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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Tied for 5th easiest... Didn't mean much this year but it can't hurt going into next year. I think Jets continue their implosion and Tannehill regresses badly even if the fish sign Jennings. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000137115/article/carolina-panthers-have-toughest-2013-strength-of-schedule
  2. Did Pace play OLB with the Cardinals? No thanks on Scott. The FA market is very deep this year. I think we should spend big money on Levitre and a WR, followed by mid-level money on a couple of LB's. Franchise Byrd. Draft QB and LB's. Making a run at Dustin Keller could be a nice make us better, make them worse signing too...
  3. Do you have more scorn for Peyton Manning or the Colts who released him???
  4. Did the Bills show loyalty to Reed, Thurman, and Smith? Smith played for years after he was not resigned by the Bills. Why is loyalty only a one way street? There are no guarantteed contracts in the NFL. The only thing that matters is the signing bonus. I am quite assured if whoever you work for now decided not to bring you back that you would work for a competitor as well.
  5. Go after Bowe and bring back McKelvin
  6. First I wouldn't put a claim in on this guy but maybe just maybe some of this is the Lion's staff fault. The whole staff was a mess. Maybe the culture of the Lions is horrible and that in a better organization this guy could do well. Probably not worth the risk but as has been pointed out he would come cheap.
  7. I'm starting to get sold more and more on arm strength. Both Flacco and Kaepernick have cannons. We have not seen that type of arm since Bledose. I know the winters in Buffalo aren't what they used to be but the spaces in which you have to throw the ball are only getting smaller. Fitz makes the TD throw to Bouldin without any issue. But the TD laser to the TE would have been a batted ball or INT if Fitz was making that throw
  8. I'm 42 and I swear I could not understand a single word she sang. I honestly think she sang the same 4 lines over and over for 15 minutes. Is this entertainment? I know it isn't music. It is not even muzak. Do people really spend money to see her thrust her groin in concert? Is there a single person on this board that has downloaded one of her CD's to their I-pod?
  9. Nantz's performance was poor but Simm was brutal. They didn't even try to explain the thought process of taking a safety for the SuperBowl audience. Those 250-300 million fans watching are not sophisticated viewers. They should have been explaining the decision was based on the lead the Ravens had, the time left in the game, and the difference between kicking out of your end-zone risking a block/TD, a punt retunr for a TD, vs a free-kick. They should have been explainging the options not just say I wouldn't do it. I told my son they would take a safety after the second down run. I don't fault him for the indecision on the no call penalty however. I said it was a good call until I saw the fourth or firth replay and could see Smith grabbing Crabtree's jersey. I though both were fighting for position and Crabtree was pushing off the defender's head with his hand and Smith grabbed for a brief moment. Still think it was a good non-call but was less and less convinced after each subsequent replay. They kept praising Bouldin who had some good grabs but he had three drops two of which could have been picks including a red zone drop.
  10. How many QB's aren't good for a few years and then suddenly are great? Not many. Flacco may be the best argument for that kind of career trajectory though he was never bad early on. Fortunately or unfortunately with QB it looks like they either get it or they don't early in their career. The good of that is you can give up on a guy after 16-32 starts. There is enough film to know at that point that he is not going to make it. We know now Fitz is awful but NIx decided to pull the trigger on a new deal(negotiating against himself again) after too small of a sample size. Sanchez is done in New York. He will get another year due to his contract but I doubt he starts by week 8. If we draft a guy in round one or two this year they don't have to wait around until 2018 to know if he is the next great one. No position is easy but I would argue DE is easier to make an impact early. Most of the obstacles they face are in front of them - ie an offensive tackle and maybe a RB to chip them. Now your point will be more interesting in the next couple of years as the read option becomes more commonly used. As you know the read by the QB is on the DE. The DE will be faced with more choices against this type of play. Going against a more traditional offense they are either running at or away from you or you are rushing the passer.
