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  1. Step off the ledge there buddy. Nobody's happy with what happened today, but you know what? It happens with teams who are still struggling to establish themselves. They're still fragile mentally and it's not surprising that they got blown out after a good stretch of games. What matters is what happens next week, what they take away from the game and how they respond to it. The overall talent level needs to improve, obviously, but there are players who have earned their place. Taking a shot at the coaching is probably unfair as well. Chan has done really well with the offense and the team attitude. Give him some credit. His coaching has been far better than "shoddy".
  2. I think the term you're looking for is "addition by subtraction". Also known as the Ewing effect, or the Bledsoe effect. This season has been all about culture. If Mckelvin doesn't fit, rip the bandaid off and get it over with.
  3. He shouldn't return any more kicks. He's way too careless with the ball to be back there and has cost the team too many games. I'd argue that he should probably be cut, in the spirit of the guys that went earlier this year. If you want to change the culture, cutting a guy who keeps creating huge negative plays and makes a big show after every assisted tackle would be a nice step.
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