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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Didn't he tell the league Glenn was a guard? And I am pretty sure he qualified his remarks by saying if a guy was there to and worth trading up for. Maybe he means that there are less holes on this team and he can afford to lose a pick to move up in the draft. Not saying I agree with that. As I have consistenly stated I would move down in the draft at every opportunity and aquire more picks. We need to resign Byrd, Levitre, Urbik, and McKelvin. After that they need to sign a WR in FA and draft three LB's to compete for starting spots. I would go LB first round, TE second, LB third and fourth, Center 5th, then a couple DB's. There are no elite QB's in this draft. But if a guy falls to the second round I would be ok with giving up next years first rounder for a seocnd round pick this year.
  2. Barkely is not the answer. He is mediocre in the PAC 12 where defense is optional. He has the best WR combo in the nation. His only excuse for not doing well this year is a bad offensive line. As above I would rather try to rehab Mark Sanchez than waste a first round pick on Barkely. Then again, if he falls to the second round he would be worth the risk. I don't think that will happen though as QB's values are overinflated at someone will take him in the mid to late first round. Maybe Pittsburgh or Baltimore.
  3. The Bills have not had cap issues since John Butler was the GM. They have plenty of room to resign Byrd and Levitre even to NFL highest paid salary levels. Fitzpatrick's deal is not overwhelming like Brees' or Brady's deals are. There are lots of rookies playing on rookie deals in the defense. I would argue resigning McKelvin with as badly as Aaron Williams has struggled is important as well though not as big a deal as Byrd and Levitre.
  4. Didn't Julius Peppers have the same early slump after joining the Bears???
  5. Tagliabue rode off to into the sunset with a new contract between the players and the owners. Only two owners voted against it. The media said Tagliabue came to the rescue of all the fans while a cheapskate and an old baffoon voted against the deal. Three years later the whole thing blew up and almost cost the fans real games. Now he takes the easy way out. Yes their was a bounty scandal but no I don't think the players should be suspended for it. Nice backbone their Paul. With that logic, the next thing we will hear is Ed Hoculie say is, holding against the offense, do-over, First and Ten. No crime here, nothing to see, move along... Weak...
  6. Why would he leave? Have any of you been to Alabama? Would any of you want to live there? The radio shows make up stuff all the time but at least one mentioned the wife wants out of the deep south. Unhappy wife would be a plausible reason to leave. Long hours/days on the recruitment road vs long days at the office but still coming home at night. So yes I could see him leaving for the NFL. The only way he comes to Buffalo is if he is coach and GM. That won't happen with RW. Would he have success in the NFL? I'm inclined to think not. Belichick is the only guy to coach successfully the Belichick way. All his disciples have failed. He did it with Brady and videotape. Saban can't outrecruit anybody in the NFL like he can at Alabama. Maybe a FA or two might be swayed but that is unlikely. In the end would I take Saban over Gailey or some other retread HC - sure. But I would rather take Whaley and Gruden's kid.
  7. Problems excluding Ralph and Nix in order... 1. Lack of any playmaking LB's 2. Lack of deep threat at WR and a consistent fourth recieving option (Nelson) 3. Byrd, Urbik, and Levitre are FA's 4. Gailey 5. Fitz 6. CB oppostite Gilmore 7. Second TE The decison for Nix will be difficult. He must decide if he can take care of issues 1,2, and 3 in one off season. And if he can does he live with Gailey and Fitz for one more year. I think in the end he will keep Fitz and Gailey. He may draft a QB but he will not sign Flacco or trade for Cousins/Flynn. He will take care of Levitre and Byrd and then be aggressive in FA. He needs only sign his own players and then get a WR and a LB. He can get another couple LB's in the draft, follwed by a TE and a reserve CB. Nelson wasn't fast before and with a full year to recover should be fine as a possession WR. If they can add a burner like Heywood-Bay for decent money and then let Stevie, the new guy, Nelson, and Graham be the top four that would be ok. The decision
  8. In a league that does everything possible to create parity and give every team a chance to win, there are still dynasties and winning franchises. If you study business, culture defines everything. Of course there is luck and hard work involved but organizations that have the right culture to breed success usually do so. There are a number of examples in the NFL. It all starts with the owner. Whatever he does or does not do, Ralph simply has not created a culture conducive to winning. He got lucky with Polian, Saban, Gilchirst, and OJ. Three of the four he chased out of town after they had proven to be successful. Is it jealousy? Is it interference in football operations? Is it lack of resources? One day when RW dies we may get the true story from Polian. Sadly Ralph's legacy is defined only that he never left the city of Buffalo while he was alive. He will die thinking he did all he could for the city. And when the team is sold and moved in the months after his death only then will we see his incompetence fully manifest.
