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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. except Duke Caught the ball. very very well. Benjamin ? Yikes. nothing compares to that pos Tasker said he squeezed it. he has value. signed a Duke Williams fan
  2. not that Kroft is injury prone or anything
  3. was thinking the same. gutter language lol
  4. do we scatter the ashes ?
  5. There is so much more to what a center might be asked to do than folks realize. some centers can make all the line calls because of how well they read defensive alignments. they are few perhaps. Groy could block but not make the right calls. Bodine could not pass block without help. Wood was getting moved around quite a bit after his leg injury and maybe before. But he was smart as heck and could make the calls Morse is likely even better. let us pray
  6. He might be depth. there is no possible way he can become much more than he already is. a center who needs help from his guards in PP.
  7. I wonder how russell feels about waterboarding ? and then being left out back by the dumpster. jk he might be a better fit for for them lol Beane is impressive . of that ? Have no doubt and why Bills have 3 who rotated in. Centers are the heart and soul, and make the Offense go clickety clack down the track They probably should be GRRR !
  8. So say you : ) I am referencing your avatar.
  9. you radical centrist yep. gives the kid a chance to start all good stuff really
  10. youll go blind doing that
  11. No kidding. good call Coach !! I forget i was pissd about that BS GRRRR so we could worry some more
  12. Now that is a quality relationship right there ! ( the wife i meant )
  13. I agree. Duke turned his head around in the CFL. McBeanes is giving him that chance he desires. no doubt he will be giving 110% is that enough ? i i can only hope so. love guys who buy in and dig in their heels playing for Buffalo.
  14. one word Clowney lol jk
  15. I think he has issues upstairs still.
  16. Duke Williams needs Coaching. NFL is a different game. Can Bills get him up to a higher level than he has previously performed ? His first stint was surely not enough. Maybe the Man has turned himself around. I for one hope he becomes and asset and Bills/Josh can make good use of him. i might suggest he could be a very dependable go to in situational football.
  17. when some asks for help how do we respond. i do not social media. but perhaps some one could dig bit deeper. maybe a rant maybe a cry. either should have a closer look by those more able than I
  18. I know. It's great isn't it ! it's okay he was mentoring.
  19. no wonder Lawson has been slow to develop HAHA
  20. no , you fool ! we Throw Short over the middle to Mr Cole etc pass to Mr Brown and Foster deep oh and then, we run up the middle the rest of the day till Jets have nose bleeds godbless Mr Gore/Devin NEVAH ! that nut bag Gregg is gonna bring it, you can count on that. he might even have a bounty on Allen. Bills need to be ready for a brawl
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