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Posts posted by richNjoisy

  1. I'd like to play poker with Dolphins management. They are bluffing. Badly. No one keeps two TE's at $7+ million.


    So, either Clay is dumb and signs a long term deal with Miami for WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY less money (guaranteed money is all that matters)


    Clay signs his tag deal and then the Dolphins convince another team to trade them something (pick or player) to get Clay - a player they can negotiate with anytime they want

    and give the Fish nothing in return (ok Maybe the eagles are this stupid)


    We can believe the Fish will match any deal Clay makes with another team which will undoubtedly be $7 mil per year with guaranteed money


    Miami actually plans to sign Clay to a multi year deal worth $7 million which is substantially better (or close enough as good) to the Deal the Bills were discussing with Clay the past two days.


    Sure, I'll fold, Miami. I am soooooooooo scared of your bluff.

  2. Contract by yearly salary cap hits

    Hughes is still only 26 years old (turning 27 before the season), so there is a solid chance that he will play out the life of this well-done and reasonable contract. Here are Hughes' yearly cap hits (along with Mario Williams and Kyle Williams) to demonstrate how the Bills may have been thinking bigger picture on this deal.

    2015: $6.175 million ($19.4 million for Mario, $6.4 million for Kyle). This includes $1.4 million in prorated bonus.

    2016: $7.575 million ($19.9 million for Mario, $7 million for Kyle). This includes $1.4 million in prorated bonus and $1.5 million in prorated option bonus.

    2017: $10.45 million ($16.5 million for Mario). This includes a $2 million roster bonus, and the aforementioned $2.9 million in prorated bonuses.

    2018: $10.4 million. This includes a $1 million roster bonus, and the aforementioned $2.9 million in prorated bonuses.

    2019: $10.4 million. This breakdown is exactly the same as the 2018 league year.

    You'll note that Hughes' cap hits really rise precipitously after both Kyle Williams and Mario Williams' current deals expire.

  3. does anyone know the "rules" for player signing of autographs? Could Daryl, for example, come to Hammer's Lot on an announced

    day (say, the Green Bay game on December 14th). Daryl sets up a tent and everyone who wants to brings a football and a $100.

    To shake his hand and get a signed ball (I paid for the ball so no cost to Daryl). Is this legal? Can the NFL object? The IRS?

    I know Hammer - I am pretty sure he'd go for this. But, is it feasible/reasonable?


    I'd probably bring 4-5 footballs


    My wife (revnjoisy) suggests we start a straw poll here at TBD to see who would be interested in a "Daryl signs a ball day at hammer's"


    I have never started one of those polls/question thingies. Is it easy?


    UPDATE: I have contacted Hammer and he has said, "OK" to hosting. I am now trying to find a way to contact Daryl or his wife. If ANYONE has

    such a connection please pm me or use your contacts to reach the Talley's.


    Repeating: Proposed date - December 14th...Place: Hammer's Lot

  4. If you want to do something, give some $ to the fund that ChevyVanMiller set up. There are lots of other ways to do it but the fact is that here is an opportunity to do SOMETHING rather than sit back and wait until something "official" comes along which may or may not ever happen.


    And let's leave the Kellys alone, haven't they endured enough and given enough back to the team and community?


    Hats off to ChevyVanMiller for this initiative. I decided to put my money where my mouth is (for a change) and I hope all of you will do the same.


    I will if that is the best way to help. Thanks.

  5. Please dont be disappointed...the league is in the middle of a massive lawsuit, and prolly still open to huge liabilities.


    I dunno, but i think them helping out Talley prolly sets a precedent they do not want to set...


    I can see a foundation they run or something like that helping out, but i just cannot see the Pegulas personally, or acting on behalf of the Bills doing anything publicly here.


    sigh. You may be right but sometimes people surprise you. And the Pegulas are the new kids in town. Maybe, just maybe, they will will be different (and care more about people than money...I know I know....stop laughing) sigh.

  6. I appreciate the efforts of those starting up fund(s) already but I THINK more can be done if this is set up more "officially". Having

    said that, I am not sure how that is actually done. For me, for example, I would love it if Jill Kelly ran the fund calling it, say, the "Jim Kelly Tough for Daryl" fund.


