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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. That schedule is not that brutal. Browns, Tampa, Jags, Chiefs, Jets x 2, Panthers... The Browns may be the toughest of those 7 games. They have talent. Looks like a middle of the road schedule. No long road trips. I know the scheduling gods hate the Bills so we probably get Atlanta early or in Toronto so the dome team doesn't have to deal with the weather. Look for the Ravens to take a significant step back. Reed will retire and unless they sign Byrd they will have a huge hole to fill. Flacco will not be resigned and even if he is he has regressed terribly this year. Oher is not as good as Glenn at LT. Oher is overrated at LT but maybe Pro-Bowl caliber at RT. Pittsburgh is getting very old. Adams at LT looks like a bust so they still have OL issues to deal with. Ben and Haley aren't meshing well. They have no RB. They could be worse than the Browns next year.
  2. There will be a new coach very soon. What makes you think TE won't be an important position for the new regime? If they retain Fitz TE will be important. For the record I would draft a TE and not go after Gates. They will probably need to bring in two new players if Chandler can't be ready by opening day.
  3. Chandler has an ACL. He was average at best before the injury. I was hoping they would upgrade anyways and now they will have to. Take a run at Antonio Gates if San Diego cleans house?
  4. The only three players that matter are Byrd, Levitre, and Fitz. The GM needs to find a way to retain Byrd and Levitre. A good GM would convince Fitz to rework his deal. A smart Fitz would see he would only get the veteran minimum on another team. Having Fitz to mentor a young QB an dnot beaking the bank on him would be wise. Sheppard stays. He is cheap and young. I would bring back McKelvin in a heart beat. We need DB's on the roster before the draft. The rest can go including Moore.
  5. Why is it every fan new the LB's were awful but the GM and HC did nothing to upgrade? I know they spent a ton of money on the DL but to rely on an old Barnett a DE turned OLB in Moats was dumb. I am sorry but Sheppard is a bust. I would rather see a new MLB and try him at OLB to see if he can give you anything there. I can't believe I am saying this but Poz probably was better. They need at least three new bodies in camp that have legit shots at starting not just making the roster. At least one needs to come via FA. I don't have an opinion on Bradham. I am hopeful but just don't know. Resigning Byrd and Levitre are critical so they can focus on WR, LB, and QB.
  6. VA and Dr are both right...You can pass out of the read option all day long if the defense doesn't defend the pass. That is not true of the Wildcat which is run only 99% of the time. You stop the read option by doing what Atlanta did to RG III. If the QB will not go out of bounds or slide then he needs to be treated like any other runner. How long do you think a 5-11 QB can take the pounding? Newton was half the QB he was his rookie year. I expect the same from Wilson. Now Luck and RGIII are different. Luck is a superstar already and RGIII may be smarter than any QB in the league. He has only 5 INT as a rookie. That is crazy good.
  7. I just don't see him as a top 10 pick. The level of competition ND played is so much less than what SEC or even PAC 12 defenses see. That being said I want the Bills to take LB with the first round pick if Geno SMith is off the board. I would rather get a WR in FA.
  8. League rules prevent the Bills from talking to his son until after the season. The only Gruden that gets within the 716 are code will be Jay Gruden and like others have said he will probalby use the Bills to leverage the Lions or Cardinals. If this were true which it is not the only thing that would make sense is that dad is checking out the landscape for his son.
  9. Bob Stoops does not coack Oklahoma State...but since he does coach a school in the same state it probably means something...
  10. Hyperbole - an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally... unfortunately I think the poster actually means to compare Barry Sanders and CJ Spiller
  11. The same morons that have been buying tickets for 13 years...honestly waht else is there to do in WNY? Doesn't matter who the coach or QB is, the fan base will believe the playoffs are a possibility(as I did this year) up until about late Ocotber or early November.
  12. In the NFL it is all about the signing bonus so guys may not want to wait until the end of their contract. In fact think it is rare that good young players hit the market. And isn't it funny that fans rail on these guys for holding out when they are under contract and now we rail on Nix for not signing them last off-seaon to extensions...