  11. How long did it take Wilfork to become dominant? Ngata is playing with a HOF MLB behind him and superstars to the right and left. Maybe you should give Dareus a little more time. Wrong thinkning. DT is one of the most difficult positions to excel at early into an NFL career. WR being probably the most difficult. DT's can take years to develop. Is this physical or mental? I don't know. I beleive there is a lot more technique with regard to using hands for leverage, angles, and ability to read run/pass. I think you are simplifying the position too much. However it could be just physical. Maybe these guys simply need to continue to mature (or get juiced the NFL way) to handle the pounding of a NFL 16 game schedule playing against NFL quality lineman. So again I say - give him time.
  12. Has to be the worst tie ever worn in SuperBowl history. Did he lose a bet on the golf course? Was he wearing his daughter's sewing class project?
  13. The whole key is upgrading at MLB. We have flexibility on the line and in the backfield especially if they bring back McKelvin. A. Williams or Searcy can be the third safety and Brooks and McKelvin will play DB. I believe they franchise Byrd. The whole key is uprgrading our LB's. I would not be shocked if even Bradham has a limited role exclusive only to a true 4-3 agaisnt teasm that use less spread offenses. The trick will be to figure out if Barnett has anything left to give. I doubt it and I would cut him as he can't do much for special teams. Another idea would be giving Anderson snaps at OLB and playing Dareus at DE with K. Williams and Carrington at DT.
  14. I like everything about the 49ers except Harbaugh. He just annoys the hell out of me. Of course I am being hypocritical. I am sure I would love him if he was the Bills coach.
  15. Next year they better keep out Harrison and let Andre and Brown in. Neither of them killed a guy.
  16. One plus is when Levitre signs a massive deal with someone else the Bills should get at least a 4th round compensatory pick...They need another Lee Smith type at TE to take us over the top!
  17. Gailey signed his own pink slip when he didn't look for a young aggressive coordinator even after Edwards was a disaster.
  18. Put him on the Patriots and he would be lucky to get 24 catches. He would be at best their 4th best option in the passing game and probably 5th. My guess is he would see maybe 12-15 plays a game with 2-3 targets a game. If he dropped one ball he might not see another pass from Marcia for a couple weeks. Welker, Gronkowski, Hernandex, and Lloyd are all much more talented. Hell I'm not even sure he would beat out little Julian Edelman...
  19. The pick six was Nelson's fault not Fitz's. The INT at the end of the Patriots game was Graham's fault. Since you don't know the play that was called, the assignement that was blown, or done correctly, you have no idea what you are talking about. You are just guessing just like anyone else watching the games.
  20. McKelvin has elite talent. This guy is going to play another 5-8 years in the NFL. You can't coach speed, quickness, and change of direction. We know he can't turn and track balls very well. Can this be improved? Maybe? Can he be put in a better situation? Yes. I thought he was going to excel in the slot. He can jam recievers and then go with them usually on short crossing routes or out patterns. He struggles with fly patterns more than anything. In the slot he would have a safety over the top. Williams getting hurt forced him to the outside again. I hope he is resigned to a fair contract and the new staff convinces him to stay. They can say we made Revis a star and we can do the same for you.
  21. After being on Minnesota's roster most of the year...no playoff money
  22. Rob Johnson and JP Losman are just not intelligent. It takes brains to play QB. Maybe there is a football IQ. These guys didn't have that either. There is a reason they got sacked so much. They could not read defenses. It is the same reason Vick and other mobile QB's get sacked. They can't read defenses quickly and move from read to read to read...
  23. As trade scenarios go this is not a bad one. The Rams need O-lineman and maybe WR's too. There are a few good lineman both tackles and a guard that could be coveted at #8. There is no QB worth the #8 spot. This team needs at least two LB's, a back-up DB, a TE, a WR, and a QB out of this draft. This draft has no top end talent but lots of juniors that will compress the middle talent upwards. I would trade down twice and get a lower first round pick and an extra secobd and third. Of course a big splash in FA will change everything and maybe one or two of these QB's distances themself from the rest to be worthy of a pick at 8.
  24. Ray Lewis's deal comes off the books this year and Reed's does next year. Ozzie is the best GM in the league. His only mistake was the Willis McGahee trade and maybe paying a bit too much for Bouldin. I'm sure they are fine with their cap.
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