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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Perhaps no other player has been adversely affected by the changing defensive schemes than Carrington. He was drafted as a 3-4 pass rushing DE and has had to play OLB, DE, and DT. He should want to get the hell out of Buffalo. I would only bring him back to play DE. He is not a good DT. Branch is a better option at DT.
  2. 1. Kyle Williams is not good against the rum 2. Kiko is too small to play MLB and was awful against the run down the stretch But as others have pointed out it's the offense that is the problem. It has been for over a decade. The offense can't stay on the field and build leads. The defense wears down and the opponent runs to burn clock.
  3. Levitre got paid much more than anyone thought he would get. Byrd will get more that what the Bills are reported to have offered. Probably much more. The salary cap went up and the Seahawks just showed increased the value of safeties by 20 or 30%. Byrd has no reason not o see what the market has to offer. Maybe I am wrong and he I wrong. Maybe the Bills deal is the best one. I doubt it. I do agree the Bills are unlikely to go any higher. They have plan B in place in Williams and need to move quickly to get O-line and LB help assuming that is the FA plan.
  4. Jax has to go QB. Cleveland could wait and instead decide to take Mack or Watkins. Oakland actually has less talent than the Bills so a trade down is the wisest choice - unless Watkins is still on the board. Minnesota needs O-line and defensive help just as much as a QB. Tampa Bay - who the hell knows with a new HC. They probably take Barr or the top DB(especially if they trade Revis). #9 spot is looking pretty awful right now unless you are happy with an OT. Best hope is a QB falls and their is a market for him. Then the Bills move down and add picks. Hopefully can still get Ebron in mid first round and then start drafting lots of linebackers.
  5. Disgusting human being. He is evil and two years in federal prison, an image consultant, and a cardigan sweater will not change that. If they sign him I am done until he is gone. I will watch the Seahawks with my sons. Whaley don't do it. It is not worth it. He is not even that good as a player. Please don't give me a reason to finally walk away from this disgrace of a franchise. I can live with another year of no playoffs but I a not support ad will not support the team if he is signed.
  6. I was going to post this but hesitated because it was reported Bailey still wanted to play CB with Denver and not move to safety. I think he would be a fine addition at FS. Probably would be able to be signed to a one year deal.
  7. They should target LB's and OL in FA. If Mack is gone by 9 there is no other LB worth drafting that high. They should sign an ILB, an OLB, and announce Kiko is moving to outside day 1 of FA. Then target a LG. Add a few depth guys. Then move on to the draft where a trade down can still land them Ebron, a WR, an OT, and some depth for the DL and DB's.
  8. We will have to remember this post because stranger things have happened...
  9. While I generally agree you are in essence only giving up 1 extra first round draft pick the deal does have other consequences. A contract for Graham would be much greater than the 9th overall pick. I would argue I would rather spend money on a proven commodity than an unproven college player but it is still a big deal. The new CBA makes first rounders relatively cheap. Second Graham would be 4-5 years older than the 2014 and 2015 pick thus has a shorter value to the team. Now if the first rounders are busts or are not resigned then the point is moot. But it the two picks pan out and are resigned that would be two players that could be around for 8-10-12 years. Still I would make the deal. Graham is elite. We have not had elite at TE ever. The only elite players in the top 10 now may be Mack and Clowney and I don't think either will be there at #9. The rest are overrated QB's, very good LT's(we already have one and can get another in round 2), and WR's of which there are many later. I would make the deal for Graham. Otherwise they will end up reaching for Ebron, a WR, or drafting a RT(not the worst scenario but not ideal) if they can not manufacture a trade down.
  10. In his end-of-year press conference, GM Ozzie Newsome mentioned a “rangy, athletic safety” as one of the biggest needs this offseason. Ravens 5 yrs 52 million, 29 guaranteed
  11. What the !@#$ is the point if they won't resign Williams either! And there is no NFL quality SS on this team. I will admit I do not know how Scwartz uses his safeties but there is no second safety on this team that is of any value. Totally !@#$ed at this point... I mean safeties aren't important in stopping HOF QB's. Perhaps there is a plan to address in FA.
  12. Wrong it is a great idea. This team needs a dynamic TE. The success rate of a first round pick is at best 50/50. Graham is a superstar. This team needs to win now. Not worry about a first round pick in 2015.
  13. If they are not willing to make him the highest paid safety in the league then Byrd is right to say go to hell. This franchise sucks and the only way he should stay is to pay top dollar. Whaley is a moron not to pay him top dollar. They have enough cap room to tag him now. They can remove the tag at anytime if they want. The tag will not limit their ability to spend in FA. It may be true that there is no good trade options but there is no reason to just let him walk for nothing.
  14. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/writer/jason-la-canfora/24464215/bills-byrd-redskins-orakpo-likely-to-go-untagged-hit-nfls-fa-market La Canfora is reporting no tag for Byrd or Orakpo. A. Williams better be Pro Bowl material. And Whaley had better spend every god dam cent of RW's money in FA fixing the line.
