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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. stfu : D yep ! agreed. I am pretty sure Diggs and Daboll and Allen had some talks before the deal. Why Diggs said he was excited to come to Buffalo
  2. so you are not enamored with Edward ? Meathead , and Big Dummy , ! LUCY ! come to mind for generational commentary on your opinion of Young Mr Oliver , I presume ?
  3. I do not think a player like Milano will be dumped because of money vs Cap Dawkins? that is bit more money at a much higher level of importance. But i think Beane brings in the competition before he he moves on from any player worth a hoot. Milano fits the bill of being a very serviceable player or better. Dak. do not care what Cowboys do here. Joneses can be foolish at times. Hope they are foolish again
  4. and if i understood the FO back in the day they were reluctant to spend money. period. If they had found . pursued, and likely overpaid for a actual D coordinator during Chan's regime we might have had something to reckon with. But honestly ? Ralph , and or his Boys were cheap. painfully so Dave Wannstache really ? I mean REALLY fit em up boys and win yur matchup
  5. Nice analogy PT ! it is not a now or never choice btw. ! Let's enjoy the ride up the roller coaster for once : D
  6. Playoff Caliber ! My opinion is different than most i bet . I want to be in the playoffs for the next 5 years. Bills did it before. Made it to the Big Game 4 times This time will be the charm though. : ) Gotta be in It to Win It Lets Go Buffalo ! I feel it is that simple. if the pass game raises it's level two notches ( i believe it will btw) The whole team is raised a bar. and good things start happening all over the field
  7. Not sure whether this was click bait. i will wait and see. I like Oliver. and want him to do well in Life and as a Buffalo Bill ! If you go back a couple decades > it was not considered wrong. Beer was just above soda pop and way below hard liquor. Some folks did not even consider beer "drinking to get drunk" Times have changed. and a Bud Light geesh lol
  8. perhaps you should stop doing them. Try starting the process at the Club perhaps? Once you are both in the bed and you start asking or answering questions about your virginity and sexual preferences ? I can see how that would make anyone uncomfortable. Brandon Breane has been a boon for Buffalo Bills. Love this Kid fo realz
  9. adderall is like speed. clears the head in most cases. Tunes up the senses and reaction time for game day I cannot see why he would be taking that to ride his 4 wheeler . Unless he has a diagnosed disorder. Glad to hear about the low alcohol % if true.
  10. Agreed. My error.
  11. you never did really stupid stuff that you learned from ?
  12. agreed. good to get a re set sometimes. This might be a fairly innocent situation ?? But one that sets him back on track. to be his best in football and Life
  13. Because he was impaired ? and seemed off when checking him over ? just a thought. Cops know what will get dropped or reduced in court.
  14. seriously. you are accept that behaviour as the norm ? not sure what world You live in ....
  15. Everyone can turn the corner and make the best of their Lives. Sooner is better than later.
  16. Even though it is a courtesy. Drives me nuts folks who have no idea how to use them. and yes i am quite serious. back to the judgmentalists LOL
  17. perhaps just not get medicated when you know you have to drive ? Ever ? I have been able to accomplish it. Very boring life i have though self discipline is what Makes great football players . McD will be on his azz over this.
  18. The Fans in the Stadium will do what Fans do. some how some way Have fun and cheer. B word and throw batteries or dildoes. we always make do with what is given , then take a bit more to make it fun. I am wait and see to be honest. and to be real Money finds a way to make more money. NFL will come up with something to entertain Fans
  19. Geez, Boilermakers sound like my Dads generation ! How about some Depth Charges : ) we do what we can. Go Bills !
  20. nice insight. very witty and upbeat. Super positive dude. He is likely contagious. Has yet to play and I really like this Man. and we already know he can play football ! Watching D line is my favorite part of the game. And holy heck this Defense is going to wrecksht
  21. Beer kills covid 19 Fact I am living proof. silliest idea ever to ban alcohol.
  22. I was able to watch him closely as well. Seemed like he was trying to turn upfield or at times looking for the defender when the ball arrived. Correctable. he made some amazing catches as well. which made me look closer at his play whe Josh was throwing to him. I love the Kid. he is bound to be a play maker like Allen is. just needs to work on a few things/ Like where the yard marker is and when to stay inbounds or go out to stop the clock. !
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