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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Ok if I'm doing my math correctly he was fired just before he turned 55. That is what he alleges. That means this guy was doing the same job since the age of 20. Perhaps he just wasn't that bright. Maybe he was good in the locker room but had trouble using spread sheets. My guess is he was not too bright and should have been fired long ago. Of course missing items such as jerseys/helmets sold to boost his income could be at the heart of this. I sincerely doubt the Bills would fire a guy just to avoid health care benefits. They can waste that amount of money on a back up full back.
  2. 1. Cooper The consensus is none of the QB's are first round worthy and certainly none of them are 8th pick worthy. I would be really disappointed if Buddy pulls the trigger on a QB at 8.
  3. QB's win championships not defenses Carrington may push for a starting spot at DE. Bradham is lining up at OLB The base 3-4 with Mario at OLB will be used less than <40% of the time. Branch's best values is as a DT next to Dareus in a four man line though I think he will beat out Williams and Troup for NT. Call me crazy but the odd man out is Kyle Williams. I think his playing time will be dictated by how much time Branch and Troup spend at NT. I don't think he is a good fit for this defense at all. He is not fast enough to play DE in any alignment. He will be a rotational player at DT in a four man front. He should have been traded when he had value.
  4. Florida is a 3 hour flight in the same time zone. No big deal. And much better to play in Florida in December than in September. For the fans and for stadium attendance this couldn't be a better schedule. Should have good weather for 7/8 home games. Atlanta outdoors would still be a smack down. If playoffs are to be any possibility must win home Cincinnati game and pull off an upset over NE or Baltimore.
  5. I find it funny that people would give Buddy a hard time for saying stuff like this. Do you think the Patriots do not know that our QB, TE, and #1 WR spots are all horrible?
  6. We are set at DB with Gilmore, McKelvin and Brooks. Williams can move to CB in certain sets or they may play with three safeties. While a late round DB may not be a bad idea I think they will add a veteran minimum type of guy late in the summer.
  7. 99 % of the posters on here would be crippled for life if they took that shot from Wilson. Maybe Trent was gun shy afterwards. Maybe he wasn't. But people act like he was a coward. He came back and played two weeks later. Most of us would have been hooked up to a feeding tube for life.
  8. Well unless he finds another job there will be one less NFL player able to come out of the closet while still being in the NFL....
  9. If we are lucky Goddell will say with the 8th pick aquired from the Buffalo Bills the (insert any team not in the top 7) select.....
  10. I thought Sanders was quicker than he was strong. That made him an intriguing LT prospect. I would rather see Hairston win the RT spot and dominate there. I would have no problem taking Warmack or Cooper and having a dominant offensive line. Look at the 49ers - lot's of high draft picks in front of Koepernick.
  11. I've posted this before but I am amazed at the number of 1 yr deals that guys are signing. I've posted that it could be pay back by the owners for not getting all the concession in the CBA they wanted. Regardless it is going to make for one hell of an interesting FA period next year. There are a bunch of older guys still unsigned this year and they likely only get 1 yr deals too. Now some of them since they are older will retire. But I think next year there is going to be a massive glut of guys on the market. This is only going to further drive down salaries as guys fight for jobs if there is no increase in the salary cap or only a modest one.
  12. Safeties don't make huge salaries even if they are the highest paid in the league. Thatis why he got tagged and not Levitre. Pay him the money. The team is millions under the cap with no franchise QB eating up huge dollars. Even if they find a QB in the draft, Byrd's deal will be mostly over by the time the QB's rookie deal will need to be redone.
  13. Trade down but take Warmack or Johnathan Cooper not Patterson
  14. 1. I don't think Jax will take Smith. Maybe in round two if he doesn't get taken in the first round. 2. No QB at #8. 3. Trade down at all costs. The Bills only have six picks and have starting holes at LG, WR, maybe two MLB's, possibly OLB, and TE. And that is being generous by saying Kolb and QB is not a hole. 4. If no trade available then I would take Warmack. 5. I don't like any LB except Jordan at 8 and I'm not sold on him either playing against then run. 6. If they can trade down I woul dstill take Warmack or the guard out of UNC in the middle of the first round.
  15. Uh let's see. A FB probably plays for the league minimum. A QB gets paid a lot more and he only will sign where he will be listed at QB. I do hope he stays in the NFL long enough for it to be acceptable for him to come out and admit he is gay.
  16. Never fast enough to play WR and not big enough for TE. He may not even make the Browns roster.
  17. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/nfl/news/20130408/2013-nfl-draft-peter-king-monday-morning-quarterback/?sct=hp_wr_a2&eref=sihp Is there any chance Nassib is chosen at 8 like Gruden suggests? Do they try to wait and see if he makes it to 41? Do they trade next years number one and #41 to move back into the first round if he is still there. In an ideal world they trade back 8-10 spots and take Nassib there and two LB's in the second round. I would love to know what Marrone knows about this kid.
  18. I'm starting to think even Nassib will be around in the third. Would love to go LB LB then still get a decent QB prospect in the third.
  19. I didn't just compare stats. I took Arizona's line into consideration. In those stats are also a bunch of starts with Andy Reid calling the plays. I agree with what appears to be the consensus...stop gap guy, will be interesting to see how he does with a better O-line and new coaching staff, but much worse WR's...
  20. I looked. Was it posted elsewhere? I was in Europe when he was signed and haven't had a cahnce to add my meaningless two cents...
  21. I was a supporter of Fitz and believe he could have succeeded if Gailey featured more Spiller and less Fitz. He was good enough to make the playoffs last year if not for a historically bad defense. And yes it was Graham's fault they lost against New England. My take - is Kolb an upgrade over Fitz? 9-12 in 21 starts, 59% comp%, 28 TD, 25 INT, just over 5000 career yards 23-41, 59%, 92 TD 81 INT, 14K yards Neither one has a cannon arm. Did they just replace the same guy with a cheaper option??? I think all they have done is replace a guy who had a limited ceiling with a guy we hope was limited more by Arizona's offensive line than his own abilitities... Flame away at my loyalty to Fitz. I will hope Kolb does well and I would honeslty rather have him than Flynn, Alex Smith, or even Caron Palmer.
  22. I would be happy with Warmack. The WR's are too raw. Wouldn't be disappointed with a WR or LB though. Just not a QB. None of them are worth the #8 pick. Take you shot at Nassib falling ot the second round or one of the Tyler's in the third. Kolb is fine for a year or maybe more in a West Coast system. This draft and FA to follow needs to produce two starting LB's, a guard, a TE, a WR, and a back-up CB. Kolb gives them the flexibility to take BPA in all the rounds. If they can trade back everyon here would love it but it will be hard to do.
  23. I posted several weeks ago that this whole off-season smells like collusion. I think it is retribution for the owners not getting all they wanted with the new CBA.
  24. We are fine at cb. Mcelvin is going to be great this year and so will Gilmore and Brooks. A. Williams will move to safety in three safety sets or play 4th cb in dime. LB and QB and are the weak spots and unbelievably we are in worse shap at LB than at QB.
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