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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. The correct logic is that excluding the QB's there are only three or four truly top prospects...Clowney, Watkins, Robinson, and Maybe Mack. The next 10 or 12 guys from Mathews to Barr to Ebron to Clinton Dix are all about the same quality. Therefore it makes sense for the Bills to trade back. The same logic makes no sense for a team to trade up. Therefore unless a QB falls that some team covets or there is a weird move (Raiders anyone) I see little hope of a trade down. Maybe some team like the Giants does fall in love with Ebron and the Bills can get an extra third by moving back just a few picks.
  2. Glenn is not moving but it does not mean they can not draft another OT. No one knows what will happen when they try to resign Glenn even at LT money. Nothing wrong with two good or great tackles. I still want Ebron but after a trade down.
  3. I will take Aaron Murray in the fourth round instead.
  4. He's screwed. Lungs will never be the same. Aspiration pneumonitis is awful and will lead to fibrosis most of the time. He is lucky he wasn't in the hospital for weeks.
  5. Who else thinks this is a mistake by the NFL to push it back this long? The theory I have hear is the NFL wants to have some event in every month even if it is as simple as the schedule being announced in April followed by the draft in May. To me it seems they screwed the pooch on this one and there is a lot of dead air now. If the draft was ten days away like last year it would be crazy right now and May 8th would be all about the first rookie OTA's. Your thoughts?
  6. And yet Spiller is not the trusted back to get a yard on third and one... So hope last year was about his ankle and the new OC.
  7. 1. Mike Williams 2. Eric Wood 3. EJ 4. Trent Edwards 5. Dareus
  8. Deep draft. If you can assure me Clowney is even 80% of what Bruce was then trade up and get him. Otherwise trade down and add depth and talent to both lines. They need RT, back-up center, DE, TE, and another MLB. As well as a pick to take a chance on Aaron Murray in the fourth round.
  9. Smoke screen for true interest in Aaron Murray.
  10. They can sit back and draft BPA and still fill needs. They have holes at RT, TE, DE, LB, back-up QB, and maybe franchise QB. They haven't tipped their hand at all in my opinion. They can trade up, down, or stand still and take BPA. And Glenn stays at LT otherwsie he walks when his contract is up. He is a very good LT and will want to get paid LT money. If they force him to move to RT there is no way he resigns with the Bills.
  11. Hoping for Bears on the road in September with the Cubs in town too.
  12. The back-up QB situation may be the worst in the NFL. It is as bad as the TE situation. Tuel is a joke. Lewis is barely competent. Lewis got worse in every game he played and was a turn-over waiting to happen. Any upgrade at back-up QB would be wise. At some point they should draft Murray. But it doesn't really matter, it is EJ or bust for the Bills, Whaley, and Marrone.
  13. 1. Colts 2. Pats 3. Broncos 4. Chiefs 5. Chargers 6. Cincy 7. Ravens 8. Browns 9. Steelers 10. Houston 11. Bills 12. Jets 13. Titans 14. Dolphins 15. Oakland 16. Jags If the Browns, Bills, Jets, or Houston get consistent QB play any one of them could be a play off team. I think the overall talent level on the Browns and Houston is a bit better than Buffalo. Outside of defensive line, the Jets have no advantage over Buffalo and that is a slim advantage. Buffalo may have the best QB situtation of the four teams. Buffalo may have the worst QB situation by season's end. Steelers could be the Texans of 2014 if Roethlisberger gets injured and misses any significant time. Colts are a few lineman away from domination. They will draft two OL early and many defenders late.
  14. There is no plan. There can be no predetermined plan. Fairly certain that is against the law with regard to estate planning and the tax code. Do you really think a head coach, a GM, and used car salesman has any say in what will happen to Mary Wilson's fortune?
  15. Brandon is the guy that should be most worried about a new owner. Highly unlikely a new owner will want a president of football operations and a GM. Brandon will be demoted back to marketing guy and Whaley's power and influence will grow if the team is doing well. If they are doing poorly they will all be fired. Another losing year and no solution at QB may cost all of them their jobs. Sounds crazy but this group sealed their fate with EJ. You think a new owner will fall for Brandon's no stone unturned non-sense????
  16. Just because Mayock says stuff like "stiff hips" doesn't make him smart. Until he actually has to make the picks and deal with the consequences he is no smarter than any of us.
  17. Thought Red was going back to USC for another year? Anyways I want to draft the kid from San Diego State who God said he was going to get drafted by the Seahawks just to mess him up more than he already is... Interesting response. That is a good way of putting it. FJ always seems to be able to lean, stretch, and twist just enough to get through a crease or get the extra yard. Maybe that is balance. I think CJ lacks more instinct and vision but you may be more correct.
  18. Gay or not Sam is a college player and not an NFL guy. He is too slow to play LB and too small to play DE. He doesn't even translate well into a special teams player. I think he gets drafted in the 6th or 7th round with someone's compensatory pick. Probably play Strong side OLB in a 3-4 like Green Bay or 4-3 DE with the Giants or Baltimore.
  19. Watch the games and you tell me who breaks more tackles Spiller or Jackson? Who do you want carrying the ball needing to get three yards? I don't know how those elusive ratings are generated but he does not break tackles after contact. Just watch him run. He just is missing something. I don't know what it is. Vision, instinct, trust in the line, or intelligence of how the play is going to develop. Like I said if there is a lane he can go 75 yards. I hope he proves me wrong, goes for 1600, and the Bills need to franchise him next year. But I could see Chris Johnson doing the same, for the same price, signed to a three year deal, and getting some trade value for Spiller.
  20. Love the idea of adding him to the roster and making Spiller and Jackson compete for carries. Johnson is every bit as explosive as Spiller and a much better runner. Spiller is a one trick pony. Give him a lane and he can gash you for sixty yards. Other than that he has no vision, doesn't shed tacklers, and can't pass protect at all. He is not worth the money he will want next year.
  21. There are no handshake agreements that can be made from beyond the grave. There can be no prearranged sale of the team. That is expressly forbidden in estate planning law.
  22. I prefer trading down but if they go all in for Clowney I won't be upset. They have a hole at 4-3 DE and he is the best player in the draft. Almost any scenario is ok at this point. OL or TE at 9. Trade down and get more picks and take BA OL, TE, LB, DE, and DB. Gun to my head, I trade up and get Clowney if all it costs me is next years first, this years second. My ideal trade would be next years first and Spiller to move up the 8 spots, and keep the second. Sign Chris Johnson in FA and use the second on TE.
  23. Trade everything for Clowney or sit tight and take Ebron. Either is fine for me at this point. Sitting and waiting for Ebron lets you take an OT and a DE later. An OT and Jenkins at TE in round two is ok as well. The more time passes though I say swing for the feces and get Clowney if it just costs next years first and this years second.
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