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Everything posted by Dragonborn10

  1. Great. Now they have the justification to not pay Glenn. Glenn deserves to be top 3 paid LT. Whaley had better pay him now or it will be Peters all over again. If CK shows anything in next game he will be swing tackle. If not then he goes to IR and Hairston stays.
  2. HOF TE. Lucky coach that Buddy Ryan gifted him a SuperBowl. Bigot. Moron.
  3. The only two stats that matter for a QB are TD/Int ratio and Yards/attempt. Win/loss is important too but there are many factors that go into a win/loss.
  4. Branch will get plenty of minutes at DE this year. There is a gaping hole opposite Mario.
  5. So genius to pass on the best QB of all time 5 times...
  6. Glass half full - Morgan Stanley is trying to pump up the price Glass half empty - The NFL wants the Bills in Toronto and they will do anything they can to make it happen...
  7. A second round pick is not going to get cut. He may not dress the entire year but he will make the roster. Players are not put on the PS. They need to be cut first. He would be signed in minutes to another team.
  8. Call me crazy but RT is the least of the lines concerns right now. Both guard positions are underperforming. I would keep both Henderson, Kujo, and Hairston as back-up tackles. Let Pears go at the end of the season. Hairston can play some guard in a pinch. Then keep one more guard/center in addition to Wood, Glenn, Williams, and whoever wins the LG spot. That would be 9. I would rather keep an extra lineman and let Lee Smith bag groceries. Pears can't play LT and he has very limited experience at guard. He got some at guard with Oakland. That is all that I can find.
  9. Don't make a trade. Wait until after week one and sign one of the veteran QBs that gets cut.
  10. Josh Freeman is better than both Tuel and Lewis. But I would wait for a surprise cut and maybe sign a guy after week 1. This avoids a salary guarantee. Tuel can hold a clip board for Chicago. Then sign a veteran.
  11. Cowher is one of the most overrated coaches of all time. Only Dungy did less with more. But I can not defend Marrone. His QB and OC decisions are defenseless. How can you go into a season with Jeff Tuel as the back-up QB? If I were Whaley, I would tell Marrone that Hackett needs to go and Marrone needs to call the plays. Then there are no excuses. If EJ and the offense fail then it is all on Marrone.
  12. How in the hell cold Marrone think Matt Flynn was worse than these clowns. Vince Young is better. I hate Tebow, but **** even he is better.
  13. If the team doesn't make the playoffs this year, they are all gone. Marrone, Whaley(unfairly), and Brandon(justly). New owner. Culture of losing for 15 years. It all needs to be blown up. Will be a really tough call if they are 9-7 and lose out on tie-breakers. But if EJ doesn't progress and they are sub-500 they will all lose their jobs. Whaley might keep his if Watkins looks the part of a guy you give up a first round pick to get.
  14. Wilson is the most overrated QB in the game along with Matt Ryan. Wilson does very little to win games. Great at not losing them. Arm strength is average. Good but not great running ability. Will be very interesting to see how he plays this year with a new RT and in a contract year...
  15. It's preseason and Clowney played against starters while Johnny ran around the field against guys that will be bagging groceries in two weeks. Just sayin wait until Johnny faces a real defense that gameplans for him.
  16. The Bills lost to the Falcons and Buccaneers. They still had an outside shot at the playoffs when they played the Falcons. It's a home opener against a team with no established QB. If you were a Bears fan and the local media said anything other than definite win you would be ridiculing them. Just win games and make the playoffs and then the media bias will be non-existent. The media only cares about winners.
  17. Toronto group gets three chances to place a bid??? First they must have thought Roger would let them buy the team for under $1 billion. Then they get two chances to doctor up their lies about keeping the team in Buffalo. I'm sure they needed to coordinate the language with Goodell and maybe even Cuomo. Why all the leaks if they signed NDI agreements? Someone is steering the process across the Peace Bridge....
  18. Definately? Top 32? Hasn't played a down of football in a real game and he is top 32? I hope you are right.
  19. When did Watkins get voted into the ProBowl. I missed the announcement.... Love the enthusiasm but he is still a rookie WR. I will be happy if he approaches 50 catches this year even knowing 15 of those may be behind the LOS. Williams may be the straw that pours the drink with this group. They need a veteran to teach them the little things. Hopefully new WR coach helps too.
  20. Almost everyone is happy when they win no matter the number of touches. If they are winning and a guy is complaining he won't be looked up favorably. If they are losing and he is complaining, then how he is viewed in the locker room and in public depends on if he has any talent or not.
  21. I think "right to match" implies the process with restricted free agents who sign an offer sheet from another team. The current team can match the contract to keep the player and the player has to stay with the current team. There is no such process with the PS. Like others have said if you sign someone form another team's practice squad it must be to the 53 man roster.
  22. The team has to cut the player first. Once he gets cut he can sign anywhere he wants. They are not designated to the PS. They are signed to it just like any other FA. This scenario is why Tuel was the back-up QB on the 53 man roster and not on the PS last year.
  23. Here is a list of 2011 First round QB's Cam Newton Blain Gabbert Jake Locker Christian Ponder One of four is ok. Three of four are multi million dollar busts that were scouted by hundreds of people and yet they still are complete scrubs. I will settle for Ok from EJ this year. OK from EJ means December games will matter for the first time since Mularkey.
  24. Why do people search for reasons why this team has failed for 14 years.... The players have not been good enough to win. What else are they going to say? We aren't good enough to win? There have been great pleyers here. But no good QB, no depth, and constant change especially on defense has destroyed this team.
  25. If you want to play the OP's game then.... Tony Romo is your guy. He can be had for next year's number two and Spiller. The Cowboys are going to implode this year. Their defense may be the worst in the league by the end of the year. Jerry admitted he almost drafted Manziel. Romo's contract will make it difficult to rebuild the Cowboy's but he will fit under the cap in Buffalo. The Cowboys will be 3-13 or 4-12 this year. If the Cowboys start 1-4 then maybe they could make a move for Romo. None of this will happen but it is actually a good trade for both teams. Dallas will need cap room and draft picks to rebuild. The Bills are only a QB away from the playoffs. I think it is crazy to give up on EJ after 7 games as a rookie with almost no training camp and Hackett as an OC. But it is equally insane to do what Whaley/Marrone has done with the QB situation.
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