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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. what if i suggested that that Bills O line has become decent to slightly better than ? As mentioned , he takes over 4 seconds to wait for his WR to get open (?) They must be doing something right this last half -1 /4 of the season. And the run game is there now suddenly (love you Aaron ) stop liking that crap LOL
  2. yes please
  3. Actually , I have felt the same . And then Allen completes so crazy low percentage high reward pass. I hope he matures his game at some point and does give in to some "boring" throws and plays. Let the players like Cook Hines and even McK get some YAC or break one. Let Devin get a solid 1st down off a check down even Josh is a young buck who mostly wants to , and can Make the big plays. Must drive his Linemen nuts though. But they sure get their cardio in for those 4-6 second plays wondering where the hell Josh is behind them Go Bills time of possession is something worth striving for, and wearing down their defense
  4. Dorsey .... Has he even practiced them ? Does Kromer have something against pulling guards and or Morse ? It just feels like they want Josh to throw downfield on every play until that cant. Then do something different, and then start the cycle again
  5. Guy has played hard, and gutted it out for us. sucks he is going to miss the SB But I appreciate all his hard work for Bills this season ! Me too ! Go Bills
  6. Fantastic news. Thanks Thanks Cinci Medical staff for making this happen 💪
  7. I am grateful. 😉 Thanks Virgil !
  8. I sure wont argue with you. But really does amaze me they cannot coach him up to some degree lol
  9. Oh sure, he is likely a dumbas too ! But the offseason at Patriots and all the " who is the OC bs ? Oh we cant tell you yet " make me think this was a mess before the season began. Do not disagree he might suck wind freddy ! But how can coaching allow this on the game day ? Dumb it down enough for him if he cannot execute Maybe they should have spent more time on the run game offseason LOL I wouldn't be either. Optimistic that is 🙄 What does this say about Bill B ? Is he jus a victim? Hasn't he been the default GM ?
  10. I am beginning to loathe the Chiefs and their fanbase. Is that PC enough ?
  11. I know. it truly is what the definition of Amazing means. I don't know Damar But wow am I grateful his story will continue 🧡
  12. yep I would be ashamed for Bills Fans to come out looking like classless fools (not that there is anything wrong with that ) Right after what we have been through. This game should , i hope be about respect for our humanity, all the while crushing the Patriots into hopeless oblivion on the field Go Bills
  13. Dont Huh me LOL If he is not Coached to be successful in his skill set (limited or not ) Coaches are not doing their job you just cant field a guy who cannot at least execute the play call, So either put someone else in. Or give him two read basic plays. Just my opinion that Coaches are responsible for a players success On the field . If he cannot be coached up and is still on the field, again on Coaching and the HC Cosell does know his sht. Do they need to cut bait then ? cuz thats kinda embarrassing for the current GM etc
  14. They are hardly over rated Both are excellent players, albeit different sorts. and the Josh if thing. Allen leads the Bills in so many ways . But yep he does get overwound at times. That will work itself out i feel. Burrow This kid can play football. Super efficient and smart. he scares me as much as Mahomies does lol But its not Josh vs any of them Its our Mcd and Frazier and our Defense against either of them. Thats where we should be focused perhaps ?
  15. you mean gravity ? But for sure scuba , its all new for everyone, Uncharted waters 😉 Go Bills Thats on Coaching , I would think ?
  16. seems they let Diggs in so ? Highly likely and lets assume he prayed over him like a Father might
  17. I owe you an apology. I did not mean to single you out by using your Quote. Of course you care about our #3. When i said it's not about Us (with capital letter ) and added the Heart at the end I hoped it would be taken as meant and for all of Us to remain keep Damar in our thoughts and prayers 🧡. Forgive me for making you feel uncomfortable or an blame directed towards you with my wording Bless You Muppy and Us all during this time of Troubles 🧡 For sure about that !
  18. Poyer is Beast. We owe him. He should retire as a Bill
  19. Bills might have something to prove tonight too Again ! Biggest game of the year. ( oh wait , I always say that ) GO BILLS
  20. Yep Erik is adamant we should rush 3 and cover. Bring the 4th from someplace different, ala as a disguised/delayed ? blitz. And I agree with above ^^ bend and dont break, against the pass. at least till Frazier see the weakness upfront showing Go Bills its our way.
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