  9. Perhaps you should watch the Giants SuperBowl again... Look I'm not saying Levy was a bad coach but I am just shocked he made it to the HOF. And if you buy into the theory that he didn't have control of his team the days leading up to the SuperBowl the way Parcells, Johnson, and Gibbs did then yes maybe he was a bad coach for the most critical time of the season. HOF coach during training camp so the veterans could stay fresh. Ok you got me.
  10. Ralph helped shape the league...Levy was out-coached in four SuperBowls in which Andre set receiving records. He should have Levy's spot. To this day I can not figure out how he made it.
  11. 1. Never get in a land war in Asia 2. Never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line 3. Never give 30 year old RB's contract extensions
  12. Time to play for next seasonn...Searcy and Brooks should start the remainder of the year and Williams should split time at FS.
  13. Didn't Buffalo run the counter tre and direct snap to Thurman as their only running plays the entire game against teams for most of the late 80's early 90's???
  14. How much of that roster was John Butler vs AJ Smith? I would not want AJ as the GM but if he played a great role in building those teams then he might have some value to Whaley as a scout. I'm inclined to say no. I just hope Nix says I am done at the end of the season and the whole organization is turned over to Whaley. I'm ok wih Whaley running the off-season and draft while retaining the current coaching staff - yes even Wannstedt. If the defense continues to improve and looks goos(against weaker competition) and the team doesn't quit on Gailey then maybe Nix is right. Maybe they shouldn't change and get one more off-season infusion of young talent - especially at LB.
  15. Around here they will blame Byrd for being greedy when some winning franchise like Baltimore or New England makes him the highest paid safety in the league...
  16. To start the season our roster was so complete and rich with depth that Chan could afford to keep two kickers and 3 QBs plus a QB/KR/WR. Wouldn't these spots hae been better served by another OL and LB to develop. You can not argue they needed the spots for ST's and OL can't play ST's. If Morrison was so bad that he could not dress for a single game and could not play ST's as a LB what the hell was he doing on the roster for 11 weeks??? I don't think having an extra postion player or two would have prevented injuries late int he season byt reducing wear and tera on the startes. But it would have given the staff time to develop a guard or a tackle or a MLB over the course of a season. Horrible roster management. Pigpen shoudl have been cut a long time ago. TJ could start this week if needed. Everyone knows that. Chan is just not activiating him so he doesn't have to answer question why he doesn't play if Fitz struggles.
  17. Do that many players actually get hurt on kickoffs since the wedge was outlawed? I would argue blindside hits on turnovers cause way more injuries. Make any player have to initiate a block with his hands first outside of the LOS area and the injuries will go down. No blindsides while leading with your shoulder.
  18. No... Money needs to be spent on Levitre, Byrd, McKelvin, Urbik, and at least two FA LB's
  19. Sack total is and always has been a glamour stat and may not show the true impact of a player. Mario has played the run fairly well all year. His pass rush though is still very inconsistent. He drew lots of double teams in the first two or three games and then teams played him straight up. The past three games he is seeing doubles a lot. Still looks like he takes a few plays off but has batted a couple balls down at the LOS and he has moved around a fair amount. I like what I see.
  20. That's what I said...Just didn't know if Sanders was actually injured and what Asper is or is not doing???
  21. Not saying they are world beaters now and they aren't forcing a lot of turnovers, but they are playing better.
  22. Bills looking for depth and two draft picks are on IR or on another team... Does anyone know if Sanders was injured or just placed on IR so he did not get cut. Asper was signed by Minnesota after he was cut. Anyone know if he is playing at all? I see he is still on their roster.
  23. Jacksonville's run defense was what 29th??? Maybe the run totals have more to do with the defense than our offense. Also Fitz added a few yards on called pass plays. Still our strength is running the ball and play action not five wide with this group of WR's.
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