    I'd also like to not allow a comment section at the fund site. Already, "people with opinions" (and I believe in freedom of speech) are posting them and given Daryl's current mental state, I REALLY don't think it will help him to read the opinions blaming him for his illness. I strongly disagree with those blaming Daryl but I will not get into a "sh$t" fight with them. It does not help and won't change their views anyway.


    So, I am all game for donations but does anyone here have connections to see if Jimbo, his wife, Thurmon, and others can get involved to run the donations? I trust them completely.



    Central New Jersey Bills Backers


    PS: I will be surprised if the Pegulas do not come forward. And disappointed.

  7. I believe we need a "call out" to implore Tony Bogyo of billsdaily.com to PLEASE pick AGAINST the Bills.


    His record this season is 2-9 (not just against the spread but in the ACTUAL outcome of the games).


    This is remarkably skillful (negative skill is skill, folks). He even picked the Jets TWICE. Whattaguy!


    So, please, Tony, pick the Browns this week.


    pretty please?

  8. I don't get it. Have any of you watched the Dolphins games this year? Tannehill is hitting his receivers time and time again and I'd be shocked if Miami is not leading the NFL in dropped passes. There were several in the Bills game (one was when the Bills were up by 10 and he hit his receiver in both hands on a bomb inside the 10). The same thing happened last week VS the Chiefs. Tons of dropped passes. What, is he supposed to catch for the Fish too?


    I can count the number of Bills dropped passes this year on one hand.


    Incompletions on the Bills = bad throw by EJ (mostly)

    Incompletions on the Fish = dropped passes by the receivers (mostly)


    So, I am thrilled they are thinking of benching him.



  9. Was watching Jim speaking at the Ralph Wilson memorial event from Friday and was thinking he looked and sounded lot stronger than he did even at the HOfF ceremony just a month ago....damn!


    on my to the game but stopping to pass along this from my hospital chaplain wife (revnjoisy):


    often the cancer is shrunk by radiation/chemo to the point where minor surgery can now be used to "clean things up". I would think this means

    they see something a little suspicious so they are going in to safely remove it.


    -RichNJoisy (now on to the Tailgate!)

  10. At this point I'm more worried about Gilmore's cover skills than McKelvin's. Not because he has been bad, but rather because his game might not work with the updated rules and was burned a few times in the preseason. We'll see...


    No matter what, Graham is a nice problem to have, he's already proven his worth. Keep him on the field, as a CB, S, whatever.


    I'd like to see how he does when the games count. I thought he was, actually, VERY unaggressive in the preseason. I thought it could be his decision to come out of the preseason uninjured so he did not do his standard bump at the line. THAT is still legal within 5 yards of the LOS. Now, if he gets burned on Sunday or gets called for a lot of illegal contacts, that would prove my premise wrong. Until then, however, I basically disregarded his play in the preseason as simply him going through the motions but not playing his game.

  11. " Kelly may be pursuing his own personal interests recently and that can look unseemly, but I don't think Kelly would knowingly do anything to undermine the future of the Bills in Buffalo in the process of pursuing his self-interest. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that. "


    Exactly how I choose to see this as well. Especially today. Thanks

  12. There really is no "bad guy" here in my opinion. I am only speculating but it makes sense to me that Kelly would have no complaint of

    going in with Pegula if Pegula NEEDED Jim's money and thus would offer Jim something he wants in return. Pegula doesn't need Jim's money...right? So , then, what would Pegula "give" to Jimbo to make Jimbo want to give Pegula his money?


    I think there really is no match here unless Pegula wants to give up something.


    Now, having said that, I would PREFER they matched up but I am not privy to exactly what Jim wants. He wants a guarantee the Bills stay in Buffalo but I don't believe that is all he would ask for. He probably wants some say in the management and now I can see why Pegs would balk at that.


    What makes sense to me is a Kelly backing with no money in the deal. Then, after the purchase, Jim is hired by Pegula in some PR fashion.


    The Bon Jovi stuff is just a very brief check of the waters I would think. Jim probably wanted to hear what his endorsement would get him in guarantees and power. Neither probably was acceptable so he walked (ran) from Bon Jovi.


    Anyway - Gob Bless Jim today as he awaits the news on the effectiveness of his cancer treatments.


    Go Bills!

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