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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. If Tebow really wanted to get back in the NFL then he should go to Canada and play. Prove he can throw the ball. He knows he can't. He is getting his last paycheck from ESPN before he starts selling himself in airport bathrooms.
  2. Pears' salary is too much for a back-up role. He starts or he is gone. Moeaki is viable as a starter. It is time for Chandler to go. Probably less than 1% chance they can get Graham. It will be Moeaki, Gragg, and a rookie in 2014.
  3. My off-season play to address the line 1. If Graham is not tagged pay him 120% of the highest TE contract and bring him in to play TE. 2. Assuming Graham is tagged, address TE in the draft as no other TE in FA is worth a large contract. 3. Draft an OT in the first round, preferably after trading down. 4. The rookie, Pears, and Hairston compete for the RT spot. Either Pears or Hairston is cut. 5. Sign one mid to high level guard in FA to take the LG spot. 6. Draft a center in round 4-5. 7. Go to mini-camp with the group we have now plus these additions and start the best two at LG/RG. That leaves the rest of the draft for LB's, a back-up RB, and another DB.
  4. I really like San Francisco until Harbaugh got there. Can't stand him.
  5. Bills could do a lot worse than bringing back Fitz as a back up to EJ
  6. Depending on how you look at passing on Marino for Tony Hunter may have been the biggest mistake in franchise history...
  7. Montana and Young Staubach and Aikman Favre and Starr Brady and Bledsoe Bradshaw and Roethlisberger Marino and Griese LOL Elway and Manning
  8. The only significant FA the Bills signed was Manny Lawson at 4 yrs and 12 million. Levitre signed 6yrs for 46.8. That is nearly 5 million more per season. I don't know the compensation formula for draft picks but I'm fairly sure it is based on players lost minus players signed measured in contract dollars. I'm thinking an extra fourth is possible. Anyone know the system details better than I do?
  9. Bills need to trade down not up. This off-season (FA and Draft) needs two LB's, two maybe three OL, a TE, a RB, and a WR. There is not one player in the top 10 worth the #1 spot. #9 will be as good as #25. Move down twice in this draft to get an extra second and third.
  10. He would be smart and do what Hernandez did to the Patriots. Force the Saints to tag him as a hybrid WR/TE. That would raise the tag price considerably. That gives Graham more leverage to make a long term deal with the Saints but the Saints would still use the tag even if it came closer to a WR number. Two years is the max for the CBA
  11. McCarron will be doing SEC pregame telecasts by 2016. He is a third day prospect. Probably makes it through cuts if the team he goes to keeps three QB's. Ask yourself, is he any different than Greg McElroy? I will answer. He is 2 inches taller and not as smart.
  12. To be honest I question Marrone a bit more than EJ at this point. I think Marrone made many critical mistakes during the season that cost the team - most of which have been discussed on this board. His entire handling of the back QB position was a disaster. It cost us the Browns game. The onsides kick against the Patriots was not needed. Poor clock management at the end of the half and the end of games. These are things I did not expect from him. What I saw from EJ was a kid who was raw but did not turn the ball over. I saw too much Trent and not enough Fitz/Kelly. I saw a kid who was coached to stay in the pocket too much. Perhaps if he had not gotten hurt in the pre-season he may have lit it up like Cam did his rookie year. The media was ready to run Cam and his coach out of the NFL in September. Now they are the No.2 team in the NFC. Perhaps we can give EJ just a bit more time.
  13. I'm glad others see the truth. We need to get bigger up the middle. Maybe it is Kiko and a weight program. Maybe it is a FA or a draft pick. But something has to change. I still think Kiko is best suited outside on run downs and as the MLB in nickel/dime defenses.
  14. Classic Buffalo...backup QB and special teams threads leads offensive line threads by ten to one...
  15. Just everyone stop. EJ is the QB next year. Bills aren't taking any QB in the first round unless Andrew Luck goes back to Stanford as a graduate student and redeclares for the draft. There is no QB in this draft better than any QB in last year's draft. There are three holes in the offensive line, a hole at LB, TE, maybe safety, and no true #1 WR.
  16. Yes the Bills need upgrades at the two most important positions on this board - back up QB and punter.
  17. 1. Kiko has not played well for half a season. Watch the tape. Take away the early season turnovers and he has not been a very good MLB especially against the run. I hope it is the rookie wall and being generally undersized coming out of the Pac-12. Next year will determine if he is the answer at MLB for the next 5-8 years. 2. Byrd is supposed to play that deep. Most single high safeties play 15 yards off the LOS. 3. Moats and Bradham are awful. Neither shoudl be brought back to play inside or outside. OLB is a huge need going into the off season.
  18. Why is it ok to wait on CJ for 5 years to beat out Fred to be the number one RB but EJ only gets 10 games? Manziel sucks. He is Russell Wilson size with a Ryan Leaf head. This team has three starting OL that would not start for 28 of the other teams in the league. Trade down. Draft OT, TE, LG, WR, OLB.
  19. Stay in your lanes. Is it really that hard? Perhaps we should care about the offensive line a bit more than the punter and the gunners...
  20. The problem with Moorman is that he has been bad for years. The decline started in 2010 not in 2012. He is consistently inconsistent. He is good for a shank every third game or so. He won't be brought back. If he wants to work next year he probably will be invited to kick in someone's training camp.
  21. Make him the highest paid safety in the league. He has earned it. Trade Spiller.
  22. Cowher lost three AFC championship games - at home. He is terribly overrated. If Dick Lebeau were 15 years younger I would give that guy another shot. He got screwed in Cincinnati. Behind every "great" coach is the real reason for their greatness. Belichick - Brady. Shanahan - Elway. Holmgren - Favre. Cowher - Lebeau. The exceptions are Noll, Walsh, Lombardi, Jimmy Johnson(yes I said it), and probably Shula.
  23. Couldn't have said it better myself except to add that the stadiums would be paid for by tax payers who can't afford it.
  24. At Seahawks game with my boys. Blows the Ralph away in so many ways. Clean. More room to walk. Ten times the food options. Better beer. The Bills experience could be so much more.
  25. Mike Evans won't be able to get separation from NFL DB's. No thank you. There are better WR's that will be available in round one or two.
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