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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. and like seriously, he is looking for a team. Jets perhaps might make proper use Hmmm? I would thoroughly enjoy this. I mean it. But Rex would still have to be Coach. My vote is for Mike T and KW to spell. He and Dimarco are just going to pound LBrs and box safeties till they cry
  2. Greetings and Salutations ! Welcome to Earth. Have we met somewhere ? Optimistic are we now ?
  3. Some like to pull the season worn bandaid off very slowly to try avoid the pain. Others get it over with as quickly as possible. The pain is inevitable regardless of the method. 0- 23
  4. No argument from me. Seems reasonable thinking Yolo. alos to note, some of these guys were lateral moves. so permission was given by other teams. I think this is a big deal honestly. We should revisit that point some day.
  5. I was wondering about that matter. He may have been a name in lights for minute. Bills could have wanted Beane all along too
  6. yep, i saw that . No matter what you do, you gotta have hope. Probably get you on a party line though. just have to wait your turn to hear We won it all!
  7. We're ALL HunGry !! LEts Eat !! Go Bills without question. Some would suggest... rightly so...
  8. I have to agree. One thing i have come to realize after all. Parity is pretty real. Because of all the unknowns. And there are plenty to consider, some you have already mentioned. Schedule is what it is. like mentioned before, you play the game in front of you. and that's how you define a football team. imho Ah, fair to mist the overheated little bastards. Thanks for the clarification. I had a chiwawaa when i was about 5. Threw up alot. true story
  9. I think they go to church alot. Much different than going to a Sabres game i suppose. Do these folks even drive trucks? But lets look forward to how the Team responds to the new Kids in Town running the Show. That is my key for the season and the future. Opening Day is when i will form a strong and possibly biased opinion. Till then it's pomp and circumstance
  10. you guys are on the same page Perhaps you mistook our Friend here OLDMANANDTHESEA ? His humor might have meant?.. Bills have been taking for 17 years. And not intentionally. I thought is it wise funny. sad but funny. Maybe you will reconsider he attempted to insult you ? saw you watched the last two years like i did. Players can give in. Just frustrate them with dysfunction. Ask Zach Brown
  11. This is a straightforward perspective. and I agree. Your point about the offense is fair, but i do believe Maclin would have been fine fit for Tyrod. Kyle coming back. Thats weighted very heavy in my factoring for what this season will look like. And i would be very surprised if he was mislead. He also still has the ability to mentor while supporting it with his playing et al. Washington Lawson and Dareus can still learn a ton from him. Very wise to bring him back imo
  12. On the other side of that, its not often you get to pick and choose so carefully while moving "up" That's one of the reasons i can be a little excited about the Bills Future. This appears to be a cohesive group banding together driven by a coherent and self aware, up and coming Coach Sean. It amazes me how this came together so quickly. Pegulas might be on to something here. And Maybe these Young Guns are motivated and focused enough to create a long term viable program in Buffalo. I would have taken the risk. and I would already feel rewarded how this staff seems to operate
  13. I of course meant me. I need-ed counseling. Been doing some yoga and deep breathing exercises. And my Dr gave me two overstuffed punching balloons.Actually a prescription for those balloons. Some times i knock all the hot air out them while repeating " and this just in "
  14. I have long since forgiven him for Ryans. took some professional counseling though
  15. yes i did take serious note as to the experience factor with the staff. The Coaching isn't half bad either. These are not castoffs. They are hungry and or a great fit for the program, or both. This Pot of Stew smells appetizing so far
  16. agreed. I am looking forward to looking back on these moves , at the end of the season
  17. Thanks for bringing them up btw. They are quite awesome when set by themselves !! This really is a point to keep in mind. Pegulas want what we want
  18. I admire your attitude ! I get the feeling this line is going to tear it up. And the secondary is going to reap the rewards. More concerned about depth. Let see how Sean deals with adversity when injuries come knockin' But to your point. on paper this line looks fearsome
  19. too soon. Feel good story waiting in the wings though.
  20. Good stories all around !! Ps thank you for being a BIg Brother. Always brings a smile to hear a good story like this. And the Tyrod feature is icing.
  21. I think Shaq is more power than speed. he just need to get off the ball quicker. He should learn from Jerry how to stunt shed to get in the QB's face. I think he can drive tackles backfield. But i just don't see him turning the edge and getting back into the pocket from the outside. But.. I never watched him in College till highlights came up. And i did watch for him last year. He improved his awareness over time. Looked like he was still unsure his responsibilities at times. Again the Rex and Rob factor skew the perception of what these young players are able to do. I look at A. Washington the same way
  22. I worry about your gut. Consider probiotics my Friend ; ) But i do like your attitude quite well. This isn't Ralphs organization any more ( no offense of course Mr Wilson ^ ) But this one feels very different, The whole sweeping change is dramatic and hard to fathom at this point. But Go Bills !! I did not watch that. Now I will. TY and I like the sound of that already expound please
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