Unproven WRs. And if Watkins is limited or cannot play. ( he cannot practice yet ) Bills are in the poop. Gotta have that threat.
Going to miss Mike....
Maybe that Coughlin and Marrone are birds in a feather.
but i do not expect any miracles with them the first year together. Both hard headed old school boys. and Marrone being the punk Kid to Tommy
Maybe Blake will play soft turtle and Coughlin will flip during strength training. and we can get Blakester for Vet min. I would love that
yet to be proven, But i get why you say that.
WHATTF you old loon !
should we talk about London Fletcher one more gosh darned time?
point taken
Which is why Bills should run those little bastards over till they have to bring in 3rd stringers.
Mike Tolbert says.. here i come to wear you hybrid candies down
For those that do not already . You have earned respect here already. For many reasons . Thanks for keeping steady My Friend
Funny thing is, he has his elite year finally and it costs money.
think about that risk reward ratio. Right now it is med + risk. which is enough to frown over for a GM
give him a shot and let him flail away.
he will either get it or not, very quickly. I personally no longer think he will amount to anything due to injuries more than attiude
contracts for rookies are pretty straightforward per Union Contract, When a player is working on his second one, it becomes a bit wide open. Such as incentive based and finagling for guaranteed moneys.
and i have always enjoyed jumping to conclusions.
Whales really must go.
you sign the extension and Watkins gets full pay even if he does not see the field in 2018. Thats why i do not feel the extension is the answer
anyone younger than me is a Kid
23 skidoo and all that.
I disagree about his pansied ness. Seems to me he has tried to get on the field
I think it is wiser to do the former.
Kid played through those ribs and IMO that must have taken some serious nut. The Foot is a fluke, and i think someone f'd the first surgery up or he did not rehab it properly. Kid aint no pansy.