  15. This is the **** that happens when you don't pay guys early. Byrd should have been paid big money a long time ago. What a nightmare. Hopefully Whaley caves and gives them whatever he wants short of a release. If Byrd won't sign no matter how much they offer you still have to be punitive and tag him. Then you have to try and trade him to get something in return. Move him to San Francisco for their late first round pick would be fine but I doubt anybody offers anything more than a high second round pick.
  16. I liked this article because the scout isn't referencing three cone drill times. I think he is dead wrong on Manziel. I would like to see him right about Ebron and the Bills get him at 15.
  17. Wilson was average this year and played with one of the most dominant defenses of all time. They are in the discussion with 85 Bears and 2000 Ravens. So one way to look at Wilson is to lump him in with McMahon and Dilfer. I don't think he will be as good as Brady, Rodgers, Brees, or Manning but I think he is still getting better. He may have played his best in the playoffs. He also had virtually no one to throw to for large parts of the season. But DC's have figured out Koepernick to some degree and I think they will figure out Wilson as well. Luck is still the best of that draft. As for Buddy, I wish Whaley would tell him to go away. Nix is just another example of a long list of talent evaluators in Buffalo that just failed. Fitz contract, Spiller when they had Marshawn, A. Williams as a CB, Troup and his back. Yes the draft is mostly a crap shoot of misfires but this guy missed most of the time. Even his hits have question marks. Whaley should just say thank you and give him a free seat at the game.
  18. I was with the OP three weeks ago and posted I would draft OT at #9. At this point if Barr or Watkins (assuming Mack is gone) is there at 9 I would take either of them. If not I do anything I can to trade down. I don't like Evans or even Ebron at 9. If they can trade down then just take BPA that is a TE/WR/OL/LB for the next 4 rounds. If a project QB falls go ahead and take him at some point. The crap backing up EJ now is not solution if EJ doesn't pan out.
  19. He is going to be a huge bust. But as others say let's hope he is top 8 material!
  20. Love how people think Cleveland is in worse shape than Buffalo. Most people on this board wanted Pettine and not Marrone as the HC. Cleveland has more ProBowl players. They have a stud WR and TE. They are great at LT and C. They have one of the best CB's in the game Their QB situation may be awful but ours maybe no better. Their stadium is brand new. They play all their games in Cleveland. So they screwed up the Richardson pick. At least the got a first round draft pick in return. What will Buffalo get out of two first round RBs? Three 1000 yard seasons and a fourth round draft pick. Agree with the posters above, think they sit tight and take Mack or Clowney, then hope Carr falls to them late in the first round. Then they use their other picks on LB's, SS, and guards. Or............ Watkins This guy looks incredible and pairing him with Cameron and Gordon could be lethal. Would make any QB even Michael Vick look good.
  21. Carpenter is a great story but Hopkins has the leg. Hopkins will be the guy. Carpenter would be dumb do sign a low ball team friendly offer from the Bills after the year he had. Another team will give him a good offer. If not there is no market for him because of the short kickoff issue then sure sign him and bring him to a team friendly deal camp to compete with Hopkins. Just don't see that happening. As for the tag on kickers. It is used all the time on kickers and even punters. It is a small amount of money to commit to a position and if there is no other need for the tag why not use it to your advantage? It is not meant to signify the player is your franchise player it is there to give the team some leverage in negotiations.
  22. Using the tag is not the distraction everyone makes it out to be. It is common business practice in the NFL. The only people who are getting restless and tired of the situation is us the fans. Ideally they have the Byrd situation dealt with before the draft but since they have A Williams ready to go they don't even need to draft a safety. They can just re-up Leonhard or some other veteran if they decide to trade Byrd on draft day or after the draft. Yes losing Byrd would suck in my opinion but I don' think it changes the draft strategy that much if at all. With or without Byrd the major holes are OLB, ILB, TE, LG, RT, WR in any order you want. Free agent signings of course will affect this list. And please don't misinterpret this post as Byrd is not an important part of this team. He is an All-pro and worth top dollar to the Bills and at least 20 other teams. The Bills just happen to be ok at FS since A. Williams sucked at CB - the position he should be playing.
  23. Watkins can last until #9 if St. Louis goes OT(which they should) and Oakland goes QB or defense.
  24. Still question the level of competition but wow the physical skill set seems to be there. I have no problem with the Bills taking him or Barr at 9. Our LB's are not that good and that includes the legend of Kiko. They continue to be the second worst unit on the team after the train wreck that is the tight end group. In a draft as deep as this one trading down is still the best option. They can fill multiple holes at OLB, TR, LG, TE, WR, and ILB by moving down.
  25. For all the people that don't want to pay Byrd 10 million a year - what do you think when the Bills are millions under the cap and have losing season after losing season? They are not sing the money to build better team. They did nothing to replace Levitre. They did nothing to upgrade the TE position. After Kolb got concussed they did not go out ad sign another expensive veteran to either help EJ or be ready in case he got hurt. So again I ask what is the point of not paying an extra million to Byrd? They have a QB who is relatively cheap. They have tons of cap romnd tons of dead cap space hat will come off the books after this year assuming they don' do something stupid like cut SJ. Who would you have them spend that extra million on - CJ Spiller a RB who can beat out a 30+ year old RB from nowhere college?? If they trade Byrd all they do is open up a gaping hole in the defense. Doug just pay the man. He has earned it.
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