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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. I said it was an unfair advantage designed into the stadium against any Away team. and I said it is Not an an excuse. Not sure what he is defending at this point lol
  2. It's just a flesh wound ! Have at you then !
  3. Lets look at this Dolphins have shade on sideline , by design. Away team gets None Its an unfair advantage on purpose. Not the same if Everyone gets cold and Everyone gets thin air. Poor argument. I am not even going to get into the player safety aspect. But I will also say there are no excuses when you lose. Just reasonings that you can improve from Exp. The team has made none. Forgive our passion btw
  4. Just to point out as the announcers did The Home Team gets all the sideline shade and the Away team gets full on sun all game , by design of the stadium addition they did. Its an advantage.
  5. he is fast enough. but had nothing left to get outside or turn the corner as expected
  6. one of the most exciting Games I have watched in awhile hell of a chess match. But the ending was wild never turn off the Game when Josh is playing Go Bills helluva game !
  7. he was gassed. as they all were.
  8. and he's short lol so he's got that going for him. he's about to get fd up unless mcdaniel has some super secret plan and he doesn't But good post honestly 59 ! Go Bills Groot Miller and some hands up in passing lanes
  9. They should just pay Frazier as the Top DC in the League or very nearly , and everyone should be okay with that. Especially Leslie. SB are what matters. Not coaching titles. be selfless and be a team Guy. I am sure he is though. Go Bills
  10. That's truly hilarious and I laughed out loud. My Dog looked at me sideways . well done mushy ! !
  11. scary too. Wish him a full recovery asap and long term health . Regardless of if he ever plays again. He gave the Game his All and iy showed up each week! Been one hell of a Player for Buffalo Bills and I am grateful that we had him. Luv ya Micah 😃
  12. Press play and force the quick throws. More worried about longer developing pass plays. I think we agree . But still no one over the top. Those two guys are fast and maybe elite
  13. Cover five shell no LBs (okay Milano can play) lol let the D line eat Tua. D Jones and Settle can stop the run when they cannot pass 😉 Great opportunity for players who already get reps but not starters Frazier and McD need to call a good game but I am ready to be pleasantly surprised with the secondary overall. Sure a few slip ups will occur, but hoping to balance hat with a few takeaways ! Up to the D line to help out the Kids out back and make Tua wizz himself early and often Von Gregg Boogie ya feel me ?
  14. But hardly the best QB
  15. and this is exactly why Fraziers DLine Rotation will dominate the Day. Heat and humidity Rain even better , to mess with Tua and the pass game Go Bills
  16. me Take me with you Low bridge I hope.My bones are brittle LOL
  17. I was thinking depth charge for some odd reason. dropping the shot glass of whiskey into a glass of beer and pouring it down not sure why i thought that in regard to egg in beer but both timely in post WWII Give the back ups some reps and play shell. 4 will get there like the 1st game vs Rams
  18. harsh But reasonably so McD still love him so much. keeping hope alive he just gets beasty and starts destroying RB coming out of the back field and fools who try shallow crossers in front of him. Just let our DBs know he is going to play head down football and stand clear while he comes downhill 😋
  19. Large everyone gets hand up when to looks to release the pass. Clog the throwing lanes Edmunds tips a pass to himself for pick six Go Bills
  20. political move then eh ? you are a deeper thinker than I #respectthtsht
  21. I was so glad to read today that Dane was released from the hospital. I sincerely was freaking out about this accidental event last nite. g Bless Dane
  22. he was told to play more aggressive this season by Coach . but honestly he is kinda clumsy and dorky.That wingspan is just too much for him to manage it seems. 😋 thank Goodness Dane is out of the Hospital and it was not worser. 😀
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