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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. As in all things it depends... Third down I want Fred on the field no matter the down or distance. And I want CJ to see a pulmonologist.
  2. As much as I think they should trade Spiller I don't think they should do anything with Jackson. It has nothing to do with their individual abilities but their value. Jackson has no value in a trade. There also is no value in cutting him. The only way he is not a Bill next year is if he does something stupid and holdout for a contract extension. Spiller on the other hand should be moved. He will not net a first round pick unless some team moved down in the draft and acquired an extra late first founder. He might net a second though. My offseason : Get serviceable RB, RT and LG in FA. Resign Byrd. Trade 2014 and 2015 #1's for Larry Fitzgerald Trade Spiller for a second. Use second round picks on TE and LB. Buy season tickets!
  3. OT may be the pick in the first round but to play RT not LT. If you move Glenn to LG it could be disastrous. He may not want to play there. He would know he would not get paid as much if he was tagged as a guard. LT's are not the important position of olden days as there are very few seven step drops. But he is solid and LG, RG, and RT are in more need of an upgrade.
  4. I think we can sum up this thread 1. Spiller is great athlete 2. Not living up to his draft position 3. Liability on third down passing situation 4. Is an asset and not really what the Bills need to worry about 5. Safe to say frustrating to all of us. We want AP or McCoy - hell even Jamaal Charles - we've got a slightly better running but significanlty worse pass recieving version of Reggie Bush Barring a ridiculous training camp hold-out there is really nothing to do but bring him back next year hopefully with a new LG and maybe a new RT.
  5. CJ is a special athlete. I don't think he is a good NFL running back. He doesn't run good pass routes. He is awful in pass protection. He doesn't see the holes and cut back. He doesn't even break that many tackles. But if he gets the right crease he can be gone. He only has 2833 yards for his career but a 5.2 ypc average. 2833 after four years for a first round RB is almost bust status. 5.2 ypc over 4 years is almost legendary. So frustrating. The coaches must see his speed and know what he can do but yet FJ gets the carries and is on the field when it matters. Gailey and now Marrone didn't have him on the field in crucial situations. Something just isn't right about him. It will come out sooner or later. I still say he has asthma. Maybe when he leaves in FA and runs for 2000 yards behind San Francisco's o-line I will look like a moron along with Gailey et al... FYI Marshawn Lynch in 3yrs 2601 yards on 650 carries for 4 ypc...
  6. Yeah I thought Carpenter was the good part of the season...
  7. What is it that this guy can average over 5 yards a carry at times - even long stretches of games - but still not be the feature back when it matters? Can't beat out a senior citizen? Two coaches have tried to make him the guy and end up going back to Fred to win games. Is it his inability to break tackles? I still say that Chan may have said a bit too much about him getting winded. I'm sticking to my idea he has a pulmonary problem. He may have asthma or at the least exercise induced asthma.
  8. With any luck, "The team just could not overcome the sudden and unexpected death of Ralph Wilson"
  9. Where the Bills will be drafting the value will be at OT. Unless Clowney falls the best bet is OT in the first round. Don't care right or left. Just get a tackle and then let Pears, Glenn, rookie, and Hairston compete for the two spots and the third best move to LG. Take an athletic TE in the second. Get your WR in FA Resign Byrd Honestly after that it is adding depth so BPA be it OLB, QB, DB, OG, or DE
  10. Dam I was hoping this was the year to make it to Lambeau
  11. Raise the ticket prices 30% and cut the number of seats back to 62,500. It is the only way to save the stadium experience. With HDTV and red zone there is little reason to go to a game. Next step will be a breathalizer before being allowed entry into the game.
  12. Did anyone look at the all-22 write up? On at least two and maybe three of the plays the players simply do not know what the play is. One one it appears EJ is supposed to hand off to Fred as the WR's and o-line run block. On another Woods clearly runs the wrong route. Is it really that hard to know the plays?
  13. Drew Brees is not a franchise QB. Aaron Rogers is so bad we need to keep 37 year old Favre. I think this guy bagging my groceries will win a SuperBowl. Do you believe Peyton's kid brother and the stiff from Delaware think they are elite QB's??? What did Thurman and Talley say the Bills needed to improve after the Cleveland loss? QB. Like Jim Mora Sr. said... None of us know and we never will. EJ will be the starter next year. I am perfectly fine with them drafting a QB the likes of Mike Glennon in the mid rounds. Get a true #1 WR in the draft, FA, or via trade. Upgrade TE and LG. Get rid of Graham. Then give the kid a chance.
  14. Sullivan is the only media guy that doesn't lap up what RW, Brandon, and the coach of the day say. He is the only guy at Brandon's press conference that said "we have heard this for a decade and moving forward really doesn't mean anything". What he fails to realize is he is a small town hack just like the Bills. His columns offer no insight nor perspective. He may as well copy and paste stright from this site. My hunch is that he is as much of an !@#$ in person as he comes off in his column and therefore has no access to the players.
  15. Perhaps I am looking at it the wrong way. It seems most teams are playing some form of hybrid defense and certainly are in the nickel a great deal of the time. Maybe being fast and a bit under-sized is what the Bills/Petine want. Maybe the MLB I am thinking about no longer exists or only plays obvious run downs.
  16. I think OLB comes up because he is not big enough to play MLB. As others have posted OLB in a 3-4 and a 4-3 are different animals. He has speed and coverage abiltiy. He is a very good third down MLB. He is more of a Sam Cowart than a Patrick Willis. Maybe that is ok.
  17. Everyone knows Marrone spent the vast majority of his coaching career in the pros right????
  18. I know it is blashpemy to criticize Kiko, but he has not played well for a month. I've posted my concerns about his lack of size before so this is not a reactionary post from the loss yesterday. Love his athleticism but I am worried about his ability to hold up and stop the run long term. With that said, it has been more bad angles and overpursuit have been the cause of some of his bad plays. I'm hoping this is just him hitting the wall and an off-season training program will make a big difference. Oregon graduates late so he had even less time in Buffalo. Anyone else worried?
  19. Why would the refs who have their own union and aren't particularly happy with the NFL, then turn around and conspire with the same entity that tried to screw them in their contract negotiations??? Perhaps the Bills suck. Other teams have better players and therefore get the calls. And it is really hard to ref a game with the speed and athleticism on the field. These players do superhuman things every week. The ref while running sideways saw part of Antonio Brown's foot step out of bounds. Try doing that at full speed. Where were the conspiracy guys when Darryl Talley knocked over the receiver in OT against the Oilers? No call there to give the Bills another shot at the SuperBowl. Please grow up. The Bills have sucked for the vast majority of their existence and that is not because of the NFL or the referees. It is because of Ralph Wilson. He is a horrible owner who's only positive trait is loyalty to the city. That loyalty may only exist because we are gullible enough to keep buying tickets while he hires the Russ Brandon's of the world.
  20. 1. New owner 2. New GM 3. New TE 4. New LG 5. New OLB And a little patience for EJ and the kid WR's.
  21. Marrone is a pro-guy who spent some time at the collegiate level...he has much more NFL experience than college
  22. Play the rookies, shut down Fred for next year, let EJ throw 40 times a game no matter the situation. Trade two number one's for Larry Fitzgerald.
  23. This is why I hate Darryl Talley and can not understand why he is on the Wall of Fame. Mediocre player who played his worst game at the worst time.
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