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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. I am 42 and a father of two boys. I have no time for any of the shows anymore but happened to catch Michael Irvin, Rich Eisen, and Kurt Warner standing on a fake field trying to expain why wearing gloves in the cold works. I have not seen Berman or Terry or Marino, or Sanders in several years but catch little bits while watching Sunday Ticket. Are any of them any good? Am I just old? Everytime I catch a shot of them on NFL Sunday ticket they are alway touching each other, laughing over the guy talking, or just yelling non-sense about clothes.
  2. Exception that proves the rule... And oh yeah the SuperBowl winner didn't make the playoffs so change is a comin...
  3. Deshaun Jackson is more dangerous than Jordy Nelson. Bills could have drafted him but we needed a tall WR to go with Evans. What a joke. I think Levy chose him after reading the message boards. Jackson was the most talented but that dam character stuff that kept Marv from choosing the guy who could actually play.
  4. Do you think it is that easy to learn to block and run routes at an NFL level? He has never played the position nor has he shown any desire to switch positions. Even if he could physically compete he would need a year ot two to learn how. There is no room on NFL rosters for a guy to learn how to play TE. If he really wanted to make the transition he woudl go to the CFL for a year. There isn't even enough time or roster spots to learn the position if he was on the practice squad. He must choose the path of back-up QB and learn to accept what he is. He is a college football legend whose sporting life is on the decline. He must now choose to enter the next phase of his life. He should come out of the closet, embrace his homosexuality, and enjoy the Miami nightlife while he can still afford it...
  5. This team does not have a single quality LB. They need to draft at lest two LB's and signon on FA. Best LB available at 8, QB, WR, TE, LB in the later rounds.
  6. Welker is the sole product of Brady. They wil plug a new guy in there and he will be nearly as effective if Brady so chooses. Welker is tough and durable and for the most part sure-handed. There are lots of guys that could have been the same player. I hated Josh Reed as a Bill but he would have caught 100+ balls if he played the same role for Brady.
  7. Ogden and Allen are the best of this bunch and are sure first ballet HOF's. I think this is Andre's best but perhaps shot as the rest of the class is not that impressive and more WR's are coming soon. Parcells should be in but they may wait another year or two to make sure he doesn't take one more GM job. Andre, Carter, and Brown were all as good or better at their postion as any of these other players. Strahan is 60 sacks short of Bruce Smith. Greene was not a complete LB. Williams ehh. Shields good/great player but no way three OL make it. Bettis was never as good a RB as those three WR's were at their position. Unfortunately I just don't think Reed makes it. Here is my list 1. Ogden 2. Allen 3. Sapp 4. Carter 5. Brown
  8. I would bring him back but if I was him I would want a fresh start somehwere else. He would start over Williams and Brooks. He would start for a lot of other teams as well. The Raiders would probably pay him well. Green Bay needs a DB if Woodson retires. I think there is a less than 10% chance he stays in Buffalo.
  9. Wow that is a waste fo money... I'm sure he will be hired somewhere as a QB coach or coordinator but still that is a lot of money to throw away. As if it is his fault the Jags are awful. I think he is overrated but he had nothing to work with there. I know it won't happen but I would take him back as QB's coach.
  10. Or it means this analysis is wrong. They gave up points in near record fashion. Kyle Williams was neutralized nearly the entire year. If he is the third best DT in the league then the rest of the DT's are awful. He was non-existent this year.
  11. Anderson has never played OLB and they have no NT...They have three good DT's Dareus, Williams and Carrington and if Troup comes back healthy they may have four...I would gues it is easier to find two OLB's than it is to find one Wolfork like NT. Stick with the 4-3. Darues will be a beast next year. Add an edge rushing OLB, remember it is ok in the NFL to blitz, and the defense will come alive.
  12. I agree. It is cheaper to tag Byrd and easier to replace a guard. The only arguement I have against myself is A. Williams could already be Byrd's replacement if he is not resigned.
  13. He and the rest of the ND team were exposed as the frauds they are... Purdue and Navy aren't even as good as Vanderbilt...
  14. Trade up for who? They can trade back 8 spots, draft Barkely, pick up an extra second, then draft two LB's in the second, a TE in the third, and a true center in the fourth. Add another DB, and maybe even another QB in the 7th. Get your WR in FA. Resign Byrd and Levitre. That is your dream off-season.
  15. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't April succeed in the era of wedges with multiple players and guys designed to be wedge breakers. The rules are completely different now. I am not saying he can't adjust but it is truly a different league now at least when it comes to kick-off/kick-off return.
  16. Maybe he is waiting to see if Jerrah fires Garrett. Not sure why he didn't want the San Diego job instead of the others. With a returning QB and a btter RB than Kenyon Barner waiting in the wings that is closer to Johnathan Stewart they will be the pre-season #1.
  17. Cleveland will be happy they didn't get Kelly. What the hell does he know about assembling an NFL roster? His ego is as big as his second chin. If he truly wants roster control he is delusional. Andy Reid failed. Holmgen failed. Parcells failed. The only guy to pull it off is Belichick with a QB he passed on 5 times before drafting him.
  18. Well you are mostly-right... An All-Pro MLB is needed for a 4-3 but we still don't have one
  19. It's not just sports journalists. Look at the Sandy Hook coverage. There was so much misinformation it was emberassing. What happened to fact checking? They reported Lanza's mother worked at the school for hours when it was not true. Everyone wants to break the story truth be damned...
  20. What does Reid going to the Chiefs say about Kolb??? I think the Bears do the dumb thing and hire the guy who Peyton Manning tells what plays he is going to call. Chip Kelly in Philadelphia will be an unmitigated disaster. He hates the media asking him questions. The papers and radio shows will love him for about 6 weeks and then it will all go to hell. I think there is still a chance when the dust settles that Jerry Jones fires Garrett and brings in Gruden if he doesn't end up in San Diego. Cowher won't go there because he wants roster control.
  21. Analytics and moneyball do not mean the same thing. I think what Polian is saying is that there are no small market teams that can't keep up with the Yankees. Every NFL team can and will spend up to the cap. There is very little difference between highest and lowest payroll in NFL and in fact with the new CBA there is a very high minimum amount that must be spent on salary. In baseball the entire budget of the Royals or Athletics may be less than what the Yankess pay their infield. Analytics however is using new version of stats while breaking down film to evaluate players or groups of players - ie. sub-packages or units like nickel secondary and 4 WR sets. The days of the short shuttle and 40 yard dash in shorts should be long gone. Why they still put players through that non-sense is mind boggling. The greatest WR of all time ran a 4.6 in shorts. Was Jerry Rice every caught from behind before the age of 38??? Analytics tries to seperate the value of the RB from his offensive line and the defense the RB is facing. It is just a tool that aides what guys see on film. It is not cap-management and salaries though I'm sure it helps when it comes time to give a guy a big contract.
  22. Other than the fumbles which is not characteristic of his play he is great to have on the team. They will shed salary with Kelsay, McGee, Barnett, and maybe T Jackson. They have plenty of cap space to sign a top tier WR FA if one is available. He is not that expensive for another year.
  23. But Marv Levy said talent without high character doesn't succeed in the NFL....
  24. Young hungy with recent success. I like this guy. Skin color aside reminds me of Tomlin.
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