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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Too short... Too small... No arm strength. Not an NFL QB. Those are the red flags the rest is just non-sense. Vince Young will have made much more money than Manziel will ever see even if he is drafted in the first round because of the new CBA. I have no idea where he gets drafted but he probably grades out as 4th-6th round physical talents with top pick stats. Regardless he will make much less money than VY did and VY is broke. Now Manziel's family already has money and maybe he will manage his money better but so far his family hasn't amanged their son's activities that well.
  2. After a bit of thought I am going to side with the press on this one. Marrone knows dam well what is going on with Williams and if he doesn't then this organization is worse than we thought. He's lying and he is not under oath so he can continue to lie. Good for the guys to keep asking the question. I would have asked how an organization that invested nearly $100 million dollars in a player didn't know his foot was hurt until the day of training camp. My guess is Williams isn't hurt and he just doesn't feel like living in a dorm room and risking injury. He will rest the same way Bruce did.
  3. 80 year old Marv Levy was the GM of this organization and he almost appointed himself as the head coach. Enough said. Brandon is the team's only hope while RW lives.
  4. Why do people think Sanders can play RT? He does not have the bulk to play RT. He is a swing tackle back-up at best. Hairston on the other hand has the size to play RT. It is Hairston's job to lose if he can get healthy. If Glenn continues to develop then we are set at tackle for years. If Glenn regresses then the left side is an absolute disaster. If Glenn performs at a near all-pro level then they can but pretty much put anybody between Wood and Glenn and the left side will be ok.
  5. There is lots of hope and dire need. He and Branch are the only guys who can play NT in the 3-4
  6. The should put a moment on the wall - The Comeback. You can't put a career back-up QB on the wall. None of our kickers were all world. Cookie and The Comeback are the only truly deserving names for the wall.
  7. Happens all the time to vetarans at the end of camp. They are cut and resigned a week or two or maybe more into the season when their salary is no longer guaranteed for the year.
  8. I'm not sure anyone felt it was good value. Most people around here feel the Bills overpay the wrong guys and that it takes extra money to get them to come/stay in Buffalo. Stevie is not worth #1 money. Mario is not the best defender in NFL though he is paid that much. Nix messed up not signing Levitre and Byrd last year. Anderson's contract did not prevent that from happening but it didn't help. Now they have a chance to resign Wood and Spiller with plenty of cap space. They are spending pennies on the dollar at the QB position compared to other teams(exception Seattle). That money should be spent on the rising stars.
  9. Why would they cut him? He was very good for them as a situational pass rusher. He will probably give them 24-30 snaps a game and get 8-10 sacks. They have no pass rushers now. They will get him on the cheap.
  10. It's just a shirt. Concussions; drugs, PED's, rape, murder...I think the NFL has bigger issues
  11. Booked at 4:15...that is killer speed...sign this guy. On another note who thinks this guy's SAT was above 400?
  12. The potential talent has increased. The Bills are relying on the #2 WR at USC, a track athlete, and a second year player that showed virtually nothing last year to imporve the WR corp. The Bills may still have the worst group of WR's in the league even with these "upgrades".
  13. Top 5 I watched on TV 5. Kelly beats Miami in Miami on last play diving into the end-zone 4. Bills Jets MNF - Thurman over 200 3. Bills-Dolphins playoff games - Kelly over Marino again 2. Comeback 1. No-punt
  14. A slightly different take...top 5 games I attended 5. Biscuit's first game - Elway calls time out when he see him lined up on the same side as Bruce 4. 51-3 3. Bills-Jets tear goal posts down - I was picked from the crowd with my brother to hold a camera for a SI photographer 2. Bills end Marino's TD streak - The entire crowd knew what was happening when Strock entered the game. 1. Bills Cards in Az 2012 - My first game with my two sons in attendance.
  15. 1. They have plenty of cap room to sign any FA they want. They chose not to resign Levitre and they can make Byrd highest paid safety in theleague if they want. 2. Anderson is not a 3-4 DE. Dareus, Branch, and Carrington will play those roles. Anderson is a 4-3 DE. They will be in the 4-3 over half of the time as the nickel defense, used almost 45% of the time, will be a four man line and they will still use a 4-3 base from time to time. 3. I too am hoping for great things from Carrington. He was drafted to be a 3-4 DE not a 4-3 DT. 4. The real competition and unknown is the DT and NT rotation. If Troupe is healthy then he rotates with Kyle Williams at the nose. If he is not then Branch sees a lot more time at NT. If Kyle Williams plays NT on running downs more than 50% of the time we are screwed. MLB is a huge question mark. Playing a small NT often with our LB's will kill this defense. Opposing teams will avg 5 yards a carry straight up the gut.
  16. Didn't the Jets' defense get worse the less Rex supposedly was involved in running it??? Yes there were other factors such as the offense sucking and Revis getting hurt. The pass rush and blitz packages seemed less effective over time. Was that play calling, predictability, or personnel??? Don't get me wrong. Nothing can be worse than Wanny. I hated his hiring from day one and posted before last season started that Wanny's hire would cost Gailey his job.
  17. Judging by the recent past he will be coaching DB's or LB's on another team in 2015. The Bills have sucked so long that the odds are he fails just like the rest have. Nothing changes until Ralph is gone.
  18. Any list of active QB's that does not start with Brady followed by two empty spots and then the next QB is a waste of time reading. I hate him but he and Montana are the best QB's of all time. He is showing no signs of slowing down. I respect Rodgers but Brees plays at least 9 games a year in a dome. Let's see him put up 5000 yards in Boston or Green Bay weather.
  19. His assessment of Alonzo made me vomit in my mouth a little...On another post I said the LB's couldn't be worse than last year...maybe that was a bit premature???
  20. It would be nearly impossible for the LB's to be worse than last year...
  21. Over-rated - Talley. People around here think he was great. He was a mediocre LB playing behind the greatest DE of all time. Under-rated - Smerlas. He really was a fantastic player and if he had been a Bill for three more years we win two SuperBowls.
  22. I don't know my CBA as well as I should but what happened to the post June 1st veteran salary dump? Used to be there were some decent quality veterans that would get cut loose the first week of June. Did that get moved to before the draft?
  23. First this is another case that we need MORE regulation not less in this country. This is very similar to what Romney's firm did in that they paid themselves first and saddled the company with even more debt. Second how does the NFL not figure this stuff out when vetting the deal???
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