  13. Losing McKelvin will necessitate signing another DB in FA or drafting another CB in the first four rounds. Williams looks like a bust though it is too soon to give up on him. Rogers wouldn't make the roster on any other team. McGee is gone for sure. Brooks is getting valuable time but it is not known if he is starter or sub-package material. It would be wise to bring him back. In a way getting hurt down the stretch may help the Bills. Levitre and Byrd are the only high priorities. Would like to see Brown come back so they do not have to use a draft pick on a center. The rest can go including Moore and Nelson and Jones. The whole WR corp can go except Johnson and Graham. Easley is undr contract so there is no harm bringing him to camp. Nelson was slow before the knee injury. He is not big enough to play TE. I would rather see Johnson in the slot and Graham and another WR on the outside. Johsnon in the slot would be dangerous. Moore is ok but the spent big money on DE already. If he can be brought back on the cheap fine but this team needs a healthy Mark Anderson and new LB's. The money is better spent on new LB's and WR's.
  14. Could ask the same question and just replace coach and QB with defense and DC...The defense lost more games this year than Gailey and Fitz did. I want Gailey gone too but Wanny and his defense lost the first half of the seaon. Gailey cut his own throat with loses to the Colts and Rams with very porr game decisions.
  15. The die is cast. Chan and the entire coaching staff is gone. Fitz is your QB for 2013. Nix retires after the draft and hands the keys to Whaley just like Casserly did in Houston. Bills will try to land a top FA WR and then draft a QB and a bunch of LB's. Another TE in FA or the draft would be wise too. The only thing I want to see in the last two games is a healthy Wood and a new contract for either Levitre or Byrd. We only need ot sign one and then their is no risk to losing either. I would make Levitre the fourth highest paid guard in the league and then franchise Byrd. Byrd will be the highest paid safety in the league if he is allowed to enter FA. The other gets the tag.
  16. I must admit I was thinking the Bills were heading to LA in the next year or two. I thought RW would pass away very soon. But as others have posted. I can't see the NFL waiting seven more years to get a team to LA if they really want one there. My guess is they expand and add a team to LA and maybe Oklahoma City or London in the future. San Diego moving to LA doesn't help Buffalo 7 years from now. I have some hope now that this lease chases away a few billionaires that want the Bills only to move them somewhere else. If RW lives another five years then it gets worrisome again. But if he passes away soon and 90+ year olds don't live long after broken hips then the chance an owner committed to Buffalo will emerge. And Jim Kelly will have nothing to do with it...
  17. Elway graduated from Stanford. Kelly graduated from U of Miami. Elway was a hugely successful businessman parlaying his name into several businesses. Kelly has successfully run a low level charity organization for a disease that affects 1 in 5 million. No....
  18. Is that enough to let him have one more draft? I hope to hell he fires the enitre coaching staff. I am ok with Nix/Whaley having one more off-season and one more draft and then NIx handing over the reigns to Whaley before training camp. The team simply can not go into the draft having to arguably replace all three LB's, draft a QB at some point, and then have to replace an All-Pro safety and Guard. Yes maybe A. Williams can move to safety but would much rather let Wilson walk, start Searcy and let Williams be the third safety. The key to 2103 is resigning Byrd and Levitre before FA or signing one and taggint the other.
  19. Spiller scored on a designed run off RT against the Seahawks...
  20. Hate Pete Carroll...He knew dam well Reggie and his parents were on the take and then when the sanctions hit he was nowhere to be seen. He has never owned up to the violations that happened while he was the HC.= at USC.
  21. Too soon to give up on him...WR and DT are the hardest positions to do well early in their careers...That said we need a true number 1 becasue Stevie is a great #2 maybe the best in the league, but they need a Calvin Johnson, a Andre Johnson, a guy who is open and can make a play when he is not open like Nix has been fond of saying.
  22. I hope he stays until the end. Both Nix and Gailey need to go. Whaley needs to be put in charge. If Gailey goes tomorrow maybe Brandon/Wilson will give Nix one more draft and one more year with a new coaching staff.
  23. I know we are all excited to see the Spiller version of three yards and a cloud of ground up rubber, but maybe that isn't the best way to win this week. Seattle is good against the run although less so over the last 5-6 games. I don't follow close enough to know if they were better in the beginning of the year or if they played poor running teams. BUT three of their top four DB's are hurt/suspended. Maybe this is the week where passing out of running formations instead of the spread, bootlegs, and a couple max protect two man patterns is the way to go. No elements to deal with. This could be a good time to split Spiller out and send him deep against a DB. Graham could light it up as well. I know Fitz can't hit the deep ball. Just saying running against eight or nine man fronts to stop Spiller may not be wise...
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