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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. That is The Process. If you aren't ready yet or good enough the system should fairly vet you. And then tell them what they need to improve upon. Then take another look later on and as the season progresses. Injuries happen and plenty of them
  2. I am just starting the thread , and i have already picked the Winner of the Day. Congrats and thank you for the chuckle i got : ) I will give you six, and the same nude picture of Blokes ? interested Tee ?
  3. nicely done. me too. Till they asked me to get out of my QBs Armchair. Above and beyond the Millions, I might need some escalators in my contract too. Know potheads pretty well do you? Maybe did a study as a Conscientious Objector ? Not quitting drugs and or drinking to become rich seems kinda weak honestly. And that is why i worry for the ones that can't seem to get sorted out for a couple years and retire LOL doesn't he have an alcohol issue too ?
  4. I was not a fan pre draft, and then I watched him play, and then I was Fan. Love this Kid. screw you haters
  5. anytime my Friend Perk71 !
  6. Intelligence perceived or measured ? luvya Augie
  7. should i call the fire dept ? or is this a common occurrence for you
  8. i don't like his last name. makes me uncomfortable. maybe i should talk to my Doctors
  9. see, thats the genius. use Blount as a tool. he is getting screwed. follow ? Of course its smart. damn near genius for details. and thats why WE ARE PISSED Kraft Goodell Trump. yes they do
  10. it is reasonable to ask questions for sure. Of course, not every one is asking the same questions though. I think i can learn still ,so any question is worth asking. But it may not be one for a large audience I guess
  11. Will you be there? I want to know too. What do Beane and McDermott consider their best qualities to be. and when does one default to the other in a stalemate of opinion. It happens and someone has to decide I do not think you will be satisfied with the answer 420. it's a hippie thing. Every one works the farm every one eats.
  12. I too like to understand the structure of organizations. Especially where i work LOL. They keep moving the goal posts on me. the more i know the better i can process the method to the end game
  13. all one. we blame EVERYONE !!
  14. it might be the hand wringing after a press conference that really sucks the life out of a person..
  15. Angry old Man ! Have you met the Dali Lama yet?
  16. If it is only to find someone to blame or reward i wish you would think differently maybe. The Bills org is pretty darned big. Even at the Top there are some super smart educated folks talking to each other. I guess it really is only Terry and Kim for now Buddy. I've taken a relaxing seat and grabbed a hot dog and beverage of choice , sitting back and just watching it play out. I suggest we all consider my method for awhile. Cheers 420 !
  17. or someone uses his initials. Like as in _ _ Gun. Glad someone else noticed
  18. I like your perspective on Coach
  19. Thanks for the OP JustWinPlease. appreciated !!
  20. well done !
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