. 5. The WR is as lacking in talent as it is deep in mediocrity. 6. The best O-lineman is coming off his second serious leg injury. 7. A rookie will start at LT. 8. Fitz will throw at least one if not three horrific passes a game. 9. Freddie is old and coming off a leg injury 10. Tom Brady
  5. Just off the top of my head, I can only think of about four three down MLB's. Wilis, Urlacher(not sure he si any good in coverage anymore), Lewis, and Mayo. I'm sure there are more but these are the only superstars I can think of. My point is I don't think the MLB position has to be a three down LB and didn't Barnett play MLB in the nickel and dime defenses last year? I agree with a previous poster the starting MLB for 2013 is likley not on this roster. Will have to live with Sheppard for a year. I don't think he is big enough to take on blockers and shed them. I don't care what his height and weight are listed as he just doesn't look the part. The four listed above are much bigger yet just as fast.
  6. When did Gilmore and Glenn get voted into the HOF. I don't even recall their MVP awards or multiple player of the month trophies.
  7. Sanders would not make it to the PS. He would be signed by another team very quickly. Troup to IR?
  8. It's also a sign of better depth. When you are resigning your own and not cutting busts, there is little room for 6th and 7th round picks to make your team. Therefore that is when you take a flyer on a kicker, a QB, or a physical specimen and see what you can do with them for a year or two on or off the PS. Wouldn't it be nice to see a couple of draft picks not make it because the rest of the squad is too good???
  9. Evans would have to wait until they finished sculpting a figure of Talley whiffing on a tackle in the SuperBowl...
  10. I would be very surprised if Graham starts the season as the #2. No matter how fast he is I doubt he picks up the offense that quickly. And as for Easley and Hardy comparison...I believe Hardy had at least one TD reception after year two. All Easley has put up is a huge doctor bill.
  11. Just as moronic to praise a guy for good plays against a base offense in a pre-season game
  12. His six sacks for the Jets would have led the team for Buffalo last year. I know they were garbage sacks but so were the ten sacks against the Redksins. Would it surprise anyone here that the last two defensive coordinators were unable to teach him how to be an NFL OLB. DJ wanted him to play DE. I mean my god how bad was he at talent evaluation. Did they even weigh him before drafting him? Still looks like a one trick pony and not a very good one but as has been pointed out before he is still young, has never been injured, and now may have competent coaching at the correct position.
  13. In the end do those extra hours help? The losing teams put in the same amount of time as the winning teams. The only thing that matters in the NFL is the QB position. Did it help Andy Reid's relationship with his son to spend countless hours at the practice facility only to have his QB be unable to run the two minute offense and puke on the field during the SuperBowl? I have two sons and it pains me not to see them when I come home late from work. And even if Reid had been a stay at home dad his son may still have succomb to drug addiction. But I ask again are 100 hour work weeks really necessary only to have Lee Evans drop the AFC championship winning TD pass or for Norwood to miss wide right?
  14. He would have a good chance to be our #2 unless Easley really develops. That being said I would rather see the young guys get playing time and develop as a unit. If Seattle was smart they would sign him to the veteran minimum, cut him just before the season, and resign after week 1 so his salary is not guaranteed.
  15. You are right. It is time to go all in for the playoffs this year. Get Bowe or Wallace. A first round draft pick WR could take years ot develop. Get a veteran now. We have an average at best TE, an average QB, and question marks at 4 of the 5 offensive line positions. Adding a superstar on the outside takes pressure off of the entire offense especially the running game.
  16. Not talented enough to play in the NFL. Haven't the Bills moved on from players like him? Character guys don't win. Talented guys win.
  17. Not talented enough to play in the NFL. Haven't the Bills moved on from players like him? Character guys don't win. Talented guys win.
  18. Guys he tore his patellar tendon in Dec 2011. He will be lucky to be able to jog by November. Very little if any chance he plays with any team in 2012. Even if healthy I don't see a role for him. He is not needed for ST's as a returner or a gunner. He will not beat out Searcy for back-up playing time or three safety packages. With Scott being able to play both OLB and SS and both Wilson and Searcy being able to play SS and FS I don't see a need for another safety. I would rather keep an extra DB even if it is a less than 100% McGee.
  19. When the starter is coming off foot surgery the second and third tier guys are important. Still think Dareus, K Williams, Carrington, Edwards, and Troup are the DT's with Johnson and Heard the odd men out. This assumes they keep 5 DT's and 5 DE's (M. Williams, Anderson, Merriman, Kelsay, and another DE). They may go with 9 since Edwards and Carrington can also play DE.
  20. Not sure if Graham or Easely can start outside, but I know Neslon does not have the foot speed to play outside. He is the third or fourth reciever and essentially a TE that splits out and challenges the middle zones and occasionally the flats.
  21. I like the concept but does anyone other than the Bills do that? I thought the concept was to flood the secondary with WR's and assume your 3rd through 5th option is better than their 3rd through 5th cover guy. Make the correct read at the LOS, get rid of the ball before the pass rush can get there. Im hoping the D-line can bring the pressure and allow them to drop 7.
  22. I like the idea of Williams against the TE's when split out and lined up as a WR. I also see McKelvin claiming that outside CB spot in the nickel and dime packages.
  23. Agree, he is bigger, nearly as fast, can catch over the middle, and getting him from the Chiefs would likely end their playoff hopes.
  24. As well all know the Bills have to play against some very good TE's this year(NYJ, NE, SF and others). Though I have no stats to back it up it seems over the decades the Bills have been historically bad at stopping TE's - often making journeymen look like All-Pro's. Does anyone know how Wanny's defense has fared over the years against elite TE's. What do you all think the game plan will be against these guys? Barnett in coverage? Scott? Wilson? Other than Barnett on the underneath routes, I can't think of another LB that can stay with any of the good TE's.
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